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Posted by: Sajevius
File description: Version 0.5.0 for 1.16.5
File size: 2.26 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 1092
Mod changelog:
Snapshot 210709b
- Reorganized everything into a single creative tab
- Bonemealing red sand will now produce either wilting bush or brittlebush, making those 2 plants renewable
- Juniper berries now grow from branches that hang from juniper trees instead of directly on leaves
- Made juniper berries grow slightly slower
- Added food: golden juniper berries
- Added horned cap (allows you to ram towards enemies as an attack)
- Added fossils (items): brontothere bone, nimravid hipbone, archaeopteryx limb, dimetrodon ribs, mosasaur skull, megalania claws (these can be primarily used for crafting fossil armor)
- Added fossil armor made from the fossils of extinct creatures! (fossil armor gives a chance to block arrows that hit the wearer. more armor pieces worn = higher chance)
- Added mob: gila monster
- Added advancement: Berry Bad (get poisoned from juniper berries)
- Added overlays for warning the player when they're close to getting poisoned by juniper berries
- Added more fossil rocks for naturally-generated terracotta colors, each having a chance to drop their respective unique fossil item
- Added blocks: glossy terracotta blocks (+16 colors), terracotta rooftile ridges (+ 16 colors), settling clay (1st clay sedimentation stage), compacting clay (2nd clay sedimentation stage), cementing clay (3rd clay sedimentation stage)
- Added artificial “sedimentation” mechanic, which slowly turns clay into claystone over time (stack 3 blocks of clay on a 4-deep water body to start artificially sedimenting)
- Added a few quality-of-life changes
- Bighorn sheep now have a chance to perform a ramming attack on mobs that damage them
- Bighorn Hide armor can now reduce the knockback received from bighorn sheep ramming attack
- All juniper-related plant stuff (e.g. leaves, berries, sapling) can now be composted
- Reduced juniper sapling drop rate from juniper leaves
- Renamed “badlands bush” to “wilting bush”
- Walking on terracotta pavements will now give a slight increase in movement speed
- Fixed wilting bush & brittlebush placement (valid ground & position)
- Drinking milk will now completely cure juniper berry poisoning
- [Bugfix] Juniper fences did not connect to other wooden fences
- [Bugfix] Juniper wood stuff did not drop when destroyed with tools other than an axe & were slow to break
- [Bugfix] One juniper tree variant's leaves were unintentionally persistent (didn't decay)
- [Bugfix] Finally fixed baby bighorn sheep model being as big as adult bighorn sheep (their baby model is now scaled down properly, woohoo!)
- Added support for Forge 1.16.5!
- Added blocks:
- claystone tiles/tile stairs/tile slab
- gilded red sandstone stairs/slab/wall
- Retextured items:
- juniper berries
- bighorn hide helmet
- red sandstone brick
- Retextured block:
- juniper sapling
- Changed recipe for gilded red sandstone bricks to use gold nuggets instead of ingots
- Added recipes for the rest of terracotta tile colors
- Juniper berries can now be crafted into white dyes
- Badland bushes and dead bushes can now serve as fuel, with 120 burn time
- Improved bone mealing for juniper sapling
0.4.0 Beta
- Added blocks:
- terracotta tiles
- claystone
- claystone fossil rock
- polished claystone
- claystone bricks
- Made juniper trees also generate on top of badlands plateaus
- [Change] Retextured blocks:
- badlands bush
- juniper log
- juniper sapling
- juniper door & trapdoor
- chiseled red sandstone bricks
- gilded red sandstone bricks
- [Bugfix] Fixed some errors with mod's block & item tags
0.3.0 Beta
- Added a mod logo!
- Added drink: gin
- Added advancements:
- Betterlands
- Edible Seed Cones
- Fossil Hunter
- Added 1 smaller variant to the juniper tree
- [Change] Retextured blocks:
- juniper leaves & fruiting juniper leaves
- juniper log & stripped juniper log
- juniper door & trapdoor
- brittlebush
- chiseled red sandstone bricks
- [Change] Retextured items:
- juniper door
- juniper berries
- large horn
- [Change] Juniper leaves no longer produce juniper berries when air is directly above them
- [Change] Redesigned structure: juniper tree
- [Bugfix] Finally fixed floating juniper trees!
- [Bugfix] Fixed (improved) juniper log & wood stripping procedure (there were cases of multiple stripping sounds playing before)
0.2.0 Alpha - Juniper Berries Update
- Added blocks:
- fruiting juniper leaves (renewable source of juniper berries), juniper sapling (growable)
- Added food:
- juniper berries
- Added juniper berries poisoning mechanic. Eat 12 berries in a quick succession & suffer the consequences!
- Drops of fossil rocks (all variants) are now affected by Fortune enchantment
- [Change] Remodeled & retextured entity:
- bighorn sheep
- [Change] Retextured blocks:
- juniper door
- juniper log
- juniper leaves
- chiseled red sandstone bricks
- gilded red sandstone bricks
- brittlebush
- terracotta pavements
- [Change] Retextured armor:
- bighorn hide armor
- [Bugfix] Fixed a bug with fossil rocks (all variants) not dropping themselves when mined with a silk touch pickaxe
0.1.0 Pre-alpha
- Added plenty of blocks:
- fossil rock, terracotta fossil rocks, red sandstone bricks, red sandstone brick stairs, red sandstone brick slab, red sandstone brick wall, chiseled red sandstone bricks, gilded red sandstone bricks, cracked red sandstone bricks, terracotta bricks, terracotta brick stairs, terracotta brick slabs, terracotta brick walls, terracotta pavements, terracotta pavement stairs, terracotta pavement slabs, terracotta roof tiles, juniper log, juniper wood, stripped juniper log, stripped juniper wood, juniper leaves, juniper planks, juniper stairs, juniper slab, juniper fence, juniper fence gate, juniper door, juniper trapdoor
- Added items:
- large horn, red sandstone brick, bighorn hide, lizard bones
- Added entity:
- bighorn sheep
- Added structure:
- juniper tree (terrain feature)
- Added armor:
- bighorn hide armor set (bighorn hide cap, bighorn hide tunic, bighorn hide pants, bighorn hide boots)
- Added creative tabs:
- Betterlands Blocks, Betterlands Items, Betterlands Entities, Betterlands Combat, Betterlands Foodstuffs, Betterlands Decorations
- Added all juniper woods (juniper log & wood, stripped juniper log & wood, and juniper planks) as fuels
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