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Posted by: WJB's Mods
File description: Steampunk Mod 1.1: Tower Defense
File size: 746.48 KB
Total download count (all mod files): 1283
Mod changelog:

Beta Build

  • 9 new blocks: Boiler, Gilded Planks (for each wood), Eldritch Ground and Eldritch Crystal.
  • 5 new mobs: Automaton (Giant), Automaton (Storage), Illager Machine, Nightmare and Mind Flayer.
  • 16 new armours: Goggles (plain, as well as 15 dyed versions) and Diving Suit.
  • 4 new TOP SECRET advancements.
  • 1 new plant: Eldritch Plant.
  • 1 new dimension: Eldritch Dimension.


  • 2 new structures: Eldritch Crystal and Underground Lab
  • 11 new blocks: Lead Ore, Block of Lead, Brass Ore, Block of Brass, Crucible, Glowing Crucible, Eldritch Slime Block, Lead Bars, Lead Door, Lead Trapdoor, Brass Door, Brass Trapdoor, Stone Door and Slime Drainer
  • 1 new mob: Living Island
  • 1 new liquid: Eldritch Slime
  • 6 new items: Eldritch Gem, Lead Ingot, Brass Ingot, Harpoon, Eldritch Fish, Eldritch Slimeball, Mysterious Note and Lead Apple
  • 8 new advancements: "That's Not Smoke..." for placing a boiler, "... It's Steam!" for activating one, "I Stab At Thee!" for crafting a Harpoon Gun, "En Guarde!" and "Excessive Force" for crafting the new swords, "Taking The Lead" and "Getting Down To Brass Tacks" for smelting the new ores and "The Specimen" for obtaining a Crucible.
    • 5 hidden advancements
  • 4 new weapons: Harpoon Gun, Brass/Lead Swords/Axes
  • 8 new recipes: Dimension Crosser, Lead Ingot, Block of Lead, Brass Ingot, Block of Brass, Harpoon Gun, Harpoon and Boiler
  • 1 new boss: The Monstrosity
  • Completely re-made the Eldritch Dimension Portal Igniter
    • Renamed it to Dimension Crosser
    • Created a new animated texture
    • Eldritch Dimension advancement uses the Dimension Crosser as its icon instead of Eldritch Ground
    • Updated the textures of all 15 Goggle varieties to be more consistent.
  • Updated the Diving Suit texture to look slightly more like the real-life Standard Diving Dress, while also changing the recipe to make it fit the new design
    • Each part of the Diving Suit now applies a different effect, with the Helmet applying 1 Water Breathing, the Suit applying 2 Haste, the Leggings applying 2 Health Boost and the Boots applying -2 Jump Boost, all pieces also apply slowness II
  • Changed the border block for Eldritch portals from Soul Sand to Quartz
  • Mind Flayers no-longer have health bars
  • Nightmares no longer apply potion effects
    • This role is now taken by the Eldritch Fish item, which applies different effects, three of which are positive and three of which are negative
  • Fixed some bugs
    • Fixed the Diving Helmet crashing the game, allowing the "Mr. Bubbles?" advancement to be obtained.
    • Fixed Boilers pointing the wrong way when activated while simultaneously making the procedure slightly less complex


  • 4 new mobs: Octopus, Glowing Octopus, Turret Automaton and Corrupted Turret Automaton.
  • 5 new items: Glow Sac, Collapsed Turret, Collapsed Corrupted Turret, Tea and Teacup.
  • 3 new blocks: Iron, Brass and Lead Gears.
  • Added a somewhat-interesting way of spawning Automatons.
  • Eldritch Stone Columns no longer emit particles, since it didn't look very good.
  • Removed Slime Drainers and Lead Bars because they were causing compilation errors, and because of the former's redundancy due to Crafting Tables already being able to turn slime blocks into slimeballs.
  • Removed the Harpoon Launcher due to it not fitting with the mod's aesthetic, as well as the projectile being improperly orientated.
  • Re-balanced Illager Machines.
    • Reduced attack damage to 4.
    • Reduced health to 25.
    • Changed the hitbox so they have a shorter range.
  • Renamed Harpoon to Spear, changed the model and decreased its damage output from 8 to 6.5 in order to better balance it.
  • Fixed several issues.
    • Illager Machines now drop experience.
    • Made it so that Illager Machines don't spawn in Ocean, Mushroom and River biomes.
    • Gave the Diving Suit Body hand textures.
  • Re-named the Automata.
  • Removed some unused textures and models.
  • Added full-stops to the changelog.


  • 23 new blocks: Black Sand, Black Sandstone (as well as Carved, Cut, Smooth, Slab, Cut Slab, Smooth Slab, Stairs, Smooth Stairs and Wall variants), Burnt Wood (Logs, Planks, Slabs, Stairs, Fences, Doors, Trapdoors and Fence Gates), Unstable Boiler, Leaded Glass, Leaded Glass Pane and Gilded Burnt Planks.
  • 8 new mobs: Smoke Elemental, Incinerated Zombie, Companion Automaton, Smoke Spider and raiders (Scout, Ranger, Warrior and Boss).
  • 1 new biome: Scorched Desert.
  • 2 new structures: Burnt House 1 and Burnt House 2.
  • 1 new boss: Walking Wasteland.
  • 1 new armour: Lead
  • Changed the stack size for Mysterious Notes from 64 to 1.
  • Updated the texture for Lead Swords so they now face the right way when held.
  • Gilded planks can now be crafted because I completely forgot to add a recipe.
  • Fixed some issues.
    • Drinking a cup of tea now re-adds the cup to your inventory.
    • Fixed both types of Collapsed Turrets not being added to the player's inventory.
  • Removed some unused textures and models.


  • Leaded Glass is (hopefully) now translucent.
  • Removed an unnecessary procedure related to a scrapped mechanic.
  • Lead Armour now applies Slowness.
  • Leaded Glass now makes glass sounds when broken.
  • Put various mis-placed elements in the right places.
  • Added a new Tab for the bosses.
    • Gave the Raider Leader a health bar.
  • Added a new set of advancements for the bosses;
    • Renamed the "Wait What" advancement to "Oh The Monstrosity!" and actually made it obtainable by defeating the Monstrosity.
    • Added the "Ecological Cleanup" advancement for defeating the Walking Wasteland.
    • Added the "There Goes Your Reputation" advancement for defeating the Raider Leader.
  • Fixed some other stuff that I can't remember because my laptop crashed and I forgot to save this list.


  •  new blocks: Skywood (Logs, Planks, Slabs, Stairs, Fences, Doors, Trapdoors, Fence Gates, Gilded Planks and Leaves), Cavorite Ore, Block of Cavorite and Skystone (Bricks and Doors), Stormcloud Leaves and Thundercloud Leaves.
  • 2 new entities: Flying Turret and Sky Octopus.
    • 1 new boss: Clockwork Sky Elemental
  • 3 new items: Cavorite Crystals, Sky Key and Coffee.
  • 1 new fluid: Liquid Cavorite
  • 1 new dimension: The Sky-World
    • 3 new biomes: Clear Skies, Stormcloud and Sky Mountains.
    • 2 new structures: Hot-Air Balloons and Sky Temples.
  • 1 new armour: Brass (which has a custom model!)
  • 1 new potion: Eldritch Potion
    • 1 new potion effect: Eldritch Vision
  • 1 new ranged weapon: Gear Cannon
  • 3 new melee weapons: Wasteland Greatsword, Wasteland Pipe and Eldritch Hammer.
  • Fixed certain recipes having the wrong output.
  • Turned Connected Sides off on Lead-Lined Glass and made the texture more translucent.
  • Added recipes for Brass and Lead blocks.
  • Fixed Raider Warriors not attacking Villagers and made Raider Leaders hostile to Villagers.
  • Changed some procedure blocks so that Diving Suit pieces don't emit particles from their effects.
  • Brass and Lead axes can now be used as, well, axes.
  • Figured out how to apply vision-obscuring images.
    • The entire point of the new Eldritch Vision effect is this.
  • Increased the Walking Wasteland's spawn chance from 1 to 3.
  • All the new bosses have custom weapons that they drop.
    • The Clockwork Sky Elemental drops the Gear Cannon.
    • The Raider Leader drops the Wasteland Greatsword.
    • The Walking Wasteland drops the Wasteland Pipe.
    • The Monstrosity drops the Eldritch Hammer.
      • Updated the icons for their respective advancements to reflect this.
  • Deleted an unused advancement.
  • Removed the Eldritch column because it caused compilation errors.
  • Renamed Carved Black Sandstone to the more consistent Chiselled Black Sandstone.


  • Fixed the damage values for Brass Armour being WAY too high.

1.4.0 (Rest Stop update)

  • Upgraded to Mcreator 2020.5
  • 2 new bosses: Clockwork Stone Elemental and Clockwork Underworld Elemental.
  • 2 new ranged weapons: Iron Gear Cannon and Lead Gear Cannon.
  • Renamed the Gear Cannon to Brass Gear Cannon.
  • Changed around some aspects of the biomes
    • Scorched Desert:
      • Removed Illager towers and added Desert villages.
    • Eldritch Dimension/Sky World biomes
      • Removed most non-custom structures.
  • Fixed the subfolder locations of various things.

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