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Posted by: Screamin_Cat
File description: Beta 0.5.0 for Minecraft 1.16.5
File size: 1.85 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 953
Mod changelog:
Beta 0.1.1 - Release
Beta 0.1.2 - Renewability and some changes
-The volcanic wastes are now flatter, have less volcanic structures, and generate with pockets of volcanic ash, in which Ash Flowers can grow.
Blocks and Plants:
-Dead Leaf Carpets can now drop fragile saplings, which can be grown into more fragile logs and dead leaf carpets.
-Orb Plant Stems now drop immature orb fruit, which can be planted to grow another orb plant when planted in gravel and submerged.
-Added Volcanic Ash.
-Added Ash Flower.
Beta 0.2.0 - New biome and more
- Added the Darkest Depths. The darkest depths are the dark depths older sibling, thousands of years old with ancient, mutated orb plants, and bleached sea grass that somehow managed to survive.
Blocks and Plants:
- Added Bleached Fiber Stem
- Added Orb Gelatin Block
Adventures and Adveersaries 0.5.0 Changelog
- Added Sulfur Ore
- Added Ash Stone and variants
- Added Ash Stone Bricks and variants
- Added Sulfur Shard, which can be combined with coal/charcoal and boinemeal to make 3 gunpowder.
- Added an extended confusion potion
- Added Orb Plant Bloom, which is created at an orb plant's base once the orb matures.
- Added Bloomed Ash Flower, which grows from an Ash Flower, and can be right click to harvest Sulfur Shards and be returned to a normal Ash Flower or broken for Sulfur Shards.
- The Orb Plant now has a 3D orb model
- Added generating lava, Sulfur Ore, magma, and obsidian to the underground of the Volcanic Wastes
-Added Generating Ashstone to the volcanic Wastes
- Removed buggy warning sound from Spectral Deer, now there is no warning, get good
- Confusion potion time nerfed from 3:00 to :45
- Added placement conditions for the orb plant.
- Added better hitboxes for the Orb Plant and Immature Orb Plant
- Sand patches now generate in the Dark Depths
- Orb Plants can now grow on sand
-Added generating rocks in the Dark Depths
-Changed the Dark Depths water for color from blackish to bluish
- Changed the Mechanical Facade Column texture to stand out from normal Mechanical Facade
- Mechanical Facade Column can now be placed horizontally
- Changed the texture for the confusion potion effect icon
- Changed the Immature Orb Fruits's inventory texture
- Ash Flowers now drop 1 Sulfur Shard when broken, and can be planted with one sulfur shard on Ash Blocks.
- Ash flowers can no longer be used as fuel
- Added biomes are now rarer (were really common before)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Confusion potion affects only being applied in certain directions
- Fixed some Fragile Wood blocks having the wrong names
- Fixed some blocks being in the wrong creative tabs
- Fixed some wrong labeling in advancements
- Removed some unused textures
- Added nether avoider compatability built into the mod for Wastelands of Baedor
- Added Bleached Sea Grass
- Added Gelatin.
- Added Gello (Intended Name).
- Mechanical Mimics are now solid like boats.
- Volcanic Ash no longer requires a shovel to mine, now simply being broken faster with one.
- Optimized plant and sappling growth to be more efficient.
- Immature Orb Fruit now can be bone mealed.
Beta 0.2.1 - Small changes
- Added Mechanical Facade
- Added Mechanical Facade Column
- Mechanical Gear and Mechanical Wheel and Axel have had their textures updated.
- The Mechanical Mimic will now actually have a boat-like hitbox.
- Added compatibility with the dismantle enchantment from Wastelands of Baedoor (
0.3.0 - Deadlands V2 and some additions
- Ruins now generate in the Deadlands
- The old Deadland trees have been replaced with new (figuratively) shiny ones!
- Bleached Coral now generates in the Darkest Depths Blocks
- Added Bleached Coral Block
- Added Mechanical Facade Stairs and Slabs
- Added Mechanical Beacon (UNFINISHED) (UNOBTAINABLE)
- Added Bleached Coral Items
- Added Encrypted Recon Data. (UNFINISHED)
- Added Refined Redstone Crystal. (UNFINISHED) Mobs
- Added Mechanical Scout.
- Added Risen
- Added the Refined Redstone Crystal to Mechanical Debris' drops
- Mechanical Debris can now be silk touched and most of its drops can now be fortuned.
Bug Fixes
- Dead Leaf Carpets should mostly no longer generate in water.
- Fragile Sapplings no longer grow through blocks.
0.4.0 - Autumn Auboretum
- Added 4 new leaf blocks, each with slabs and carpets.
- Added Raw Venison and Cooked Venison
- Added Greater Risoplasm
Plants and Miscellaneous
- Added Fading Bush
- Added Deer
- Added Spectral Deer
- Added Autumn Arboretum
- Ghostly Scythe now needs Greater Risoplasm to craft
- Nerfed Risoplasm drop rate from 1/10 to 1/20
0.4.1 - Bugfixes
- Fixed a bug where spectral deers attacked players in creative mode with their lightning attack
- Spectral deers now attack the player even when unprovoked now
- Volcanic Wastes now have proper monster spawns
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