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Posted by: Mounterisa Studios
File description: Playable on 1.16.4!
File size: 15.4 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 850
Mod changelog:

Release 1.0.0:

  • Moon Debris: Find it in the over world to get to the moon.

  • Polished Moon Debris: Used to make the moon portal. Is crafted with 2 moon debris.

  • Is This From Here Achievement: This achievement is obtained when the player finds moon debris.

  • Moonslab: Crafted from 3 pieces of polished moon debris. For building purposes only.

  • Moon Soil: The dirt on the moon.

  • Moon biomes: Moon Flatlands and Moon Lowlands.

  • The no oxygen effect: It kills you unless you have an oxygen bag.

  • Moon Dimension: The dimension of the moon.

  • Oxygen Bag: Protects you from taking no-oxygen damage.

  • First Man Achievement: This achievement it obtained from walking on the moon.

  • Moonestone: The stone of the moon. (Can be crafted into stone)

  • Moon Plant: For now, this is a useless plant that grows on the moon.

  • Small moon craters: These are common around the moon, and sometimes contain ores from the over world.

  • Moon Gravity Effect: This effect simulates the low gravity on the moon.

  • Massive Moon Crater Achievement: This achievement is obtained when you find a massive crater (Moon Lowlands Biome)

  • More Moonestone Blocks: Moonstone slabs, walls and stairs.

  • More Moon Blocks: Moonslabs, Moonwalls and Moonstairs.

  • Moon Temple Light: These temples are found in the over world and contain chests with blocks from the moon.

  • Moon Temple Dark: These temples are found in the over world and contain chests with blocks from the moon.

    Release 1.1.0

  • Changed most textures related with the moon.

  • Moon Food: If you eat it, you get moon gravity for about 30 seconds.

  • Moon Shards Ore: If you mine it, you get moon shards.

  • Moon Crystals: You can craft these with Moon Shards.

  • Moon Tools: These are crafted with moon crystals, they are about as good as diamond tools.

  • Moon Armor: These are crafted with moon crystals, they are about as good as diamond armor.

  • Moon Block: This block can be used for beacons, and also found in certain places.

  • Underground Moon Bases: You can find these underground, and they have moon blocks in them.

  • Abandoned Moon Bases: You can find two chests in these, and they have good loot, but watch out for the zombie villagers!


       Release 1.2.0


  • Rust Ore: Find this ore in the overworld caves, it can be smelted into rust, and even iron!

  • Rust Block: This block can be found on mars, but is also craftable with rust.

  • Rust: Rust can be smelted into iron, and can be crafted into many things!

  • Martian Debris: Craft this block using rust, for it does not generate as an ore.

  • Polished Martian Debris: This is the block used for the martian portal. Craft it with 2 Martian Debris!

  • Martian Facilities: These small research centers have whiches in them! They provide martian debris. They come in 3 stages, and some have better loot than others.

  • Martian Soil: This block can be found all over Mars!

  • Mars Dimension: This dimension is, well, Mars!

  • Mardia: This block is found all over Mars, its good for building too!

  • Biladin: This block is practically useless, and is only found underground or in martian wasteland biomes.

  • Sandilin: This block is practically useless, and is only found underground or in martian wasteland biomes.

  • Mardia Blocks: Mardia can be used to make stairs, walls and slabs!

  • Martian Research Site: Find these on mars. They have a lot of wiches!

  • Rustilin: This spider-like creature is found on mars. Watch out! It's hostile!

  • Scavanger: Find this zombie-like creature on the moon.

  • Castaway: This neutral mob can be bargained with with rust. Get all sorts of stuff!

  • Martian Mines: Find this structure in a martian wastelands biome and get hold of lots of blocks!

  • Martian Light Block: Find this block only in castaway villages. Destroyed by pistons only.

  • Martian Villages: These broken-down villages are home to many castaways and good loot!

  • Martian Ruble: This block is useless, even though it is found all around mars.

  • Martian Ice Village: Find 2 villagers and an iron golom in them.

  • Martian Heart: This block is crafted with 1 martian light block and 8 rust blocks. Right click the block (when placed) to spawn a martian heart.

  • Martian Heart: This martian boss is hard to defeat. When defeated, it drops a martian artifact!

  • Martian Artifact: This item is useless, but very rare. Dropped only by a martian heart.

  • Martian Mainlands: The mainlands of mars.

  • Martian Lowlands: The lowlands of mars.

  • Martian Highlands: The mountains of mars.

  • Martian Wastelands: Lots of useless blocks spawn here.

  • Martian Arctic: The arctic of mars. Find ice there.


       Release 1.2.1


       Now compatible with 1.16.4.



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