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Download of Redstone Optics 1.6.1 for Minecraft 1.19.4.jar for Redstone Optics should start shortly...

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Posted by: MeatyMaker00
File description: Full release
File size: 534.33 KB
Total download count (all mod files): 298
Mod changelog:

-1.1 : 

  -Redflow now outputs proper redstone current (always 15; can be adjusted with gamerule)

  -/gamerule redflowPower toggles proper redstone powering in redflow for backwards compatibility. Default false

  -Lunar Tracker no longer detects light levels in the End, instead outputting its distance to the nearest endship (aka item frame)

  -Redstone Bricks enchant bonus now -0.34 (from +0.3)

  -1.18.2 support dropped

  -Demo world support dropped

-1.2 :

 -Redflow speed increased to 20m/s and slope find distance to 5

 -[BUGFIX] Dispensers no longer randomly delete redflow source blocks

 -Redflow now deactivates dispensers and droppers as it goes

-1.3 :

 -Added Redstone Balls

 -[BUGFIX] Updated mod description in-game to match version number

-1.3.1 :

 -Added redflow contamination (/gamerule redflowContamination)

-1.3.2 :

 -[BUGFIX] Downwards-facing dispensers now dispense redflow below them (used to be above)

 -Added painting-dispenser interaction 

 -Added "Forelude" painting

-1.3.3 :

 -Redstone balls now clear redflow contamination

-1.4 :

 -Chainmail armor now blocks detectors

 -Detectors now see Waxed Copper Blocks

 -Added prism

 -Grouped Block of Iron, Block of Lapis Lazuli, Block of Diamond, Block of Emerald, Block of Copper, Waxed Block of Copper, Block of Gold, Active Prism under common tag forge:detector_blocks

-1.4.1 :

 -[BUGFIX] Detector-Chainmail interaction now works properly with armor stands

-1.4.2 :

 -[BUGFIX] Detector-Chainmail interaction hitboxes fixed

-1.5 :

 -Added Enderpearl-Dispenser interaction

 -Added Eye of Ender-Dispenser interaction

 -[BUGFIX] Small performance improvements

-1.5.1 :

 -Replacing a dispenser with a dropper after it has shot an enderpearl will teleport it anyways

 -Removed access to unneeded item

-1.5.2 :

 -[BUGFIX] Dispensers and droppers now maintain their custom names

-1.5.3 :

 -[BUGFIX] Dispenser-Enderpearl debug message removed

 -Inactive prisms now block the vision of detectors (other prisms still see through)

 -"Prism" and "Tinted glass" given forge:detector_blind tag

 -"Tinted glass" given forge:prism_blind tag

-1.6 :

 -[BUGFIX] Teleporting dispensers now conserve name properly

 -[BUGFIX] Redflow no longer tagged under #minecraft:water

 -[BUGFIX] Redflow works properly with dispensers

 -Added Balloons

 -Updated mod page

-1.6.1 :

 -[BUGFIX] Fully removed EnderpearlDispensed item thanks to MCreator 2023.4

 -Dispensers can now interact with End Portal Frames

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