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Posted by: Max094_Reikeb
File description: Bugs and textures fixes
File size: 677.65 KB
Total download count (all mod files): 955
Mod changelog:
Version a0.1 :
- Added Barrel
- Added Crimson Nylium
- Added Crimson Stems
- Added Crimson Planks
- Added Crimson Roots
- Added Crimson Fungus
- Added Weeping Vines
- Added Shroomlight
- Added Warped Nylium
- Added Warped Stems
- Added Warped Planks
- Added Warped Roots
- Added Warped Fungus
- Added Warped Warp Block
- Added Ancient Debris
- Added Netherite Block
- Added Smelter
- Added Renforced Iron Ingot
- Added Scrap Mold
- Added Ingot Mold
- Added Netherite scrap
- Added Netherite ingot
- Added Netherite Sword
- Added Netherite Pickaxe
- Added Netherite Axe
- Added Netherite Shovel
- Added Netherite Hoe
- Added Rotate Hammer
- Added Blaze rod Bow
- Added Throwing Axe
- Added Haste Potion
- Added Stormtrooper Armor
- Added Netherite Armor
- Added Crimson Forest biome
- Added Warped Forest biome
Version a0.2 :
- Removed Throwing Axe
- Added Haste Potion craft
- Modified Smelter functioning
- Modified Ingot Mold texture
- Modified Scrap Mold texture
- Bugfix [NM01] When throwing axe is recovered by player, it changes into an arrow.
Version a0.3 :
- Added Crimson and Warped fences.
- Added Crimson and Warped stairs.
- Added Crying Obsidian.
- Added Nether Gold Ore.
- Added Twisting Vines.
- Corrected Barrel texture.
- Modified Ancient Debris spawn frequency.
- Modified language and blocks name (such as Netherite Block becoming Block of Netherite) to make it as close as 1.16 updates.
- Modified loot tables to make molds correctly appear.
- Modified Smelter's model and texture. (brand new ones created by myself)
- Bugfix [NM04] Problem with the Rotate Hammer.
Version r1.0 :
- Added Crimson and Warped slabs.
- Added Crimson and Warped trapdoors.
- Added Ingot and Scrap molds recipes.
- Added Wither Potion.
- Added 2 mobs : the Cluckshroom and the Furnace Golem.
- Completely redefined the Crimson and Warped Forest biomes. (to make trees more custom and as close to 1.16 snapshots)
- Completely redesigned the code, implied a redefinition of IDs. (moving to MCreator 2020.2)
- Completely redesigned the GUIs. (Smelter and Barrel)
- Completely redesigned the textures. (16x16 original Minecraft)
- Created a ressource pack because textures like Crimson and Warped Nylium connect to vanilla textures like Netherrack, which are different in 1.16.
- Modified Nether Gold Ore mining event and texture. (to make it as close to new 1.16 snapshots updates)
- Modified the main texture of my mod. (the banner from MCreator)
- Modified the functionment of the Rotate Hammer.
- Modified the functionment of the Blaze Rod Bow.
- Bugfix [NM02] Ancient Debris may not generate correctly in the Nether.
- Bugfix [NM05] Twisting Vines can't be placed on Warped Nylium.
- Bugfix [NM06] Netherite tools don't have the right harvest level.
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