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Posted by: ChickenDoodle925
File size: 10.79 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 4577
Mod changelog:
adds springlock suits (SpringBonnie, Fredbear, and Default), Crafting recipes for springlock suits, spring, spring recipe, Fire Axe, Fire Axe Recipe, Red Iron Ingot(used for crafting), Red Iron Ingot Recipe, Remnant, Remnant Ingot(obtained by killing EndoT1), Bottled Remnant, Bottled Remnant Brewing Recipe, Gasoline, Gasoline Canister, Gasoline Canister Recipe, Lighter, Lighter Recipe.
v1.2 -
Chair1, Chair1 Recipe, Table1, table 1 recipe, freddys pizza box, pizza box recipe, pizza, pizza recipe, cardboard, cardboard recipe, craftable living endo, vent duct wall, vent duct wall recipe, vent duct floor, vent duct floor recipe, vent duct slab, vent duct slab recipe, vent cover, vent cover recipe, monitor, monitor recipe, computer, computer recipe, security door, security door recipe, WIP flashlight, flashlight recipe, invisible dim light block, red button, red button recipe, redstone inwall wire, redstone inwall wire recipe, invisible dark air, cardboard cloud decor, cardboard cloud recipe, metal table, metal table recipe, child spirit, wooden barricade, wooden barricade recipe, changed EndoT1 model.
v1.3 -
changed Child soul model, Possessed Freddy Fazbear, Possessed Freddy Fazbear Recipe, Possessed Chica, Possessed Chica Recipe, Possessed Bonnie, Possessed Bonnie Recipe, Possessed Foxy Recipe, white button, White Button Recipe, Door Button, Door Button Recipe, Soda, Soda Recipe, Empty Soda Cup, Empty Soda Cup Recipe, White Plastic, White Plastic Recipe.
v2.0 -
Child soul sound effect, Withered Freddy, Withered Bonnie, Withered Chica, Withered Foxy, Marionette Mask, Possessed Marionette, Possessed Marionette Recipe.
v2.1 -
Possessed Toy Freddy, Possessed Toy Bonnie, Possessed Toy Chica, Possessed Mangle, Blue Plastic, Blue Plastic Recipe, Red Plastic, Red Plastic Recipe, Purple Plastic, Purple Plastic Recipe, Yellow Plastic, Yellow Plastic Recipe, Brown Plastic, Brown Plastic Recipe.
v2.2 -
Possessed Balloon Boy, Possessed Balloon Boy Recipe, Possessed Toy Freddy Recipe, Toy Freddy Head, Toy Freddy Head Recipe, Toy Freddy Torso, Toy Freddy Torso Recipe, Possessed Toy Chica Recipe, Toy Chica Head, Toy Chica Head Recipe, Toy Chica Torso, Toy Chica Torso Recipe, Possessed Toy Bonnie Recipe, Toy Bonnie Head, Toy Bonnie Head Recipe, Toy Bonnie Torso, Toy Bonnie Torso Recipe.
v3.0 -
Springtrap, when dying with spring bonnie armor springtrap will spawn, Circuit board, circuit board recipe, Arcade machine, Arcade machine recipe, Rotted wall block 1, Rotted wall block 2 (obtainable from exploding wall 1&2)
v3.1 -
Phantom Freddy, Phantom Chica, Phantom Foxy, Phantom Balloon Boy, Phantom Mangle, Phantom Puppet, Decorative Freddy Head Light, Freddy Mic (includes recipe), Freddy Top Hat (includes recipe), Bonnie's Guitar (includes recipe), Chica's Cupcake (includes recipe), Freddy Bobble Head (includes recipe), Chica Bobble Head (includes recipe), Bonnie Bobble Head (includes recipe), Paperpal 1 (includes recipe), Paperpal 2 (includes recipe), Paperpal 3 (includes recipe).
v4.0 -
Plushtrap, Plushtrap Block (includes recipe), Golden Freddy, Bedroom Door (includes recipe), Wallpaper 1 (includes recipe), Wallpaper 2 (includes recipe), Carpet Block (includes recipe)
v4.1 -
Happy child, children spawn from arcade machines, Nightmare endo (includes recipe), Nightmare claws (includes recipe), Nightmare Head (includes recipe), Police, Gun, Dead Body, new animatronic functions.
v4.2 -
Nightmare Freddy (includes recipe), Nightmare Bonnie (Includes recipe), Nightmare Chica (Includes recipe), Nightmare Foxy (Includes recipe), Freddle (AKA mini freddies), minor fixes and improvements.
v4.3 -
Nightmarionne, Nightmare Mangle, Security Camera, Security Tablet, unbound ID chip, various Camera ID chips.
Nightmare (Includes recipe), Nightmare Fredbear (Includes recipe), Nightmare Ballon Boy (Includes recipe), pizzeria summoner, new structure, catalog, money, and a lot of new functionality for survival players.
CircusBaby (includes recipe), Funtime Freddy (includes Recipe), Ballora (includes Recipe), shock inducer, soda machine (includes Recipe), Manufacturing Table (includes Recipe), Scooper
New survival functionality!
Updated to 1.19.2!
Ennard, Bidybab, Minireena
Mediocre Melodies
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