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Posted by: masterkostas
File description: The older idea
File size: 4.81 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 777
Mod changelog:
Alpha A0.01
-Revamped casting
-Arcanist/Pyromancer/Electromancer/Cryomancer class spells
-Pyromancer/Electromancer/Cryomancer Talents/Passives
-Elemental Auras and Elemental Wall impelmented
- Seal System Added
Alpha A0.02
- 4 Transmutation spells added
Alpha A0.03
- Bugfix: State transmutation and Light/Heavy Transmutation now works
Alpha A0.04
- Hemomancy Spells
- Changed the seals into scrolls
- Marble Block
- Blood Altar (right click with a bottle of blood)
- Vampirism added but it's called Porpheria and makes you a hemomancer by force.
Alpha A0.05
-BUG FIX: Hemomancy
- Enchantement Spells like charm/fear/captivate etc
Alpha A0.06
-Removed passives because of lag will be readded in enchantment form
- Shadow magic in the form of ebonmancer added
Alpha A0.07
- Shadow Monarch class
- Shadow Ghoul ( no animation)
Alpha A0.08
- 3 potions for mana added
- Concentration checker device added
- New type of material added
- Leather Robes for mages
- Removed clutter
Alpha A0.09
- Water Spells
- Fixed enchanter bugs.
Alpha A0.1
- New class added Slayer
- Slayer skills have been added
- Dagger Added
- Strong Mind Passive removed.
- Mage armor updated texture.
Alpha A0.2
- Added Blood Dance Skill.
Alpha A0.3
- Casting Animations for ALL spells
- 3 dagger tiers with varients
- Removed test spells and fixed minor lag issues
- World of darkness Collisions fixed i might improve the visuals of that spell in the future if there's interest
Alpha A0.4
- Removed all previous mechanics, Spells and items
- New spellcasting system, items right-click
-Added Exhaustion resource
- Elemental Weaver Lightning 100% complete
- Elemental Weaver ice 90% complete
-Juggernaut 100% complete
-Blood Knight 100% complete
- Weather Weaver 5% complete
- 7 Staves with spells
- Updated animated textures for all spellcasters
- Bleed potion rework
- Dazed and Immobilized added
- Custom UI 40% Completed
Alpha A0.5
- New skills for Swordsman class
- New Fire Weaver Spells
- Grounded Effect added
- Swordsman 100% completed
- Ice Weaver 100% completed
- Fire Weaver 100% completed
- BUG FIX: Icy Skin now doesn't increase your base armor
Sorcery 1.0
- New Skills for Fighter Class
- Conjured Food Items
Sorcery 1.1
- Removed basic staves (will be re-added)
- 17 Weaver spells
- 1 Unique Ability
- Grounded Effect
Sorcery 1.1.1
- 5 Defender (wall) skills
- 1 Unique Ability
- Taunt / Second Wind / Unstoppable Potion Effects
Sorcery v1.1.2
- Rustic Dragon Boss
Sorcery v1.1.3
- Fixed bugs improved textures
Sorcery v1.1.2.5
- Rustic Dragon Boss small change in the mechanics department
- Adjusted Metal Potion effect
- Added Organic and Rust Potion effects
- Rustic Scales material
-- 1 Unique Ability: 11 Black Children
Sorcery v1.1.4
- Rustic Drake mount
- Unique Dragon Related loot
Sorcery v1.1.5
- Water Weaver Spells Completed
- Water Bottle Tag
Sorcery v1.1.6
- Air Weaver Spells Completed
Sorcery v1.1.7
- Earth Weaver Spells Completed
Sorcery v1.1.8
- Necromancer Acolyte Spells Completed
- Bug Fix: Mastery Damage
- False Lich Boss Added
-Lesser Skeleton Added
- Lesser Skeleton Warrior Added
Sorcery v1.1.85
- Updated and polished VFX for lightning Spells
- Dragon Tooth added
Sorcery v1.1.9
- Added: Dark Weaver Spells
- Added: Gravity Spells
- Fixed: Fireblast now damages targets even if it hits a block.
- Removed: Rustic Dragon
- Removed: Rustic Line of Weapons and loot
Sorcery v1.2.0
- Added: Pyrocleanser Spells
- Added: Unique Defensive Skill Human Torch
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