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Posted by: MrSculk404
File description: The newest 1.19.2 Forge release of the mod.
File size: 12.59 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 1036
Mod changelog:
+The Setback:
-A dark dimension that has been taken over by void
-Accessible after defeating the Void Titan
-You need at least 10 Gloomy Obsidian to build the portal frame
-The player can activate the portal using a Nanta Star
-Bedrock generates at Y=32 and the build limit is Y=320
-The bottom of the dimension is sometimes destroyed, allowing the player to gaze into the void
-Natural sources of light include void mushrooms and void liquid
-Void liquid is the most common fluid that naturally generates abundantly in this dimension
in the form of deltas, rivers, lakes and oceans
-Harsh Stone makes up most of the Setback's terrain
-Features 4 new biomes:
+Sick Woods:
-The floor is made of void mycelium and harsh stone
-Contains dark void bulbs, giant faded flowers, void grids and sick trees made of sick wood,
dead corals, and harsh icicles
-Has the least amount of void deltas
-Void Menaces, Fatal Shrooms, Bovelins, and Tornpillars spawn here
+Frozen Harsh Barrens:
-The floor is made of frozen harsh stone and harsh stone
-Contains void grids, giant faded flowers, harsh ice spikes and corrupted harsh ice spikes - features void mushrooms and
void mycelium on top of the harsh ice
-Void Menaces, Fatal Shrooms, Bovelins, and Tornpillars spawn here
+Frozen Postrum Reef:
-The floor is made of dead postrum and harsh ice
-Contains dead corals, harsh ice spikes and corrupted harsh ice spikes - features void mushrooms and
void mycelium on top of the harsh ice
-Void Menaces, Fatal Shrooms, Bovelins, and Tornpillars spawn here
+Void Postrum Reef:
-The floor is made of dead postrum and void mycelium
-Contains twisted corals and huge void mushrooms
-Void Menaces, Fatal Shrooms, Bovelins, and Tornpillars spawn here
+Postrum Temple:
-Generates in the Setback
-This structure is inhabited by temple keepers, warlocks, and titan sentries
-Contains a void crystal trap, 4 small chests and a double chest
-Loot includes:
Small chests:
0-6 Void Grids
0-4 Void Mushroom
3-7 Void Gem
2-5 Astranite Ingot
4-6 Outer Debris
0-4 Debris Pane
0-2 Lucid Stone
4-8 Lucid Rocks
0-2 Iron Block
3-6 Golden Carrot
5-7 Beetroot
0-5 Obsidian
0-3 Faded Lantern
0-4 Worm Eye
0-4 Harsh Leather
0-6 Harsh Icicle
0-5 Harsh Ice
0-5 Void Magma Block
Double chest:
0-1 Eversion Armor Trim
0-1 Enchanted Diamond Chestplate
0-2 Lucid Upgrade
0-2 Diamond Block
0-2 Lucid Stone
6-15 Lucid Rocks
0-1 Enchanted Astranite Leggings
0-1 Enchanted Astranite Boots
0-8 Emerald
6-8 Outer Debris
5-7 Golden Carrot
0-3 Golden Apple
0-1 Music Disc - Blocks
2-5 Void Fang
0-4 Worm Eye
5-7 Harsh Vines
4-6 Void Grids
4-7 Rotten Flesh
-Lucid Stone, Lucid Rocks, and the Eversion Armor Trim can be found in chests in the Setback dimension
+Tower of Malice:
-New hostile boss mob
-Can be fought in Postrum Temples when the player starts breaking the Void Crystal Trap
-Has 300 HP
-Deals 9 melee damage
-Inflicts Wounded and Poison effect
-Spawns Void Gas
-Several warnings appear before the gas spawns
-The Gas inflicts the Wither effect; however, it will also give the Blindness effect if you have the Wounded effect
-Drops a Void Crystal and a Void Eater Upgrade Smithing Template
-Immune to fire, wither effect and fall damage
+Flooded Faded Fortress:
-New faded fortress variant that contains a water pool with 5 nantas and dead twisted corals
+Faded Sewers:
-Generates commonly underground or near void liquid in the Setback
-Has a short and long variation
-Is infested with Sewer Void Worm Eggs
-Loot includes:
0-1 Lucid Upgrade
0-3 Lucid Rocks
0-3 Obsidian Bucket
0-1 Void Bucket
0-8 Void Grids
2-7 Candle
3-5 Cyan Candle
2-6 Red Candle
0-1 Dust and Steel
0-4 Dark Void Bulbs
1-4 Outer Debris
4-8 Coal
5-11 Charcoal
0-3 Iron Ingot
-Passive underwater mob
-Found in Flooded Faded Fortresses
-Has 16 HP
-Has a chance to drop a Nanta Pearl when fed with Twisted Corals
-Nantas don't despawn
+Nanta Pearl:
-Nanta pearls are used to craft Nanta Stars
+Nanta Star:
-A nanta star is a craftable item used to activate the Setback portal
-The player can craft it using 4 Nanta Pearls and a Faded Star
-If the player right-clicks the nanta star underwater, it will create a safety barrier for the player
-Hostile mob
-Spawns in the Setback dimension
-Has 46 HP
-Shoots freezing projectiles
-Can teleport
-Drops 0-4 Worm Eyes
-Immune to wither effect and fire
-Neutral mob
-Spawns in the Setback
-Has 130 HP
-Deals 14 melee damage
-Drops 3-8 Leather
-Gets furious when a Lucid Bell rings near it
-In fury mode it will attack every monster, including other bovelins
-Receives Strength 3 effect in fury mode
-Immune to fire, wither effect and fall damage
+Temple Keeper:
-Hostile undead mob
-Spawned by spawners found in postrum temples
-Has 42 HP
-Equipped with an iron sword, chainmail chestplate, leggings and boots
-Drops 0-3 Rotten Flesh
-Hostile undead mob
-Spawns in postrum temples
-Has 100 HP
-Equipped with an astranite sword
-Summons arrows and shulker bullets
-Can levitate
-Starts glowing after summoning arrows/shulker bullets and shoots void projectiles
-Drops 0-3 Rotten Flesh, 6-12 Arrow Caller
+Arrow Caller:
-Using an Astral Amulet while the player is holding an Arrow Caller in the off-hand slot
summons falling arrows
+Eversion Armor Trim:
-Found in postrum temples
-Can be duplicated using a harsh stone
+Lucid Upgrade:
-Found in faded sewers and postrum temples
-Required to upgrade netherite gear to lucid gear
-Can be duplicated using 7 diamonds, a harsh ice, and a lucid upgrade
+Void Eater Upgrade:
-Obtained by killing the Tower of Malice
-Required to upgrade a void eater
-Can be duplicated using 7 diamonds, a block of void, and a void eater upgrade
+Dark Void Bulbs:
-Generates in sick woods
-Can be lit using a dust and steel
-Bright Void Bulbs emit a light level of 12
-Dark Void Bulbs can be crafted using Lush Bulbs and a Void Organ
+Sewer Void Worm Egg:
-Generates in Faded Sewers
-Can hatch at any time when a player is near it
+Lucid Rock:
-Found in postrum temples
-Can be used as trim material
+Lucid Stone:
-The player can craft it using 9 Lucid Rocks
-Drops 9 Lucid Rocks when broken
+Lucid Ingot:
-The player can craft it using 8 Lucid Rocks and a Lucid Rock
-Can be used for upgrading Netherite Armor, Swords and Tools
-Can be used as trim material
+Void Organs:
-Generates in the Setback
-Contains a Void Organ which can be obtained by right clicking on the block with an upgraded void eater
+Lucid Tools:
-Immune to lava and fire
-Are more efficient than netherite tools
-Have higher durability and enchantability than netherite
+Lucid Armor:
-Tougher than netherite armor
-Have higher durability and enchantability than netherite
+Block of Lucid:
-Can be used decoratively, as a storage block for lucid ingots, or as part of a beacon
-Has strong blast resistance
-The player can craft it using 9 Lucid Ingots
+Lucid Bell:
-Can be crafted using 4 Polished Harsh Stone Walls, 3 Sticks, a Lucid Rock and a Void Organ
-Can be rung to aggravate nearby bovelins
+Void Crystal:
-Currently not obtainable in Survival mode
-Absorbs nearby void liquid in a 6×6×6 block radius
+Sick Wood, Planks, Stairs, Slab, Wall, Fence, Fence Gate, Door, Trapdoor:
-Pickaxes are the default tools for breaking these blocks
+Harsh Ice:
-Places void liquid when mined without a void eater
-Pretty slippery
-Can be found naturally in Frozen Postrum Reefs and Frozen Harsh Barrens
+Harsh Icicle:
-Hanging decorative block
-The player can craft it using 4 Harsh Ice
-Can be found naturally as part of sick trees
+Frozen Harsh Stone:
-Can be found naturally in Frozen Harsh Barrens
-Pretty slippery
-Drops Harsh Stone when broken without Silk Touch
+Harsh Stone Tiles, Stairs, Slab, Wall:
-Crafted using 4 Harsh Stone Bricks
+4 New Jelly Glass Patterns: Window, Metal, Brick, Flake
+New painting: Malice (64x48)
-Depicts something holding a Void Crystal
+10 New Advancements:
+Blast from the depths:
-Blow up a Magma Puffball
-Feed a Nanta with twisted corals
+Realm of Malice:
-Enter the Setback dimension
+Worth It?:
-Obtain Lucid Rock
+Anger Management:
-Defeat an angered Bovelin
+Tower Breaker:
-Defeat the Tower of Malice
+The Hunger Grows:
-Upgrade the Void Eater
+Dirty Business:
-Obtain Void Organs using an Upgraded Void Eater
+Lucid Dream:
-Obtain a Lucid Ingot
-Get a full suit of Lucid armor
Faded Fortress:
-Became more common
Faded Lantern:
-The player can turn it invisible using a Faded Star
Faded Stone:
-Generates in the Setback underground
Copper and iron ore veins no longer appear in the Astral dimension
Golden Bone, Ectoplasm, Pyrite Heart:
-Added a tooltip: "Useable with an Astral Amulet"
Titan helmet:
-Can now be repaired using Obsidian, Gloomy Obsidian or Crying Obsidian
Iron Bucket:
-Breaks when a player tries to pick up void liquid
Void Bucket:
-The player gets back an obsidian bucket when they place void liquid
Void Eater:
-Can be upgraded using a void gem and a void eater upgrade
Upgraded Void Eater:
-Has higher durability and mining speed than a regular void eater
-Can be used to harvest void organs
-Cures infected blocks nearby, not just the one block you clicked on
-Can be used to remove void mycelium in a 6*6*6 area
Fatal Shroom:
-Fixed shooting sound not playing
Uneasy Feelings advancement:
-Changed the description to:
-Visit a Sludgy Wasteland biome. You should try locating a Tormented Mansion here
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