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Posted by: Kyoukster
File description: New massive update,
File size: 19.05 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 578
Mod changelog:
Main Focus
This is a rather small update to fix some code technical stuff from mcreator, and to add more armor compatibility from other mods, of course with more progress to ryumsky, still not available on survival
Mods armor compat added:
Ars nouveau, alex mobs, Iron's spellbooks
Damage conversion compat added:
Iron's spellbooks
The TFD command has been separated into 2 directories,
TFDdata, that works for any player and requires no permission to get any sort of data from the dimension
TFDaction, works only for operators and contains all actions related to the mod
Tutan & lumine crops altered behaviour into blockstates,
old blocks will be saved and they will randomly tick into their blockstate variants, on next change of minecraft version they will be completely removed
Completely reworked Permafrost saplings
Now several ice golems can be summoned at once
you cant summon them normally on non Permafrost dimensions
Enchanted icyllium peach/tutan foods are bound to be replaced, for some versions they will remain but unobtainable and if obtained, replaced by the new variant
Added azurite Tutan/Peach
Improved versions of Tutan has been nerfed
Added more ambience to Permafrost
Minor changes
Pigmy God Slayer dying on spawn fixed
Added new buttons and pressure plates
Random bug fixes
Ryumsky still is underdoing changes of course
The flora (biomes) is finished on its early stages so im moving on with entities (fauna)
Added rubber jungle and disperse rubber jungle biomes for the central layers, fairy land/forest to the upper layers and cold variants of neutrum biomes
Added rubber wood set
Slightly altered generation
Added bunch of new plants
Added sacred wood set
updated sapling textures
Altered Harpy behaviour
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What is MCreator?
MCreator is a software used to make Minecraft mods (mod generator) without programming knowledge and is developed by Pylo. It's very simple to use, and its concept is easy to learn. With it, you can make your own mod in minutes! MCreator is a great tool to learn Minecraft computer programming and to learn basic concepts of software programming. Learn more about MCreator.