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Posted by: Pawofthewild
File description: A big beta build in file size
File size: 11.27 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 2349
Mod changelog:
Industrial Nuclear TNT
Healing Stone
Slick Stone
Seeing Stone
Alloy Furnace
Loot Bags
Fancy Sword
Single Stand Tables
Oil Lamps
Sandy Bricks
Steel Scrap
Unknowium Ore
Unstable Unknowium
Obsidian Spitter (Will be readded in the next update)
Imperfect Brick Wall
Mixed Bricks
Imperfect Bricks
Cinder Bricks (No recipe yet)
Triangle Bricks (No recipe yet)
Big Stone Bricks (No recipe yet)
Odd Checkered Tile
Sawdust Bricks
Sandstone Bricks
Layered Bricks
Block of Steel
Block of Rose Gold
Smooth Steel
Rose Gold Ingot
Blood Fruit
Hearty Peach
New Set of Rose Gold Tools (Included in extended tools)
New Machete and Sickle (Tiered) (Sickle is WIP)
Heater Block
Cooler Block
One-way Glass (Comes in all wood types)
Redstone Glass
Boot Sensor
Redstone Boots
Mining Helmet
Spike Trap
Poison Trap
Flame Trap
Land Mine Trap
Scabstone Bricks
Other Changes or Improvements:
New advancements (Still WIP)
Changes in some textures like Steel Ingot and Steel Plate
Changes to Creative Tabs
More tweaks to other things
Remove the Temporary Steel Recipe
Fire Suit gets a proper armor textures and item textures
Added a secret dimension
Added the new Fire Suit Item Textures
All steel blocks are more constant in blast resistance
All of the ores now can be put in a furnace or blast furnace
Changes to One-way Glass Blocks Textures from Vanilla Glass to Clear Glass textures.
Fixed the name of the Lime Plastic Wall that is named “Yellow Plastic Wall” by accident.
Fixed the Sawdust Recipes so all wood types can be turned into sawdust.
Fixed the Tiki Torch missing model/texture.
Some changes to Creative Tabs.
Arrange some blocks and items in the Creative Tabs.
Fix/change some of the block names.
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MCreator is a software used to make Minecraft mods (mod generator) without programming knowledge and is developed by Pylo. It's very simple to use, and its concept is easy to learn. With it, you can make your own mod in minutes! MCreator is a great tool to learn Minecraft computer programming and to learn basic concepts of software programming. Learn more about MCreator.