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Download of terramod-mc1.15.2_beta-1.1.jar for Terramod: Better Flora Update Beta II should start shortly...

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Posted by: BloqueioBr
File size: 550.57 KB
Total download count (all mod files): 435
Mod changelog:


  • Biomes

Added rotten-themed biome, Rotten Forest beta-1.0

Added pink leaves biome, Sakura Forest  beta-1.0

Added new brownish leaves birch forest biome, Brown Birch Forest beta-1.1

Added new mountains biome, Colossal Mountains beta-1.1

Added new magic/witch-themed biome, Valley of the Witches (Not yet available in game, but it already exists.) beta-1.1

Added new reddish grass tundra/taiga biome, Red Taiga beta-1.1

  • Blocks & Items

Added 31 blocks: plants, slabs, doors, trapdoors, crystals, etc. remembering that among them we have blocks that even in the creative we cannot take, being necessary commands. beta-1.0

Added +13 new blocks beta-1.1

  • Structures

Added a cave-structure, Crystal Cave, containing its own decoration and crystals inside, we have a variation of this cave, Mossy Crystal Cave, which just by name you can have an idea of ​​what it looks like, it only appears in the Rotten Forest, and has more chance of generation than the common crystal caves, I also intend to add other variations. beta-1.0

  • Mobs

The mod does not yet feature this type of content.

  • Enchantments

The mod does not yet feature this type of content.

  • Tools & Armours

The mod does not yet feature this type of content.



  • Problems in the custom generation of Ice Crystal, the goal was to have the chance to emerge on top of icestone, a new type of stone that appears in icy biomes (for now only in the Ice Plains/Ice Spikes biomes) [Remains]

Report: There is no appearance of the crystal either in the air or in the icestone. [Remains]

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MCreator is a software used to make Minecraft mods (mod generator) without programming knowledge and is developed by Pylo. It's very simple to use, and its concept is easy to learn. With it, you can make your own mod in minutes! MCreator is a great tool to learn Minecraft computer programming and to learn basic concepts of software programming. Learn more about MCreator.

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