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Posted by: MyownMinerCraf1er
File description: DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS!!! To download the mod please click the MediaFire link in the main description above.
File size: 16.18 KB
Total download count (all mod files): 209
Mod changelog:
Version 1.0.4: Revolution of the Tools
-Added Quiver
- Crafted by placing 1 leather in the bottom-left slot of the crafting grid, then place 1 leather at the middle of the entire crafting grid, then place 1 string above each leather to craft the quiver.
- Used to store arrows, by surrounding an empty quiver with 8 arrows in a crafting grid. Stores up to a maximum of 64 arrows (1 stack).
-Added Ice Shard
- Obtained by Right-clicking Ice with a Diamond Hammewrench.
- Aside from being used to craft Ice, it is useless for now, so moving on.
-Removed Diamond Shard
- If you see your Diamond Shards gone after the update, don't come crying to me. I warned you in the update prior to this.
-Added Diamond Hammewrench
- Crafted by placing a Diamond on the bottom-left corner of the crafting grid, a Diamond on the top-right corner of the crafting grid, and a regular Hammewrench in the middle.
- This was added to make the regular Hammewrench less OP. Since before you could turn Obsidian into shards with just a normal Hammewrench, making an easy way to break into a bunker made out of Obsidian, for example.
- However, you will still be able to remove Toxoal blocks with the regular Hammewrench, and you can still use the regular Hammewrench for machines (including Alchemical Resource Binder and the Industrial Smasher) since a Diamond Hammewrench is more of mid-game to late-game.
-Added Hammewrench Handle and Unfired Hammewrench Handle
- Hard to explain how to craft Unfired Hammewrench Handle, very soon I'm going to switch from telling how to make the recipes to just giving you images of the recipes.
- Hammewrench Handle is obtained by either smelting a Unfired Hammewrench Handle or placing a Unfired Hammewrench Handle in the crafting grid, then a Heatelement to the right.
-Changed some textures again
- Fixed texture size for Blu-Rod, Resoning Rod, Electrocuting Rod, and Obsidian Stick
- Fixed handle size for Electric Pickaxe
- Changed textures for Obsidian Dye, Obsidian Pickaxe, and Obsidian Shard.
- Texture for Mint Dagger still not fixed yet.
-Added Ardite
- Combined with a Blaze Rod and a Signalum Ingot in the Alchemical Resource Binder.
-Added Sandstone Axe
- Same durability as Sandstone Pickaxe, same recipe as normal axe but with sandstone instead.
P.S. Sorry about the long wait. I had a ton of other projects I was working on, and kept me from putting this up.
Version 1.0.3: Pieces update (QOL)
-Players can now smelt Diamond Armor and Tools in return for a Diamond Nugget, just like with Iron, Chainmail, and Gold. Players can now also smelt an Emerald Sword for 1 Emerald Nugget, or an Emerald Blade for 3 Emerald Nuggets.
-Added Graphite Essence
- You now get 2 of this instead of 1 Graphite when mining with a Coal Pickaxe.
- When 2 Graphite Essence is placed in the crafting grid in any order you can craft Graphite, and Graphite can be converted back into Graphite Essence.
-Renamed Planks recipe to Oak Planks (crafting table ingot recipe)
-Added recipes to convert wooden slabs back into their respective planks (haven't done it yet with other slabs yet)
-Diamond Shard is now deprecated. Upon updating to this version, you have until the next update to convert any diamond shards you have back into diamond nuggets or they will be removed entirely.
-Added Sandstone Pickaxe
- Has Harvest level 1 and 102 durability.
- Crafted like a regular pickaxe, except with Sandstone along the top. Repair using Sandstone.
-Added Ender Pickaxe
- Has a Harvest level of 1, and has 159 durability.
- Crafted like a regular pickaxe, except with Ender Pearls along the top. Repair using Ender Powder.
- When mining, you have a 10% chance to teleport 5 blocks above yourself, which may lead you to suffocation and to an extent, death.
-Changed a lot of handle textures (namely pickaxes and the Aote, mint dagger texture didn't change yet)
-Added 4 more Monstercat Discs (I will also let you find that yourself; just remember you can always look for it in the creative inventory)
-Speaking of the creative inventory, there is a new layout (I believe you have to load a new world to see changes)
-Added 2 new texture files (These will be used in the next update)
Version 1.0.2: Stone Update (QOL)
-Added Andesite Pickaxe, Granite Pickaxe, and Diorite Pickaxes
- Crafted like normal pickaxe but with each of their respective material (in this case it is andesite, granite, and diorite)
- All have same durability and harvest level as Stone Pickaxe.
-Added Quatturodecuple Compressed Cobblestone (Cobblestone's 14th compression)
-Added Torch Block (crafted with 9 torches)
-Added Carrot Bricks
- Crafted like Stone Bricks, but with Carrot Blocks instead of Stone.
-Added 2 new Monstercat Discs (I will let you find that yourself; If you don't how to find it just look for it in creative inventory)
-New item: Resonant Sieve
- Crafted by surrounding an Ender Pearl with 4 Resoning Rods.
- Will now be used for Aspect of the End recipe.
-Aspect of the End now requires you to have 1 Ender Powder in order for ability to work, with a 20% chance for you to lose your Ender Powder.
Version 1.0.1: Initial Hunger Update (QOL)
-(FIXED: Bug #000000) Knife got removed from crafting grid after skinning Apples.
-Obsidian Sword is now crafted with Obsidian Shards instead of regular Obsidian.
-Added Apple Ingot (Useless for now)
-Added Apple Dust (Compressed Apple Crumbs)
- Crafted by placing 5 Apple Crumbs in the crafting grid in a plus (+) shape.
- Can also be converted back into Apple Crumbs.
- Can be smelted into an Apple Ingot
-Added Apple Crumbs
- Crafted by placing an Apple in the crafting grid (Makes 6).
-(FIXED: Bug #000001) Industrial Smasher Obal (blockstate) appears in creative inventory under "Building Blocks" tab.
-Added back Enchanted Golden Apple recipe
-Skinned Apple will now restore 4 hunger points (2 hunger bars) and 1.5 saturation instead of 3 hunger points and 0.7 saturation (Regular apples will still restore 4 hunger points and 2.4 saturation).
-Dark Chocolate now restores 0.4 saturation instead of 0.1. Hunger point restoration values remain unchanged.
-White Chocolate now restores 0.5 saturation instead of 0.4. Hunger point restoration values remain unchanged.
-Mello Yello now restores 6 hunger points (3 hunger bars) and 1.7 saturation instead of 4 hunger points and 0.3 saturation.
-(FIXED: Bug #000002) Chocolate Block crafts back into 1 chocolate instead of 9 chocolate.
-Sweet Grass now gives Nausea effect for 2 seconds (40 ticks) instead of 6 ticks.
Version 1.0.0
-Added everything (can't go into detail since the mod already has a description)
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