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Posted by: BrayanStars0
File size: 2.1 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 440
Mod changelog:


- Added Flint metal block with variations

- Added nickel block and raw nickel block

- Added the hamburger (already to add)

- Changed nutritional value and saturation of some foods in the mod

- Some textures have been changed to match your idea

- Flint bar name and id changed to metallic Flint bar

- [BUG] Some crafts were buggy



- Once again, the nutrition of the food has been tweaked

- Some textures have been updated

- The Luminescence block had its durability and resistance changed

- The luminescence block can now be broken faster with a hoe

- The sound of the luminescence block has been changed from sculk sensor sound to shroomlight sound (but when walking on the block it makes honey block sound)

- Creative inventory has been adjusted

- Flint's Metal Block now has rotation



- Added Vegetable Fiber;

- New Clay Seca blocks with their variations;

- Added Backpacks, made of leather, iron, gold, diamond, netherite and enderite;

- New Staff of Light that casts orbs of light (it spends a luminescence every time it is used);

- New flying castle;

- New Shadow mob, he is your shadow, but is faster, is immune to long-distance attacks, appears in the flying castle to hinder you, his weakness is close battles and mountains and water, the sword of souls is very effective against they;

- Ectoshasdow, the Shadow drop

- New night vision helmet, it covers your entire head and is made of bluestone ingot and luminescence, giving you night vision;

- New shadow boot, made with ectoshadow and with bluestone ingot gives you speed like a shadow;

- New shadow sword, from the weakness to enemies hit and is made of ectoshadow;

- New sword and electric opal, which makes lightning strike the entity that is hit by the sword;

- Some textures have been changed;

- Overword quartz generation has been updated;

- Generation of some structures were changed;

- Sword of Souls had its slowness increased and longer duration, to be more effective in shadows.


How to install a mod?

If you are looking on how to install modifications made with MCreator, check MCreator's wiki. There you can find detailed instructions of the process. If the mod has special instructions or steps for the installation, make sure to read through the mod page for any details.

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What is MCreator?

MCreator is a software used to make Minecraft mods (mod generator) without programming knowledge and is developed by Pylo. It's very simple to use, and its concept is easy to learn. With it, you can make your own mod in minutes! MCreator is a great tool to learn Minecraft computer programming and to learn basic concepts of software programming. Learn more about MCreator.

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