A unique equipment mod, Champion's Armory balances both common and uncommon features, including its own crafting mechanic, and an armor weight system, in addition to new weapon and armor types. The goal of Champion's Armory is to provide greater variety for combat styles with lighter and heavier melee weapons and armor. It is also designed to be the first part part of an upcoming series of mods, and it is balanced accordingly.
Features include:
An armor weight system where wearing heavy armor, which includes most vanilla armor sets, will slow you down, but light armor such as chainmail will increase your speed. This can be disabled by setting the doArmorWeight gamerule to false, for those who don't want it.
A new set of weapons for iron, gold, diamond, and netherite toolsets. This includes quick sabers, powerful battle hammers, and defensive light spears, as well as claymores, battleaxes, and heavy spears which are two-handed when playing with the Better Combat mod. All of the new weapons are designed to have good compatability with the Better Combat mod.
Expanded armor for vanilla tiers. Champion's Armory adds in a medium-weight half-diamond armor, as well as a lightweight netherite chainmail. In addition, it allows iron chainmail armor to be craftable using iron nuggets and chains, to provide an earlier light armor set.
New ores. Champion's Armory adds in mythril ore, found high on mountain peaks, which is used to make light weapons, tools, and armor, that are faster and stronger than netherite. It also adds in adamant ore, found deep underground near the lava layer of caves, which is used to make heavy weapons, tools, and armor, that are far stronger than netherite. Conbined, mythril and adamant toolsets cover the full range of vanilla tools, as well as all melee weapon types, and all armor weights.
Harness the power of the void. Champion's Armory adds in an even stronger equipment tier called voidforged, crafted like netherite equipment by upgrading mythril and adamant gear with voidforged ingots, it is exceptionally powerful. It also has an unconventional crafting method, where you must first combine rare items into a voidforge alloy blend, then drop it into the void below the end to refine it. The refined ingots will teleport back to you once the process is done.
Champion's Armory is balanced to be played with other high-power mods, so the mythril, adamant, and voidforged equipment is overpowered compared to vanilla Minecraft.
For the best experience, play with the better combat mod. It is not required for Champion's Armory to load, but it is needed for some weapons to be two-handed, and for spears to have increased reach distance.