Medieval Environment

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Medieval Environment is a mod aiming to make the game better and more medieval.

New stones!, there are several new ones, such as Limestone, which is found in the caves on top of the deepslate, Rocha that is very easily found in the mountains, there are also giant rock thorns that can be found in the savannah!, another stone is the ancestral stone! , it can be used to make a empty rune, in the future this rune will have an important function, it can only be found near badrock in negative layers, all these stones have their versions of Stairs, Slab and Wall.
The Aragonite stone is also here, it is red and can be found in the crimson forest biome in the nether, and for the End, there is the Endslate, a purple stone that is found in lots in the flying islands!, these two stones have their versions from Stairs, Slab and Wall, along with their Brick versions, Calcite has also received these new variations!
Now we can also find meteors in the world, they generate randomly in any biome of the Overworld, they are neither easy nor difficult to find, in meteors we can find a new Meteoric stone, it is very dark and can also be found at the end , it has its versions and its cobbled and brick version, in these meteors we also find the new nickel ore that can only be found in meteors, without function yet.

Since we started talking about ores, how about talking about them, now we have the Overworld Quartz ore, which is easy to find in small mountains, but needs an iron pickaxe to mine, a new ore that drops an amethyst shard which is easy to find in the negative layers, a new ore called platinum, which comes with its block, ore stone version and deepslate version, ore block and the raw ore and its armor! (I still want to add more functions to this ore)
Other ore that doesn't have much function yet are Onix ore, a gem with magical and unknown powers, Bluestone ore, a blue redstone that only has its Deepslate version, it has properties to evolve things, and the new ore of Carbon, which can only be found in the Basalt Deltas biome in the nether and only has its basalt version, it has ash bricks!

New daggers, they do less damage than a normal sword, but they are faster, with their version of Stone, Wood, Iron, Gold, Diamond, Netherite and Enderite?!
Enderite is the new strongest ore in the game, ore that is only found in the end, enderite is like a netherite, but it is found in the end, the mystical debris is in the middle of the veins of Endslates, so when you find it melt it and mix the enderite plates with amethyst, giving the Enderite bar, evolve the Netherite armor and tools with the Enderite one and get stronger!


We also add variations for Andesite, Diorite and Granite, sling, sword of souls, sieve, knives, new foods, doors and bars, bamboo blocks, various things that add to the game without taking away its essence!


Things I still want to add:
- Magic Runes;
- Complement to onyx ore, bluestone, nickel and other items with little use; (of ideas)
- New tools for each ore like paxel, hammers, etc;
- King Arthur's sword, the Escalibur;
- Additions to Warden, when MCreator updates to 1.19;
- Other little things.

Quality mod (I think), made in MCreator
If you want to help me, let me know what I can add to the mod (:

Mod also available at curseforge

Minecraft mod files
Medieval Enviroment 1.1.0.jar Uploaded on: 03/06/2022 - 15:06   File size: 1.76 MB
Medieval Environment 1.1.1.jar Uploaded on: 06/13/2022 - 18:24   File size: 2.1 MB
Medieval Environment 1.1.2.jar Uploaded on: 06/16/2022 - 13:55   File size: 2.1 MB
Medieval Environment 1.2.0.jar Uploaded on: 06/26/2022 - 12:58   File size: 2.43 MB


- Added Flint metal block with variations

- Added nickel block and raw nickel block

- Added the hamburger (already to add)

- Changed nutritional value and saturation of some foods in the mod

- Some textures have been changed to match your idea

- Flint bar name and id changed to metallic Flint bar

- [BUG] Some crafts were buggy



- Once again, the nutrition of the food has been tweaked

- Some textures have been updated

- The Luminescence block had its durability and resistance changed

- The luminescence block can now be broken faster with a hoe

- The sound of the luminescence block has been changed from sculk sensor sound to shroomlight sound (but when walking on the block it makes honey block sound)

- Creative inventory has been adjusted

- Flint's Metal Block now has rotation



- Added Vegetable Fiber;

- New Clay Seca blocks with their variations;

- Added Backpacks, made of leather, iron, gold, diamond, netherite and enderite;

- New Staff of Light that casts orbs of light (it spends a luminescence every time it is used);

- New flying castle;

- New Shadow mob, he is your shadow, but is faster, is immune to long-distance attacks, appears in the flying castle to hinder you, his weakness is close battles and mountains and water, the sword of souls is very effective against they;

- Ectoshasdow, the Shadow drop

- New night vision helmet, it covers your entire head and is made of bluestone ingot and luminescence, giving you night vision;

- New shadow boot, made with ectoshadow and with bluestone ingot gives you speed like a shadow;

- New shadow sword, from the weakness to enemies hit and is made of ectoshadow;

- New sword and electric opal, which makes lightning strike the entity that is hit by the sword;

- Some textures have been changed;

- Overword quartz generation has been updated;

- Generation of some structures were changed;

- Sword of Souls had its slowness increased and longer duration, to be more effective in shadows.


if this is Medieval why are the doors glass and modem metal? medieval are wood, maybe stone and even mud doors, metal would only be used in rivits and maybe door handles and hingers.

I think you got the name all wrong or the wrong idea of that time period.