Redstone Optics

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Welcome to Redstone Optics!

A mod for redstone engineers and technical players

-Property power vs. direct power vs. indirect power (redstone dust powers blocks indirectly, repeaters do so directly, and some components from this mod essentially just set the "powered" and "power" properties of blocks to true/15, meaning that upon updating the power is removed)

-This mod is intended for survival mode, as such highly-specific NBT editing and other creative/op shenanigans may not work as expected. Please notify me of these in the comments!

-Mod also available on CurseForge



-Detectors and prisms: Detectors and prisms both look for blocks in the direction they are facing. Prisms will activate and turn purple, while detectors will emit a redstone signal. The blocks they can see are some material blocks (Diamond, Lapis, Gold, Iron, Emerald, Non-oxidized Copper, Non-oxidized Waxed Copper) and prisms that are active. This last one allows you to chain them into circuits!

Basic circuit with a detector and prism used to detect the block of iron around a corner

You can also block their sights with certain blocks. Both can be blocked by tinted glass, and detectors only can also be blocked by inactive prisms! 

Simple OR logic gate making use of prisms blocking detectors but not other prisms

Simple OR logic gate making use of prisms blocking detectors but not other prisms


Another way to block them is wearing a chainmail chestplate! Works on mobs too!

Armor Stand blocking a detector with its chainmail chestplate


Technical data:

-Detectors have a default range of 32 blocks and prisms have a range of 48 blocks (prism is always 1.5x detector)

 -Can be adjusted with /gamerule detectorRange <int>

-Chainmail chestplates only block detectors and prisms if /gamerule chainmailBlocksDetectors <bool> is set to true (default)

-Block tags relating to this feature:

 -"forge:detector_blocks": all the blocks that detectors and prisms detect. Includes Block of Iron, Block of Diamond, Block of Lapis Lazuli, Block of Gold, Block of Emerald, Block       of Copper, Waxed Block of Copper, Active Prism

 -"forge:detector_blind": all the blocks that impede the vision of detectors. Includes Tinted Glass and Prism

 -"forge:prism_blind": all the blocks that impede the vision of prisms. Includes only Tinted Glass

-Prisms require Silk Touch to mine

-Both constantly update blocks nearby


















-Lunar Tracker: small device that ouputs the moon's current phase as a signal strength at night if it can see the sky. In other dimensions, however, its effect changes entirely. In the Nether, it will instead output the light level at its location. In the End, it outputs the distance between it and the nearest Endship (15 if none are in the render distance or if those inside have been looted already). This makes this component mostly useful in survival, for swamp slime farms, mobproofing and looking for elytras











Tracker power output during full moon vs. half moon














Tracker in the Nether (left) responding to a dispensed fire charge, Tracker in the End Islands (right) giving its distance to the endship in the background

Technical data:

-The tracker outputs the following signal strengths in the Overworld:

 -Full moon: 1

 -Waning Gibbous: 2

 -Last Quarter: 3

 -Waning Crescent: 4

 -New Moon: 5

 -Waxing Crescent: 6

 -First Quarter: 7

 -Waxing Gibbous: 8

 -They are simply the phase factor + 1

-In the End, it actually searches for the nearest item frame, so this can make it useful for wireless enderpearl stasis chambers

-Constantly updates blocks nearby













-Redflow: a red fluid that can power redstone! Dust will connect to it, repeaters and other components will get powered, and all from a redstone block that moves on its own! It also flows extremely fast and absorbs entities towards its souce block

Redflow powering numerous components (note how repeaters don't need to be connected, just being next to the redflow is enough, though it does create a clock)











Creeper in redflow about to be absorbed                                                                                                              The creeper has made it all the way to the glass block thanks to the redflow




Redflow can also, given enough time, contaminate the local environment and turn it into a Redwaste biome, where no mobs spawn

Redwaste biome demo


Redflow buckets cannot be crafted. So, how do you get one?


New villager profession: Engineer

Trades for the engineer

Engineers do not spawn naturally, instead having to be assigned by players with an observer as a work block

Second-to-last, a redflow bucket on sale for 96 emeralds


Technical data:

-Redflow travels at 20m/s

-Forge fluid properties:

 -Density: -1000

 -Viscosity: 500

-Redflow emits a light level of 2

-Boats can be placed on redflow

-Redflow directly powering components can be toggled with /gamerule redflowPower <bool> (default true)

-Redflow contamination also has a gamerule: /gamerule redflowContamination <bool> (default true)

-Vulnerable to explosions


-Constantly updates blocks nearby


-Redstone Bricks: decorative bricks that act like a backwards bookshelf. Rather than adding 1.0 enchantment bonus to enchantment tables, it will remove 0.34 enchantment bonus, allowing the reduction of enchanting power. If an enchantment table is nearby, it will also output a signal strength of 15

Without the bricks, the player can enchant with levels 2 or 6

 With the bricks, the hoe cannot be enchanted because -0.34 * 4 + 1 (base power) < 0


Technical data:

-The area in which it affects an enchantment table is different from its detection radius

-Constantly updates blocks nearby











-Redstone Balls: throwable projectile that powers the block it hits as well as the ones above and below. Simple as that. It will power redstone dust with a signal strength of 10. It, however, does not power like a redstone block, but like the indirect power of redflow (the one applied to disconnected but adjacent repeaters). They also clear redwaste and turn it into void biome

Thrown redstone ball

Redstone ball powers lamp

Technical data:

-Redstone balls powering redstone dust is controlled by /gamerule redstoneBallsPower <bool> (default true)













-Dispensable paintings: the painting item can now be dispensed. This will summon a random 1x1 painting entity onto the dispenser's face 

Technical data:

-Creative painting presets will be ignored

-I sketched up a new 4x4 painting for some reason (Forelude by MeatyMaker00)


-Dispensable eyes of Ender: eyes of Ender can now be used like normal by dispensers. If, however, the block that the dispenser is facing is an inactive prism, the eye of Ender entity won't spawn and instead the prism will be activated for a few ticks. You may also place a downwards-facing dispenser on an end portal frame to place the eye into the frame (although it can't remotely activate the portal, as that requires player input)

Eye of Ender being launched from a dispenser


Eye of Ender activating a prism. This circuit is a counter!


-Teleporting Dispensers: ender pearls can now also be dispensed from dispensers! Wherever the pearl lands, the dispenser will teleport there, inventory and custom name included! By itself, on flat ground, the pearl travels 2-4 blocks (can be blocked by entities), so make ample use of slime block launchers, TNT cannons, and stasis chambers! 

If the dispenser is somehow removed (through a Carpet Mod piston or by player interaction) and a dropper is placed instead, it can be teleported instead. 

Note that the pearl will be consumed regardless of whether it actually did anything














Dispenser before and after teleporting (note how just a pearl was lost)

Technical data:

-The projectile that dispensers shoot from the EnderPearl item is different from the minecraft:enderpearl entity. Its registry name is redstone_optics:enderpearl_dispensed

-The NBT data used are three doubles in ForgeData{x:<double>, y:<double>, z:<double>} (these coordinates are the block it came from)

-The dispenser itself isn't stored in the pearl, so launching multiple pearls at the same time won't work


-Redstone Balloon: use this item like a spawn egg to summon a balloon! It has many functions, and has essentially become the mod's flagship. It can be dispensed, be leashed, be enchanted, protected with gamerules, explode or even summon lightning!


Transferring signal vertically

If placed on a powered block or a redstone block/redstone bricks, it will begin emitting red particles from below, signifying it is powered.

Upon getting close to a repeater/dust, it will be property-powered up to 15

Example circuit with balloons: the one that was spawned on wool does nothing while the other one powers the lamp through a repeater


Storing lightning

Were a balloon to survive a lightning strike, it will become charged with it. Charged balloons are denoted by occasional spark particles.

Upon popping the balloon, a lightning strike will be released wherever and whenever

By using a Resistance 4 potion (Potion of the Turtle Master + glowstone dust) and a Fire Resistance potion on a balloon in this setup, it will survive the hit and become charged


That same balloon being popped in clear weather



Two new enchantments can be added to books, and then to balloons in an anvil. They are Pressure I-V and Density.

When a powered balloon is popped, by default it will explode with half the strength of a TNT. With Pressure, the enchantment's level will be added to the balloon's strength












Unenchanted balloon (left; x0.5 TNT) vs. Pressure V balloon (right; x1.75 TNT)


Density is a simple enchantment that prevents the balloon from flying and also causes it to not float in water. In order to move a dense balloon, external action is required

Dense balloon (left) vs. unenchanted balloon (right)


Owner protection

A balloon summoned by a player while /gamerule balloonOwnerProtection <bool> is set to true (default false) can only be popped by mobs or the owner.

The balloon will be protected from all forms of direct player attacks (swords, TNT, tridents, arrows, potions).

If the gamerule is disabled or if the balloon was dispensed, anything can pop the balloon


Technical data:

-Balloons are immune to the following types of damage:


 -Entity cramming




 -Wither/poison effects

-Block tags:

 -"forge:powers_redstone_balloons": all the blocks that power balloons on placement. Includes Block of Redstone, Redstone Bricks


-Can be obtained from leatherworker villagers

-Balloons have no gravity

-Balloons float using the levitation effect

-NBT structure.

 -"owner":<string> (owner's stringUUID)

 -"ExplosionRadius":<double> (strength of explosion)

 -"powered":<bool> (does it conduct power and explode?)

 -"charged":<bool> (does it summon lightning on death?)

-Owner protection can be toggled with /gamerule balloonOwnerProtection <bool>


-Cannot be enchanted in an enchantment table

-Try using an invisibility potion on a balloon!


 -Sounds from Pixabay










Minecraft mod files
Redstone Optics 1.6.1 for Minecraft 1.19.4.jar - Full release Uploaded on: 01/25/2024 - 20:41   File size: 534.33 KB

-1.1 : 

  -Redflow now outputs proper redstone current (always 15; can be adjusted with gamerule)

  -/gamerule redflowPower toggles proper redstone powering in redflow for backwards compatibility. Default false

  -Lunar Tracker no longer detects light levels in the End, instead outputting its distance to the nearest endship (aka item frame)

  -Redstone Bricks enchant bonus now -0.34 (from +0.3)

  -1.18.2 support dropped

  -Demo world support dropped

-1.2 :

 -Redflow speed increased to 20m/s and slope find distance to 5

 -[BUGFIX] Dispensers no longer randomly delete redflow source blocks

 -Redflow now deactivates dispensers and droppers as it goes

-1.3 :

 -Added Redstone Balls

 -[BUGFIX] Updated mod description in-game to match version number

-1.3.1 :

 -Added redflow contamination (/gamerule redflowContamination)

-1.3.2 :

 -[BUGFIX] Downwards-facing dispensers now dispense redflow below them (used to be above)

 -Added painting-dispenser interaction 

 -Added "Forelude" painting

-1.3.3 :

 -Redstone balls now clear redflow contamination

-1.4 :

 -Chainmail armor now blocks detectors

 -Detectors now see Waxed Copper Blocks

 -Added prism

 -Grouped Block of Iron, Block of Lapis Lazuli, Block of Diamond, Block of Emerald, Block of Copper, Waxed Block of Copper, Block of Gold, Active Prism under common tag forge:detector_blocks

-1.4.1 :

 -[BUGFIX] Detector-Chainmail interaction now works properly with armor stands

-1.4.2 :

 -[BUGFIX] Detector-Chainmail interaction hitboxes fixed

-1.5 :

 -Added Enderpearl-Dispenser interaction

 -Added Eye of Ender-Dispenser interaction

 -[BUGFIX] Small performance improvements

-1.5.1 :

 -Replacing a dispenser with a dropper after it has shot an enderpearl will teleport it anyways

 -Removed access to unneeded item

-1.5.2 :

 -[BUGFIX] Dispensers and droppers now maintain their custom names

-1.5.3 :

 -[BUGFIX] Dispenser-Enderpearl debug message removed

 -Inactive prisms now block the vision of detectors (other prisms still see through)

 -"Prism" and "Tinted glass" given forge:detector_blind tag

 -"Tinted glass" given forge:prism_blind tag

-1.6 :

 -[BUGFIX] Teleporting dispensers now conserve name properly

 -[BUGFIX] Redflow no longer tagged under #minecraft:water

 -[BUGFIX] Redflow works properly with dispensers

 -Added Balloons

 -Updated mod page

-1.6.1 :

 -[BUGFIX] Fully removed EnderpearlDispensed item thanks to MCreator 2023.4

 -Dispensers can now interact with End Portal Frames