Farland Chronicles is a Fantasy based pvm and pvp mod designed around multiplayer, making this mod perfect to play with your friends. It adds bosses, mobs, weapons, armours, enchantments, classes, level scaling and more
The bosses found in the farland chronicles are deadly and varied, currently the mod adds 6 bosses and 4 demi bosses. All full bosses scale with difficulty
Andrias is the toughest of the tough, his ice and lightning magic will leave you frozen and fried. The Ruler of the Tieflings and candidate for the next god of lightning
Ereb is Andrias' right hand man, a master assassin with the ability to become a shadow, his quick moves and evasive tactics can make him a difficult opponent to beat
Aashni is a minotaur with powerful lightning magic and Andrias' rival as candidate for the next god of lightning. Watch out for his charge attack
Ballrynn is a demon lord from the nether, he seeks to break through to the overworld and set the entire surface ablaze. His fiery and explosive attacks leave little room to breathe
The Nature Spirit is a manifestation of nature herself, she strives to purify the world of player scum. Her powerful wind based attacks will knock you off your feet
The Forge Golem is a relic from a more complicated time, this ancient machinery is high durable and hitting its tough shell will leave your hands stinging. Make use of stuns to cancel its regenerative state.
Full bosses have combat achievements associated with them, check out the achievements section in game for more details
The Elf commander summoned using a shining quiver drops a super powered bow, kill elves that spawn in the world to find shining arrows
The Void Walker carries with it dimension warping bags and magical eggs that hold entire creatures, not to mention its bones can contain netherite
Arthur is just a simple dude. Definitely no secrets here, just a completely normal guy
The Lesser Lich is a form of world demi boss that spawns after enough skeletons have died, only skeletons that have died near a level 60 or higher count though
Basic Mobs:
currently there are 28 new basic mobs:
4 kinds of Tiefling
4 kinds of lizardmen
3 kinds of elves
4 kinds of orcs
3 kinds of ice spider
Ice Crawler
Putrid Spider
Desert Scorpion
Desert Yak
Phase Spider
Living Rock
Nether Stinger
Skeleton Fighter
Skeleton Knight
Watcher (a kind of 1 eye'd beholder)
A few of these are displayed in the pictures in the title area
the more powerful mobs require players to be a certain level for them to spawn, this prevents being bombarded by overpowered mobs in the early game (though the mobs that do spawn are still quite dangerous)
There are 9 total classes to choose from 4 early game classes and 5 stronger classes
Classes have passive abilities and active abilities put onto configurable keybinds
Ability keybinds are c,v,b and m my default
Fighter - early game tank class, gains increased max health as you level, passively heals when attacked or attacking and has a healing active on keybind 1
Warrior - is an upgraded version of Fighter
Thief - early game dps class, gains attack damage and speed with levels and has a backwards dash ability to get out of a pinch on keybind 1
Rogue - upgraded version of rogue, unlocks a new ability on keybind 2 that increases your next attacks damage by 8
(limited to 15 armour)
Hunter- ranged dps class, gains increased arrow damage and a three arrow shot abilit on keybind 1
Ranger - upgraded hunter, gains more arrow damage and a jumping arrow shoot ability on keybind 2
Preacher - early game healer class, gains some hearts with level and has a heal ability on keybind 1, if no target is found they will heal themself (use /ally to be able to target others for healing)
Druid - Stronger healer class, doesnt gain extra health but has 1 targeted heal ability on keybind 1 and an AoE heal+absorption ability on keybind 2
both these classes use mana for their abilities, if you spam them too much you'll have to wait for it to recharge
Wizard - This is the newest and most advanced/complicated class
The wizard has 4 spell slots - Basic, Secondary, Advanced, Ultimate.
Open your spell book with the keybind (= by default) and select a slot, then choose a spell. pressing the keybind while holding any spell focus (wands/staffs) for the corresponding spell will now cast that spell
Holding the spell casting focus in the main hand is required for casting spells
Here is the process in video format
Wizard Robes can be worn with arcane enchantments to boost your spell casting power
Arcane Power boost spell power and duration
Arcane Haste lowers spell cooldowns
Arcane Potential increases max mana
Arcane Rejuvenation increases mana regen
Spears: fast 1 handed weapon that can be enchanted with puncture. gives martial skill 2 when held
Daggers: fast 1 handed weapon that automatically counter attacks in melee range, has a cooldown. gives martial skill 1 when held
maces: slow 1 handed weapon that has a chance to stun, impact increases this chance and crushing makes this a small AoE stun
2H Swords: slow 2 handed weapon that increases attack reach
Iron Forge Rapier: Fast and powerful 1 handed weapon that deals 40% damage bonus damage every 6s (cd per target) has a a weapon active (# by default) that blocks the next incoming source of damage
Thunderbringer Battleaxe: Fast and powerful 2 handed weapon that gives extra attack reach, attacking targets out in the open may strike them with lighting, has a weapon active (# by default) that imbues you with lighting guaranteeing to strike on your next hit (costs 2 mana dust) (12s cd)
defenders: periodically deal bonus damage when attacking while holding in off hand. can parry attacks by right clicking while facing directly at attckers FoV is small though so its tricky, doing so makes next attack deal bonus damage
Shields: hold right click to block, when block charge runs out from taking too much damage you're forced to lower the shield, charge passively increases while holding but not blocking
Bullhide Bracer: increases damage dealt by arrows you fire
Meteor Bracer: increases damage dealt by arrows you fire. every 5th hit if you have blaze powder, deal bonus fire magic damage
Emerald Staff: spell focus that allows for the casting of spells (tier 1 unenhanced, tier 2 enhanced)
Wand of Thunder: right click to strike lighting on multiple targets around you. is also a spell focus (tier 2)
Wand of Blaze: right click to shoot a small explosive fireball. is also a spell focus (tier 3)
Wand of Storms: right click to shoot a icy lightning bolt. is also a spell focus (tier 4)
Gaia Moss Boots: Netherite Boots enhanced by gaia moss, gain regeneration and resistance when stood in water. gives massive knockback resitance and armour toughness
Brigandine: A mixture of leather and iron to create a tough and durable set of armour
Shaman Staff: right click to heal 3 hearts and gain regeneration
Phoenix Chestplate: when dropping below 2/5hp heal a little health and deal fire damage around you, requires a totem of undying and a forge ingot to work (30s cd)
potion Effects:
Martial skill: 10% chance per level to passively parry attacks (1.5s cd)
Martial Redemption: heal 1 heart per level every time you parry with martial skill
Bulwark of Stoicism: 9 + 3% x level to block attacks, gain absorption when an attack is blocked, martial skill disables this effect
Vital Strike: +2 melee bonus damage per level for 1 attack, stacks with/empowers other on hit effects
Thunder Touch: on hit effect that deals lightning magic damage
Elemental resistances: 10% damage reduction per level for the specific elemental resistance
Stunned: cant move or perform certain actions
Rooted: cant move
Attack Block: Blocks the next istance of damage and is then removed
Disarmed: all basic attacks fail, consumes on hit effects also
Heal: heal 1 heart per level
Infected: take acid damage every 2.5s, damage scales with level
Lesser Spell Dispersal: 5% magic damage reduction per level and chance to make ranged attack spells fizzle. 25% x level for basic tier spells and 10% level for secondary tier
Battle Enhancement: gain vital strike for every hit
Free movement: immunity to rooted, stunned and slow, increased knockback resistance
Undying: Upon death, cancel the death and heal some health and gain absorption, totems take priority and will be used first
Gluttony: chance to recover hunger and saturation when a tool or piece of gear performs its action (weapons attacking, tools breaking blocks, armour taking hits)
Rune Blade: chance to deal bonus damage and convert attack into Force magic damage
Cleave: chance to deal bonus physical damage
Shield Breaker: deal large bonus physical damage to targets with absorption hearts
Puncture: chance to deal bonus damage based on the targets armour
Impact: increases a maces chance to stun
Crushing: when a mace stuns, stun in a small AoE and deal damage
Warped Counter: dagger counter range becomes unlimited and damage becomes magic damage
Precision: increases the frequency that defenders deal bonus damage
Arcane Power: increases the power and duration of wizard spells
Arcane Haste: lowers the cooldown of wizard spells
Arcane Rejuvenation: increases a wizards mana regen
Arcane Potential: increases a wizards max mana
Swift Block: increases shield charge rate
Heavy Block: decreases how much shield charge is lost when blocking
Meticulous Defence: increases shield block FoV
Tenacity: increases shield max charge
Enfeebling Guard: gives weakness to attacker when blocking with a shield
Static Guard: deals thunder damage back to attacker when blocking with a shield
Arcane Channelling: increases magic power, arcane haste and max mana
Sweets: Heal 1 heart, instant eat, chance to recover hunger and saturations
Reparation Runestone: heal 4 hearts + regeneration, instant use
Iron+Steel+coppers skin runestones: give absorption hearts (and resistance for iron+steel)
Knight Runestone: gain strength II
Tunneller/miner's runestone: gain haste
Endurance Runestone: gain health boost II
Immortal Runestone: gain Undying potion effect
Boss warp Runestone: teleports a boss that isnt already in combat to your location (fails and is wasted if no boss/teleportable demi boss is found)
Blacksmith's Gem: instantly recovers durability on all armour pieces
Stat Page Beta: (in development)
Stat page is still in development
Upcoming Features:
Naturally spawning structures
Dungeon Dimension where only certain blocks can be broken
More bosses
More classes
Gear upgrades
Improved Stat page
Improves particle and sounds for class abilities
Happy to answer any questions you might have about the mod
0.16 change log
Fixed Custom Mob Spawning
Fixed Hunter/Ranger healing portion of ability 1 not checking for cd before applying
Lesser Lich world skeleton death counter no longer goes up when skeletons die within 128 blocks of a lesser lich
Added Spell Targeting System + indicator (known visual bug with indicator when looking at target through an ineligible entity, spells still function properly though)
-Red indicator requires a target for spell to resolve
-Blue indicator will always resolve at indicator if sufficient mana
-Yellow indicator will resolve at target if found or on self if no target found
Added Mana functionality
Preacher and Druid spells adjusted to use new targeting system and mana
Wizard Class Beta Added
Customisable spell loadout with 4 slots each with unique spells to choose from (sounds and particles are not fully finished, balance may be off)
Added Attributes that effect spells:
-Magic Power increases potency and length of spells
-Arcane Haste reduces cooldown of spells
-Mana Regen increases mana regeneration rate
-Max Mana increases maximum mana
Added mana potions and brewing items/ingredients
Added Mage Cloth and Mage Robes that provide the wizard with the previously mentioned attributes
Added enchants for mage robes that further enchance these attributes
Arcane Power Max level III - increases magic power stat
Arcane Haste Max level III - increases arcane haste stat
Arcane Rejuvenation Max level V - increases maga regen stat
Arcane Potential Max level V - increases max mana stat
Arcane Channelling Potion effect - Gives 2 magic power, 1 arcane haste and 20 max mana per level
Added 2 new staves + functionality to existing staves as spell focusses
Emerald staff - Arcane Channelling I
Enhanced Emerald Staff and Wand of Thunder - Arcane Channelling II
Wand of Blaze - Arcane Channelling III
Wand of Storms - Arcane Channelling IV
Damage Resistances adjusted to accommodate negative values (increases damage of that type)
Melee Bonus Damage attribute added - increases the damage of any on hit melee effect (e.g. iron forge rapier bonus damage strike, defender bonus damage, thunder touch potion effect etc)
Vital Strike potion effect adjusted to give melee bonus damage increase for 1 attack
Stat Page GUI with class ability descriptions and item pages
Full enchantment pages and wizard related stuff is NYI
Known Issues/Bugs: Spell target indicator visual bug, Bull Hide Quiver not auto refilling in inventory