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Posted by: Moe-Mux-Hagi
File size: 119.5 KB
Total download count (all mod files): 156
Mod changelog:
1.2.1 (2023-01-25)
New Advancements, bug fixing, music discs obtention
- New Advancements : two new advancement obtained from collecting music discs
- Music discs : MC-SM music discs can now be obtained by using Eversource spawn eggs or breeding two Eversources
Bug fixes
- The baby Eversource will now stop randomly spawning in the overworld
- Custom recipes can now be unlocked in the recipe book when obtaining the right material
What's next ?
Nothing else planned, for now, aside from updating for 1.19.3.
1.2 (2023-01-24)
Happy new year ! Thank you for 200 downloads over on Forge !
New Advancement, breeding, music discs, custom recipes, conditional message
- New Advancement : one new advancement obtained for successfully breeding two Eversources together
- Breeding mechanic : the Eversource can now be bred by feeding it a gold block
- Music discs : ten new original music discs featuring tracks from Minecraft - Story Mode : Episode 5 by Antimo & Welles
- Custom recipes : six new crafting recipes for otherwise uncraftable items (monster spawner and netherrack, as well as cobbled and regular deepslate as cobblestone and stone compact storage blocks)
Conditional message : new type of custom message for signaling rare egg drops
What's next ?
1.1 (2022-11-23)
Advancements, new eggs, and custom loots added.
- Advancements : five new advancements can be unlocked through Eversource-related tasks
- New eggs : added Allay, Frog, Tadpole, and Warden eggs to the Eversource loot table
- Custom looting : zombies can now randomly drop dirt ; husks, sand ; drowned, mud ; strays, snow balls ; and bees, honeycombs
- doCustomloot : game rule that enables or disables custom looting. Set to "true" by default
- Benedict particle effects : reworked the particles used on Eversource animations
What's next ?
A breeding mechanic for the Eversource are in the works, as well as new quality-of-life improvements. Conditional messages for specific egg drops are considered but prove themselves difficult to code using DnD.
1.0 (2022-10-07)
General quality-of-life improvements from alpha version, updated features, and two new items added.
- Benedict model animations : Eversource is now animated instead of being stiff when it walks around
- Eversource crown : unique, non-craftable item dropped by the Eversource if killed. Can be used to crown another chicken to transform it into a new Eversource
- Eversource spawn egg : egg with a customized sprite used for spawning an Eversource
- Conditional messages : custom messages narrating events such as an Eversource death or coronation
What's next ?
The next update on the mod, released hopefully before 2023, will focus on adding Achievements, and release it to version 1.19.2 of Minecraft, adding allay, frog and warden eggs. Other potential, more minor updates would bring other quality-of-life improvements and demake the mod for anterior versions of the game more popular for modding such as 1.12.2.
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