Void Dimension

Published by ya017zan on
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Now Requires GeckoLib!

Hello User, I present to you, Void Dimension! This mod of course, Adds a Void Dimension, The void dimension is a late game dimension which you enter using Bedrock and a Custom Flint and steel, You : "Wait, You Can't Get Bedrock in Survival!", Well this mod makes it possible, but it's not easy, This mod was designed to be HARD, Like REALLY HARD, Anyway, There are some new tools and weapons :

--------------------------- Voidariun Tools ------------------------------

The voidariun tools, These tools are made of Voidariun, A ore found in the Void dimension,

You can craft the tools like normal, Or using the smithing table, Go to the smithing table,

Put a netherite tool first, Then put a voidariun on the next slot, And then boom.


Voidariun Sword - 16 Attack Damage | 2.3 Attack Speed | 37 Enchantability

Voidariun Pickaxe - 9 Attack Damage | 1.6 Attack Speed | 14 Efficiency | 37 Enchantability

Voidariun Axe - 18 Attack Damage | 1 Attack Speed | 14 Efficiency | 37 Enchantability

Voidariun Shovel - 3.75 Attack Damage | 1.5 Attack Speed | 14 Efficiency | 37 Enchantability

Voidariun Hoe - 1 Attack Damage | 5 Attack Speed | 14 Efficiency | 37 Enchantability

(the more the enchantability, the better chances of getting good enchantments from enchanting tables.)

--------------------------- Brickariunified Voidariun Tools ------------------------------

The brickariunified voidariun tools, These tools are made of Voidariun But,

Some brickariun bits added, The tools are stronger and better, But how do you get brickariun?

Well, Using a brewing stand, Go to the brewing stand, Put some voidariun in the three first slots,

And then put a Void Rose on the top slot, and then boom, wait, how do you get Void Roses?

You can find void roses planted in Old growth pine taigas and Old growth spruce taigas,

Now back to what we we're talking about, The brickariunified voidariun tools CANNOT be crafted,

They can only be smithed, Here is an example :


Brickariunified Voidariun Sword - 34 Attack Damage | 3.7 Attack Speed | 62 Enchantability

Brickariunified Voidariun Pickaxe - 14 Attack Damage | 2.3 Attack Speed | 24 Efficiency | 63 Enchantability

Brickariunified Voidariun Axe - 46 Attack Damage | 2.3 Attack Speed | 23 Efficiency | 64 Enchantability

Brickariunified Voidariun Shovel - 4.25 Attack Damage | 1.5 Attack Speed | 23 Efficiency | 63 Enchantability

Brickariunified Voidariun Hoe - 1 Attack Damage | 5 Attack Speed | 25 Efficiency | 65 Enchantability

-------------------------------------------- Other ---------------------------------------------

There are some other tools, Like the bedrock-inator 5000 and the Void scythe,

You can get the void scythe by going to the crafting table, then putting a stick in the left bottom slot,

Then putting another stick in the middle slot, Then putting a Bedrock piece in the top right slot,

But how do i get a bedrock piece?, You can get the Bedrock piece by killing the strong Shender Zombie,

You can find the Shender zombie in his spawner, You can find his spawner in The End,

And the void dimension, Now back to crafting the void scythe, Then put a voidariun block in the top middle slot,

You can craft the voidariun block by putting voidariun on all slots, Then put another voidariun block in the top left slot.

Then the bedrock-inator 5000, You can craft it, Go to the crafting table, put a stick in the bottom middle,

Then put another stick in the middle, Then put a bedrock piece at the top middle, Then put bedrock on the top left and right,

But how do i get bedrock? You can craft bedrock by putting bedrock piece on all the slots in the crafting table and you crafted it,

You can also smelt the bedrock piece and it will smelt to bedrock, It will take 20 seconds instead of 10, Now back to where we we're,

You now know how to craft these 2 weapons, The bedrock-inator 5000 can insta-mine blocks by right-clicking them, not mining them


Void Scythe - 26 Attack Damage | 2.2 Attack Speed

Bedrock-Inator 5000 - 7.9 Attack Damage | 1 Attack Speed | 9 Efficiency

--------------------------------------- Tool Effects -------------------------------------------

But wait, There's more to the tools?! Yes, There is, The tools give you certain effects when being hold,

They are :

Voidariun Sword & Brickariunified Voidariun Sword - Strength IV

Voidariun Pickaxe & Brickariunified Voidariun Pickaxe - Haste IV

Voidariun Axe & Brickariunified Voidariun Axe - Haste IV

Voidariun Shovel & Brickariunified Voidariun Shovel - Haste IV

Voidariun Hoe & Brickariunified Voidariun Hoe - Luck IV



Blocks, We love them, They're one of the reasons why Minecraft was successful,

And they are the most important meaning of Minecraft, It's a block game after all.

----------------------- New Blocks -------------------------------------

Void Nylium is a new block that is the ground block of the void dimension.


And Void Stone is a block that covers the underground of the void dimension, They will be useful for building bridges or something like that.


And the voidariun block, we already talked how to craft it, It can make some cool builds, You can make a stash or flex with them,

Or when your inventory is FULL with voidariun, You craft it into voidariun blocks so your inventory doesn't get messy.


Voidariun Armor

--------------------------------------- Voidariun Helmet -------------------------------------------

The voidariun helmet, It's good and it has 56 Enchantability, The higher the enchantability is, The better chance of getting good enchantments from enchanting tables,

The voidariun helmet does give you a effect, when wearing it you get night vision.


Voidariun Helmet - 781 Durability | +100 Armor | +8 Armor Toughness | +4 Knockback Resistance

Voidariun Helmet Effect - Night Vision

-------------------------------------- Voidariun Chestplate -----------------------------------------

The voidariun chestplate, It's good and has 56 Enchantibility, But let's get to the good part!

While wearing the chestplate it gives you Regeneration 5!


Voidariun Chestplate - 1136 Durability | +100 Armor | +8 Armor Toughness | +4 Knockback Resistance

Voidariun Chestplate Effect - Regeneration V

---------------------------------------- Voidariun Leggings ----------------------------------------------

The voidariun leggings, It's just, armor, It has 56 Enchantability, No effects soooo yeah.


Voidariun Leggings - 1065 Durability | +100 Armor | +8 Armor Toughness | +4 Knockback Resistance

---------------------------------- Voidariun Boots ----------------------------------------------

The voidariun boots has 56 Enchantibility and while wearing it, Gives you Speed 5!


Voidariun Boots - 923 Durability | +100 Armor | +8 Armor Toughness | +4 Knockback Resistance

Voidariun Boots Effect - Speed V




The Shender Zombie, We already know that it drops bedrock pieces when killed and where his spawner is but,

Didn't you know the shender zombie can break certain blocks? It can break : Bedrock and Stone, Deepslate and Cobblestone,

Mossy Cobblestone and Cobbled Deepslate and Void Stone, But, It can also break your chests! And there's things and mobs this mob doesn't like,

They are : Players (it can also attack players on a server), Iron golems and Armor stands (for some reason), Turtles and Eggs (what the?),

and Shulkers (this mob is identical as i am!), And that's about it.

The voidariun golem, This is a new golem, This golem has TWICE the health of an IRON GOLEM!! And gives some decent damage,

And also Every voidariun golem has it's own storage, that's right, by right-clicking a voidariun golem, You get some slots that you can put your items on,

That means the voidariun golem is a storage system too! And this voidariun golem also attacks Shender Zombies, Zombies and Skeletons,

So it will be great to have a golem that can help you with these 3 mobs, Especially the shender zombie!

As usual you need to build some blocks and summon a golem, But not this golem! This golem can be summoned by right-clicking a new item called : Voidariun Golem Spawn

The voidariun golem spawn can be crafted by putting a voidariun block on the top middle and the middle and the bottom middle,

Then putting voidariun on the middle left and right and boom, You crafted the voidariun golem spawn.




And there is a pointless new potion called the Voidness potion, After drinking it gives you an advancement and the crafting recipe for the Bedrock-Inator 5000.

And it adds a crafting recipe to the Trident, Go to the crafting table, Then put warped planks on the middle and the bottom middle,

Then put an iron bar at the top middle, Then put iron on the top left and right.


And that's about it! Hope you enjoy this mod and have a good day friend! (:






Minecraft mod files
void_dimension_BETA_4.1_1.20.1.jar - Void Dimension 4.1 Beta 1.20.1 Uploaded on: 01/22/2024 - 11:54   File size: 289.45 KB
void_dimension_BETA_5_1.20.1.jar - Void Dimension Fifth Beta 1.20.1 Uploaded on: 01/22/2024 - 11:54   File size: 305.04 KB
void_dimension_BETA_6_1.20.1.jar - Void Dimension Sixth Beta 1.20.1 Uploaded on: 01/23/2024 - 11:13   File size: 327.75 KB
void_dimension_BETA_7_1.20.1.jar - Void Dimension Seventh Beta 1.20.1 Uploaded on: 01/26/2024 - 16:25   File size: 364.79 KB
void_dimension_BETA_7_1.21.1.jar - Void Dimension Seventh Beta 1.21.1 Uploaded on: 01/18/2025 - 10:14   File size: 368.19 KB


- Added 1.19.2 Version to the list, 1.18.2 Version is discontinued.

- [1.19.2 2nd Beta] Few bugfixes and new textures, removed unused brickariun ore texture.


- [1.19.2 3rd Beta]  :

- Added voidariun shovel, axe, and hoe! added brickariun versions too.

- Replaced Undead bedrock miner name with shender zombie.

- New advancements :

Smooth And Cute Roses : Get some void roses (at least they don't harm the environment)

Oooooohh, Bricky! : Get some nice brickariun!

- Fixed bug : Void roses couldn't generate in the overworld.


- New logo


[1.20.1 4th Beta] :

- Added new advancement Voidarius Dedication: Use Brickariun to upgrade the voidariun Hoe, and then reevaluate your life choices once again

- Added a little voidariun golem in the GUI that looks at your cursor (Rendered entity model GUI was added in MCreator 2023.1)

[1.20.1 4.1 Beta] :

- Fixed a bug in the shender zombie spawner not working because the spawners were re-worked in 1.19.3

- Changed Shender zombie spawner nbt data's name from "undead_bedrock_miner_spawner" (the old name of the shender zombie) to "shender_zombie_spawner"

[1.20.1 5th Beta] :

- Added Crevelin which is a new mob that is a void version of the Creeper which drops...

- Added Voidariun-powder that when you smelt it, it turns into voidariun

- Added Void Stone Bricks which is a new block made from 4 Void Stone

- Added Abandoned Crevelin Base which is a new structure that only generates in the Void Dimension

- Changed the Shender Zombie Spawner from an NBT Feature into an actual Structure (Because of 2023.4 MCreator which now makes actual structures, /locate now works)


[1.20.1 6th Beta]:

- Added Mossy Void Stone Bricks which when you put moss/vine on a normal Void Stone Bricks it turns into a Void substance (oooOOOOoooooo....)

- Added Voidarius Spider which is a new mob that drops Void Spider Eyes, and shoots (or spits) Void Spider Eyes at you, which give off the previously useless Voidness Effect


[1.20.1 7th Beta]:

- Added **Void Monstrosity** which is a new boss that can be crafted with the drops of the 3 mobs in this mod, and an egg, It is animated with GeckoLib which is why..

[1.21.1 7th Beta]:

- Don't get excited, it's just getting switched to neoforge and updated to 1.21.1, but i will update this mod if i have ideas!


The mod now requires GeckoLib because of the Void Montrosity which is animated by it

Playing the mod with friends is the best way to have fun in this mod! If you find any weird bugs while playing a server reply them down below!