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Posted by: Count Grimhart
File description: MC 1.19.2, Repair Update
File size: 1.99 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 1133
Mod changelog:

Knight Quest 1.2.6, Bug Fix Patch
Category: Bugfixes

MC Version: 1.19.2

After resisting the urge to play Darktide(A video game about killing heretics) for a bit, I tried fixing some issues with the mod. 


-Added new Mob conversion chance gamerule, that will allow you to control the conversion chance of certain mobs turning into knight quest monsters after the gates are open. Do NOT set this value too high. Its intended to remain below 25 or you'll encounter buggy behavior.


-Fixed a host of bugs causing certain mobs not to spawn after the gates were open. New conversion system implemented. When the gates are open, certain mobs under certain conditions will transform into a knight Quest mob.
-Fixed an Undead mob not burning during the daylight.
-The One Who Fell no longer resets world time. It uses an additive method to change the time. It may forward your world by a day if you fight it.


-Buffed repair item recipes, they now grant 16 items in place of 12.

-Possibly Fixed a crashed related to the Font items on servers.

MCreator Stuff:

-Upgraded MCreator version, might fix certain compatibility issues, unsure yet.

-Upgraded Nerdy's Geckolib Plugin for MCreator, might fix certain compatibility issues, unsure yet.

Knight Quest 1.2.4, Repair Update
Category: Small Update
MC Version: 1.19.2



-Added 2 new Tricky Soul armor sets.

     -Variant of the Apple Set

     -Variant of the Evoker Set

-Adjusted all Diamond Class armor sets to cost Diamond armor.

-Fixed several Special Diamond classes not costing Diamond armor to craft.

-Fixed Forze set's toughness value.

-Fixed Veteran set's toughness value.



-Added 2 New repair hammer items. One for Diamond classes, and another for Netherite Classes. They are crafted in packs of twelve, making the repair process of high tier armors easier.



-Due to the increased cost of Diamond Class armors, new features will be implemented for them in the future.

Knight Quest 1.2.2, Sculk Update
Category: Small Update


-Added 4 Sculk Set armor variants.

-Adjusted Hollow Helmet's Recipe.



-Possibly Fixed Netherman's Health bar appearing as raids in certain resource packs.

-Adjusted Gremlin's Death animation to be longer.

-Adjusted Gremlin's Hit Boxes.

-Fixed Summoned Gremlin's Z fighting on fork.



-Adjusted Great Chalice's color pallet to more closely approximate vanilla copper.



-Fixed Great Essence spawn Sound not playing.

Knight Quest 1.2.1, Bug Fixes
Category: Bug Fix Patch

-Fixed 3 possible crashes due to unchecked possible Null errors. Includes, Bad Patch, The One Who Fell and the Bound Creeper Lord.
-Fixed Bound Creeper Lord Shield Break Sound.

Knight Quest 1.2.0, Version Up
Category: Version Change

-Mod is updated to Minecraft 1.19.2

-Added Overlay when in Poison liquid.

Knight Quest 1.1.7, Bugfixes
Category: Patch
MC 1.18.2

-Fixed 3 possible crashes relating to the Bad Patch, The One Who Fell and the Bound Creeper Lord.

-Fixed certain mob behaviors being present when the player was in spectator mode.
-Added effects to a certain mob's transformation.

Knight Quest 1.1.6, Animations Update Part I
Category: Small Patch
 MC 1.18.2


-Fixed Bound Creeper sound not playing.

Knight Quest 1.1.5, Animations Update Part I
Category: Minor Update


-Geckolib is now required.


-Added animations to Bound Creeper Lord

-Added animations to Bound Creeper

-Added animations to Ratthing

-Added animations to Fishthing

-Added Fishthing behavior on land.

-Added Fishling behavior on land.

-Added new Fishman type, for when on land.

-Added animations to Gremlin, and Summoned Gremlin.

-Added sound that plays when Fishthing pulls you down.



-Fixed several duplicate sound issues, due to them being played on server and client.

Knight Quest 1.1.2, Lord Of Pumpkins Update
Category: Large Update



-Added new Boolean to disable Essence spawns entirely.


-Added 3 Pirate sets

-Added 3 Corsair Sets

-Added 2 Bamboo Set

-Added Tengu Set



-Added Gate Mob, Bound Creeper Lord

-Added Gate Mob, Bound Creeper

-Added Gate Mob, Fishthing

-Added Gate Mob, Fishling

-Added Gate Mob, Rathing

-Added Gate Mob, Unloved Hollow

-Added Gate Mob, Lord Of Pumpkins

-Added some new functionality to the Armoured Ghoul.

-Changed, Bad Patch activates other idle Bad Patch mobs within a radius.

-Changed spawn conditions for all mobs, most mod mobs spawn in light level 0 now.



-Spawners mined with Silk Touch pickaxes no longer drop essence(Aimed to improved compatibility with other mods).



-Fixed missing recipes for invisible armors.

Knight Quest 1.1.0, Gamerules & Gates Update Part III
Category: Patch


-Added more acceptable strings to perform The One Who Fell Ritual.

Knight Quest 1.0.9, Gamerules & Gates Update Part II
Category: Patch


-Added New Gamerule, Small Essence spawn chance on failed Great essence spawn (Default 100)

Knight Quest 1.0.8, Gamerules & Gates Update
Category: Large Update


-Added Gamerules for various settings. Type "/gamerule kq" to view all the current settings while in game or browse the Game Rules tab before launching a world.

  • Setting for Armor Effects (Default True)
  • Setting for Mob Spawns (Default True)
  • Setting for Magic item drops from chalice. (Default True)
  • Setting for changing The Gate to on/off. (off)
  • Setting for Poison Bucket mob drop. (Default True)
  • Setting for Bad Patch Spawn Chance. (Default 1)
  • Setting for Great Essence Spawn chance. (Default 100)


New Armor Effects:

-Path Set:

  • Speed on sprint
  • Speed on Sneak

-Crossbow Set: Useful abilities for the future of the mod :3

  • Invisible mobs glow when around you.
  • Mobs you hit glow.


General Content:

-Added New Netherite Class Veteran Set

-Added New Diamond Class Shadow Bamboo Set

-Added New Diamond Class Lizzy Helmet

-Added Crafting recipes for several weapons

-Added new Mob, Bad Patch

-Added new Item, Small Essence, used to craft Great Essence.

-Added new Item, Chaotic Essence. What could this be?

-Added new Block, Poison Water

-Added new Item, Poison Stave

-Added new Item, Poison Bucket

-Added new Item, Lizzy Scale

-Added more informative descriptions to all items.

-Fixed MP crash issues relating to the The One Who Fell.

-Fixed MP crash issues relating to the Blind Lizzy.

-Adjusted Great Essence Crafting Recipes

-Adjusted all custom mob drops.

-Legacy, Item, God Stave


-Brain malfunction, I might be forgetting somethings.

Knight Quest 1.0.6, Blind Lizzy Patch
Category: Small Update


-Added Blind Lizzy Mob. Rare spawn in Drip stone caves. Runes from non sneaking players. When given diamonds, it can grant various returns. Drops diamonds on death.

-Updated Forze Set Textures.

-Fixed Various multiplayer issues.

-Fixed a possible crash relating to the The One Who Fell.

Knight Quest 1.0.5, Silver Patch
Category: Small Update

-Added Forze Set, Contest winner.

-Added Silver Set

-Added 4 new weapons

-Fixed Quest Hollow Icon

-Balanced Netherite tier armor crafting recipes.

MC 1.18.2, Knight Quest 1.0.4, Hollow Patch
Category: Small Update

-Added new Hollow Helmet

-Added new Nail weapon.

-Changed, Gremlin can no longer shoot arrows, that was an unintended setting left on XD.

-Spider Set, Fixed Night Vision freaking out. Night Vision activates after 1 or 2 seconds of sneaking.

-Buffed "The One Who Fell" drops.

MC1.18.2, Mod Version 1.0.3 

"The First Configuration Update"
Boy, is there a lot.


  • Added Deepslate Knight, with Marble Version.
  • Added new Iron Tiered armor, for early game play.
  • Added new Netherite Tier Weapons. They do nothing special.
  • Added new Boss Fight. Read the black book if you wish to know more. Careful with this fight, it can easily destroy dropped items. Be ready. Proceed with caution. And move away from the spot from where you beckoned it.


God Stave

Added new God stave, only attainable in creative mod, for map configuration.


While holding it, type the following in lowercase within chat:

  • knight quest mob spawn true/false
  • knight quest magic true/false
  • knight quest armor effects true/false


Example: knight quest armor effects false will turn off armor effects.


By default, all settings are true.


This is the best I can do for now when it comes to settings.

MC 1.18.2, Mod Version 1.0.2
-Adjusted 117 item textures. 

-Re-balanced the Wither Set

-Re-balanced Enderdragon set.



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