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Posted by: Jakob's Modding Studios
File description: bugfix of spawnerpickaxe
File size: 10.65 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 939
Mod changelog:
- 13th december 2020: uploaded powerstonetools version 1.0.0
22th february 2021: updated to powerstonetools version 1.0.1 new things in this update:
-Powerstonetoolsguide: This book item explains you everything in the mod.
-added the ghostarmor which allows you to get in gamemode spectator for a few seconds without cheats
-added the biome spikey cliffs
-added the living entites powerstoneman and powerstonegolem to spawn in spikey cliffs biome
-added mossy daststone, cracked daststone and dasstonespikes to generate in spikey cliffs
-added dasthouse structure to generate in spikey cliffs
-added the weather orb(This allows you to change the weather to rain, thunder or sunny)
-added brideeggs
-added tntgenerator
-added dragonsteel nuggets
-some of the dragonsteel tools can now be smelted to dragonsteel ingots
-added a non-gravity mode for advanced flying orb (you can activate this by pressing R)
- made the different kinds of wood in the mod usable as furnace fuel
27th march 2021 : updated to powerstonetools version 1.0.2
-fixed a bug with that gave the player a spawner whenever they was breaking a block with the spawner pickaxe, now the player
will only get spawner by breaking spawners (with the spawner pickaxe)
19th August 2021 : updated to powerstonetools version 1.0.3
-updated the mod's minecraft version to 1.16.5
-added dastportalframes(new block) which are now the new block to build a dast portal, as doing this with powerstoneblocks would allow the player to basically duplicate powerstone
-redesigned the dastman's trade gui and rebalanced some sell trades
-renamed dastmules to dastdonkeys
-added an inventory bag for dastdonkeys which the player can you use to transport and store items
-changed the hitboxes of the entities of powerstonetools to more realistic ones
-made different plant type blocks in the mod flammable so you can burn those blocks down with a flint and steel
-changed energysaplings and naturesaplings to grow slowwer
-fixed a bug that caused energysaplings and naturesaplings to generate trees with holes
-fixed a bug that caused bonemeal to be removed out of the players inventory when using bonemeal
on energysaplings and naturesaplings
-fixed a bug that allowed the player to break bedrock using energysaplings and naturesaplings
-fixed a bug that caused energysaplings and naturesaplings to only require 1 bonemeal to grow
-fixed a bug that caused the grass spread of nature- and charged dastdirt to not grow upwards but only sideways
27th November 2023 : updated to powerstonetools version 1.0.4
- combined the menu keybinds of switchtool, weather orb, jumporb, basic speedorb, advanced speedorb, day and nightchanger, and dimensionstick to one keybind instead of multiple ones, the menu will not close on key release anymore, as it crashed the game in the new version
20th January 2024: updated to powerstonetools version
-Bugfix: fixed the previously glitched block model of nature cane / created a new block model
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