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Posted by: ya017zan
File description: Void Dimension Sixth Beta 1.20.1
File size: 327.75 KB
Total download count (all mod files): 561
Mod changelog:


- Added 1.19.2 Version to the list, 1.18.2 Version is discontinued.

- [1.19.2 2nd Beta] Few bugfixes and new textures, removed unused brickariun ore texture.


- [1.19.2 3rd Beta]  :

- Added voidariun shovel, axe, and hoe! added brickariun versions too.

- Replaced Undead bedrock miner name with shender zombie.

- New advancements :

Smooth And Cute Roses : Get some void roses (at least they don't harm the environment)

Oooooohh, Bricky! : Get some nice brickariun!

- Fixed bug : Void roses couldn't generate in the overworld.


- New logo


[1.20.1 4th Beta] :

- Added new advancement Voidarius Dedication: Use Brickariun to upgrade the voidariun Hoe, and then reevaluate your life choices once again

- Added a little voidariun golem in the GUI that looks at your cursor (Rendered entity model GUI was added in MCreator 2023.1)

[1.20.1 4.1 Beta] :

- Fixed a bug in the shender zombie spawner not working because the spawners were re-worked in 1.19.3

- Changed Shender zombie spawner nbt data's name from "undead_bedrock_miner_spawner" (the old name of the shender zombie) to "shender_zombie_spawner"

[1.20.1 5th Beta] :

- Added Crevelin which is a new mob that is a void version of the Creeper which drops...

- Added Voidariun-powder that when you smelt it, it turns into voidariun

- Added Void Stone Bricks which is a new block made from 4 Void Stone

- Added Abandoned Crevelin Base which is a new structure that only generates in the Void Dimension

- Changed the Shender Zombie Spawner from an NBT Feature into an actual Structure (Because of 2023.4 MCreator which now makes actual structures, /locate now works)


[1.20.1 6th Beta]:

- Added Mossy Void Stone Bricks which when you put moss/vine on a normal Void Stone Bricks it turns into a Void substance (oooOOOOoooooo....)

- Added Voidarius Spider which is a new mob that drops Void Spider Eyes, and shoots (or spits) Void Spider Eyes at you, which give off the previously useless Voidness Effect


[1.20.1 7th Beta]:

- Added **Void Monstrosity** which is a new boss that can be crafted with the drops of the 3 mobs in this mod, and an egg, It is animated with GeckoLib which is why..

[1.21.1 7th Beta]:

- Don't get excited, it's just getting switched to neoforge and updated to 1.21.1, but i will update this mod if i have ideas!


The mod now requires GeckoLib because of the Void Montrosity which is animated by it

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