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Download of Aether_Without_Joke_Content 0.6.jar for Aether (the@lastor edition) should start shortly...

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Posted by: the@lastor
File description: Not the latest version but has no joke content.
File size: 2.03 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 393
Mod changelog:

Notice - all versions before 0.2 were not posted on MCreator and all versions before 0.5 were removed.


0.0 - Existence of the mod as simply the joke portion of the mod.


0.1 - This version added the basic dimension and a few tree structures and limited resources. Not all Aether recipes were implemented by this time. The ores shardium, osmium, sky iron, and glowstone were in the game but with little accessibility and functionality. Added the Exe and Bacon mobs.


0.2 - Added more variants of trees and a Mage House as a rare structure. Added the Shardium and Osmium blocks and added wood as basic fuels in the game.


0.3 - Retextured everything related to Osmium and the Shardium item. Added fossil structures in the Aether Barrens biome. Also added the Aether Wood stairs, fence, and slab. Made all wood objects in the Aether smeltable and added Blasting recipes for every ore. 


0.3.1 Fix - Balanced structure generation and made Exe burn in daylight to prevent hordes of them existing at all times.


0.3.2 - Added AEternium as an ore on tier with Osmium and found in the End. A few other tweaks might have also been made. Also finally figured out the texture for Enriched Dirt.


0.4 - Added the Fractured Aether and Dark Aether Forest as biomes. Added Large Trees, steeples, and a lot more custom bits+pieces. Made the Error arc of the mod better with a new potion.


0.5 - Added some loot tables, fixed Exe’s texture, added a new music disc, and added a new mob, Watcher.


0.5.1 - Added some Aether-related advancements.


0.6 - Made Bacon’s texture, added more food, and more decoration blocks from aether Wood and Marble. Added more advancements and more joke content. Also added the ability to download a joke content free version of the mod.


0.7 - Finished the Amogus portion of the mod while adding a new biome for the Overworld and a new dimension with another high-tier building material. There is also a secret boss in the game but only available through the Creative Mode inventory or through commands.


0.7.1 - Added Void Squids and edible Eggs.


0.7.2 - Added more Advancements and reorganized them. Also fixed an error in the Ejected/Void dimension.


0.7.3 - Bugfix for Ejected Biome and Void Squid

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