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Posted by: MightyMoZes
File description: Forge, 1.19.2 (requeries GeckoLib)
File size: 12.04 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 2011
Mod changelog:
1.7.6a [beta 240116] (requires GeckoLib)
vehicle + gear mechanics overhaul
- speeds, GUI, more
- added harvesting ability and slab paving ability for roller engine
- added oxygen gamplay machanics to diving suit and submersible
added vehicles + items
- parachute
- submersible
- cloud-viper
- war airship
- tank
- warship
- various cannons
added weapons
- musket, musket rifle
reworked generated structures/features
-miniboss ufo-feature improved and removed command blocks
weapon balance
- reduced damage of shotgun
- increased ghastship-fireball's damage and reliability
- improved targeting of police airship's net-rockets
- changed alien weapon effects
1.7.5c (requires GeckoLib)
internally server-tested, stable build like 1.7.5b - minor additions
fixed issue: steam cycle, travel motor coach deluxe and ghast ship can now also be repaired with iron ingots like the other vehicles
added: regual airships now naturally sink in the nether (because it's too hot for the air balloons, duh)
added: ghast ship (a halloween themed version of the airship)
to obtain, sneak+right-click on an airship with a ghast tear
it can fly normally in the nether
load it with fire charges to turn it into a spooky, hellish war machine
includes warped and crimson fungus color variants (right-click with either fungus)
1.7.5b (requires GeckoLib) - not available anymore. look on CurseForge
internally server-tested, stable build with slight improvements and bugfixes over 1.7.5a - most complete and functional build yet
fixed issue: cruise steam boat's backseat floats slightly too high above vehicle
fixed issue: steam boats 'jumped' up and down in the water while riding (now like vanilla boats)
fixed issue: boat death animations only triggered while on land instead of when in water
fixed issue: bug sometimes caused the player to die from rebounding projectiles when using the shotgun against close enemies
added: slightly improved textures of boats, cargo coaches and travel coach
added: the hose gun can now also extinguish nearby entities again as well as extinguish the player themselves
tweaked: reduced airship's fuel consumption from using the booster item and increased boost duration
tweaked: dye items (colors) are now kept in the players hand when using them to change a vehicles color because the change only is visible client-side
1.7.5 (a) (requires GeckoLib)
fully implemented beta release for public testing
- complete rebuild for 1.20.1
- major bugfixes
- reduced filesize (from 14 to 7mb)
- added new vehicles
- added new item and vehicle animations
- added option to change vehicle colors/livery
- added new gameplay mechanics to airships
- overhauled crafting with new parts for vehciles and weapons
- changed weapon damage and reload mechanics
unearthed the arcane relic
1.7.4 (a/b) (requires GeckoLib)
- added the "Roller Engine" vehicle
- added new model and stats for the "Basic Motor Coach" vehicle (aka car without upgrades)
- added new, rare sky island structure
- fixed some advancements
1.7.3 (requires GeckoLib)
- added police escort (item, mob and event)
- fixed some advancements
1.7.2 (requires GeckoLib)
- added multiple custom animations for all vehicles and made some refinements to the interior of the models
- refined some vehicle stats (hitpoints etc.)
- fixed some inconsistencies in movement behavior of certain vehicles (eg. motor coaches can now climb dirt pathways with slabs, airships fall down when destroyed ...)
- removed unused npc-mobs until further gameplay content is introduced in following updates
- spawn items for vehicles are no longer removed from player's hands in creative mode
added support for 1.19.2
added support for 1.16.5
- no clothing items and wearable gear featured in this 'downgraded' version
1.7.1 hotfix
- fixed airships wrongly running out of fuel even when landed
- fixed weapons not breaking/triggering blocks correctly + reduced lag probability from spamming guns + added empty cartridge casigns ejection for automatic weapons
- added water & coal loot to generated gas station strucutres to tie in with the new fuel mechanics
- minor entity size/behavior adjustments
- tweaked structure spawn rates
- prepared assets' compatibility for export to 1.16.5
- fixed lowercase spelling of items and entities
added vehicle & fuel mechanics
- all motor vehicles require coal and water to run. Their fuel-meter is dispalyed above the entity and while riding
airships even consume fuel over time if they hover, even without a player controlling them, so plan ahead where you get off! - added interaction with cargo sleighs to link/unlink to crawler tow vehicle
- there arenow big and small cargo inventory sizes - depending on the type of vehicle (passenger or cargo)
- the sleigh now doesn't get stuck and suffacte on downhill rides dehind a tow vehicle as much as before
- all land vehicles, except for the crawler, now can only drive up inclines of half a block, so pave your steep driveways with slabs! This was done to balance the advantages of the crawler and the rest of the land vehicles
weapons rebalancing
- firearms now destroy a variety of blocks on impact (leaves, glass, cloth, cactus etc.)
- the explosive damage and destruction of thrown tnt-bundles and the tnt-launcher are now closer together - now you can blast an entrance into wooden structures with one hit and the bundles cause even bigger destruction - but still balanced in relation to tnt-blocks
- moved most items under a new creative tab
- players joining a new world will automatically be give the recipes to craft the mod-specific recipe-book items so that you can decide how/if someone can craft the mod items in survival/adventure mode
- rebalanced vehilce horn sounds to prevent bleeding ears
- buffed the
. -.. .| / ., . :: , -to be little bit more of a challenge during a group adventure
open / possible issues
some incoherent item namings (uppercase/lowercase)- couple/uncouple for the cargo sleigh is defined globally, so multiple players might unintentionally detatch the sleighs again when pushing the button(?)
due to makeup of procedures, spamming the automatic weapons may cause more lagg than before(?)
1.7.0 first public release
< 1.7.0 unreleased test builds
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