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Posted by: Blackstone Studio
File description: V.1.0 (legacy)
File size: 2.16 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 2464
Mod changelog:
V 0.1 first official file announced
all blocks, items, mobs, armor and biomes added
V 1.0 The gaming Update
added Flaminggems, endsmiths, and normal endships randomly floating around
Ensorinalfungus works now
Crafting for Flaminggem was updated
Liquid Flames were introduced
V 1.1.0 The Remake
Removed Wardenheart and -armor
Changed Death to Dark Knight
Removed Endsmiths and enderarmor
Added Darkium
Changed Textures of Cut Andesite, Diorite and Granite
V 1.1.1 Patch 1 (the remake)
Changed name of Flamingem to Flamimg Gem
Changed name of UnfinishedFlamingem to Unfinished Flamimg Gem
Added Trees to the Ensorinalforest
Added experimental Rocky Desert (experimental)
made ensorinalvines and -fungus generate in the Ensorinalforest
V 1.2.0 The Adventurous Update
changed protection values of Mortemarmor
Added 10 new biomes
fixed a bug which caused Ensorinalforest to generate in the overworld
changed attack Damage of Enderasword and Flamingsword
added two new ores: Silver and Tin
Added the elk and the Rainforestfrog
Fixed a bug which caused the leaves of custom trees to randomly decay
V 1.2.1 Patch 1 (the Adventurous update)
Fixed the orientationbug of the rainforestfrog
Added the Greenwood Forest
V 1.3.0 Darkness and Light Part I: Darkness awaits
Added the Darkness
Added a new Boss : The Lord of Darkness
Added 6 new Structures
Added a new Woodset: The Corrupted Wood
Added 6 new Biomes
Added Shadowstone, -cobble, -bricks , -brickstair , -brickslab, chiseled Shadowbrick (rarely found in the new Structures and uncraftable)
Added the Sword and the Crown of Darkness
V 1.3.1 Patch 1 (Darkness and Light Part I: Darkness awaits)
Added Vases found in Castles and abandoned castles of Darkness and in scout Towers
Fixed the Hitbox of the Rainforestfrog
Changed the side Texture of Ensorinallog and Wood to fit to the normal Nether Woodsets
Changed the Texture of The Endersword
Changed the Damage Value of The Sword of Darkness
Updated The Darkness Tower, -Castle and Abandoned Castle to contain Vases now
Fixed a bug which caused The Dark Knight to randomly despawn
Dark Knight is no more a real boss, but the Advancement for summoning him will stay
V 1.3.2 Patch 2 (Darkness and Light Part I: Darkness awaits)
Removed all structures for rework
Added three new Plants
Added corrupted Zombies
Added Crystalspark, Crystalpea, Crynalium, Corrupted flesh
Removed the Darkness
Added the Shadowlands
Added Corruption Effect
Added Crynalium Desert
Changed the Spawning method of the Dark Knight (Netherite Blocks replaced with Cut Andesite Tiles, Crying Obsidian replaced with Emerald Block)
V 1.3.3( Patch 3 of Darkness and Light Part I : Darkness awaits)
Changed the Textures of the Copper Tools and -Armor
Removed Crystalwheat
Added Crystal Tomatoes
V 1.3.4 ( Patch 4 of Darkness and Light Part I : Darkness awaits)
Changed the Palmtree- and Hardwood Spruce plank Texture (Download link
Added Suspicious Shadowrocks
Fixed a Bug which caused custom leaves to decay around Custom logs
Fixed a Bug which caused Modded Fences to not connect with each other
V 1.3.5 ( Patch 5 of Darkness and Light Part I : Darkness awaits)
Changed the Texture of all Plank- and plankmade Blocks
V 1.3.6 ( Patch 6 of Darkness and Light Part I : Darkness awaits)
Added Shadowdungeons, Underground Plantages, Shadowprisons and the Throne Room
Added a new Music Disc obtainable by looting Shadowprisons and -dungeons
Added the Trapped Shadowtiles
V 1.3.7 (Patch 7 of Darkness and Light Part I: Darkness awaits)
Changed The spawning chances of Thronerooms
Fixed a Bug which caused Thronerooms to generate in the Overworld
Fixed a Bug which caused Shadowdungeons to spawn above Bedrock
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