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Posted by: Nayza
File description: In Dev: Version 0.230423.1045 (Biome O' Flower update)
File size: 1.04 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 724
Mod changelog:
Version 0.290523.1628:
- Added Vanire Ore and block
- Added Vanire Tools and armor
- Added Vanite Crystal and stone crystal variant + Vanire reinforced netherite ingot
- Added Vanire crafts
- Added Thallium Ore and block
- Added Prececursor dimension
- Added Prececursor Sbire
- Added Prececursor Prececursor Outpost (Overworld and in the dimension)
- Added Prececursor Trap, Wall Block, Floor Block, pillar
- Added Prececursor Chain
- Added Prececursor Dimensional Transmitter
- Added Prececursor Magical Laser
- Added Calmyth Forest
- Added Calmyth Wood, Planks, Stairs and slabs
- Added Calmyth stone, stairs and slabs
- Added Calmyth Related blood flowers
- Added Calmyth Walkers
- Added Evnaith Forest
- Added Evnaith Wood Planks Stairs and slabs
- Deleted Mob Farmer block and related craft
- Modified Starter Advancement
- Added Calmyth Theme music and available in Music disc
- Added Evnaith Theme Music and available in Music disc
- Added Wheat Field Biome
- Added Particles effects for a lot of blocks
- Added Bunch of useful commands
- Changed Ritual UI, Modded Spawner UI, Translater Table UI
- Translater Table Model refreshed
- Deleted Spirit House dimension
- Added Fire Rune
- Added Water Rune
- Added Nature rune, Nature's Force potion effect, Nature Force overlay
- Added Wind Rune
- Added Luminareum Flower
- Added Bonuire Flower
- Added Firium Flower
- Fixed Shreiver sprout not dropping items
- Fixed Limestone cave's plants wasn't spawning
- Modded Spawner Revamped
Version 0.230423.1243:
- Fixed Crash caused when opening a translator table
- Fixed Crash caused by right-clicking on a block with a soul scroll
Version 0.230423.1045:
- Added Deshydrated Desert Soil
- Added Deshydrated Sandstone
- Added Wasteland Grass
- Added Deshydrated desert Biome
- Added Mob Farmer Advancement
- Added modded spawner Advancement
- Added dimension advancement
- Added Orange grass
- Added orange Grass block
- Added orange leaves
- Added orange forest biome
- Added Orange Biome advancement
- Added Haunted biome advancement
- Added Campsite structure
- Added Ice Grass block
- Added Ice Leaves
- Added Ice Grass
- Added Ice forest
- Added Ghost Mob
- Added Icing Stone
- Added Icy Caves
- Added Shreiver Sprout Seeds
- Added Patchouli API
- Added Mod documentation with patchouli API (Unfinished)
- Fixed Shreiver Sprout
- Using Loot table for Shreiver drop instead of a single item
- Modified Some advancement
- Fixed Carcete blocks names
- Fixed Haunted Planks sounds
- Fixed Haunted Tree generation
- Fixed Ormoth Vines (Cant be placed because of a weirdly-made procedure by me XD)
Version 0.210423.1530:
- Carcete And Cobbled Carcete
- Carcete Stone Birck Stairs
- Carcete Stone Birck Slabs
- Carcete Stone Birck wall
- Carcete Stone Birck Button
- Carcete cobbled stone Stairs
- Carcete cobbled stone slabs
- Carcete cobbled stone wall
- Carcete cobbled stone button
- Carcete stone Stairs
- Carcete stone slabs
- Carcete stone wall
- Carcete stone button
- Added Specific Carcete crafts
- Bismuth Ore and block
- Added Arthrine Shovel
- Added Arthrine Shovel Craft
- Added Bismuth tools
- Added Bismuth crystal
- Added Bismuth armor
- Added Bismuth Carfts
- Added Spawner Fragments (4 differents fragments)
- Added Spawner Core
- Added Modded Spawner Block
- Added Spawner core and modded spawner blcok ritual Craft
- Mob Farmer Should work correctly with hopper (Block Still in WIP)
- Added spawner fragments to the Opened Ancient scroll translation with translator table
- Added craft to make the modded spawner working
- Added craft for a zombie spawn egg
- Added craft for a skeleton spawn egg
- Added craft for a spider spawn egg
- Changed End city to a world spwan teleporter
- Added Xray block
- Deleted Ormoth Small tree
- Deleted Wand of the sovereign
- Fixed Ormoth Tree generation in the ormoth biome
- Mob Farmer Should work correctly with hopper (Block Still in WIP)
- Blore biome (Added last mod version) Has been upgraded and can now be found in the nether
Version 0.190423.2104:
Added the mod to the Mcreator's website
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