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Posted by: fuchsiashock
File size: 6.06 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 559
Mod changelog:


Complete rebuild after system crash. Made a lot of changes as I rebuilt it. I figured half the fun of minecraft is the endless exploring and having different dimensions actually lessened that experience so now there is just the standard overworld, nether and end. I recommend starting a new world with LARGE BIOMES.




This is still a vanilla ENHANCEMENT. It's aim is to still play Minecraft as it was intended but with mods to just allow you to feel it's set in star wars.

So much work done. Spawn rates are a nightmare and so difficult to manage.

Natural spawns when you remove default mobs just don't work so I've had to find a workaround to force mobs to spawn. Hopefully the experience is seamless and enjoyable.

Please let me know any problems.

I've currently removed all structures as they just didn't seem to be natural and flow with gameplay. Also the structure spawns are difficult to get right and look natural over varied terrain. I have ideas to make most structures floating as it fits with star wars but they need to always feel random so you can see why there aren't many structures in vanilla!

I've moved most hostile mobs to be night spawning as per vanilla. All vanilla hostile mobs are still removed (despawned when they spawn). This is what messes with the spawn rates so I've improvised.

Tatooine is a difficult starting location but it's fun.

Dagobah for reference is set to always be night for ambience so this messes with clocks.

Added Frozen Steve Carbonite decorative blocks which add the hunters XP boost :)

Shield generator blocks to add/remove an energy dome around you.

Trapdoors, Stairs, etc


12/03/20 New player spawn bug fixes.

11/03/20 Fixed wampa spawns, added shield generator (with recipe)

10/03/20 Tauntauns, wampa and sounds for vortices

08/03/20 So many updates to get this into a playable state. More mobs, spawn rates, textures and items, logic fixes etc.

29/02/20 Added custom ewok, jawa and battledroid models with new textures. New blocks added and some vanilla blocks updated to new textures - doors, iron etc.

25/02/20 Added new (custom) Viper Probe Droid and Gonk Droid entity models.

22/02/20 Added more structures and tweaked others. Edited tatooine world. Some name changes, behaviour changes.

21/02/20 Fixed some bugs. Added new structures and R2D2 block with recipe (decoration).

19/02/20 Fixed respawn bug (set player spawn location on startup).

 - added recipe for Flight Computer (in case you lose it) but game only supports the active use of one.

19/02/20 Fixed transportation bugs and streamlined code.

19/02/20 Added "Data Tome" for new players or use "give imagine_sw:datatome" which contains the full readme and recipes needed.

19/02/20 Awaiting for permissions to use the textures from various sources. All have been contacted and I’ve had no response yet.

To do: More structures, lootable debris, add navigation data for Mustafar (nether based).

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