Thermical goggles/sniper

Started by Teddy the artist on

Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)

Joined Jul 2024

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Thermical goggles/sniper

Hey everyone, I need help with an idea, I'm making a mod that I'm putting a lot of efford into, and one of the things I wanted to add is thermical goggles/sniper rifle, and I have an idea of how to do it, but I don't know how to do it myself. The objective is to make a sniper rifle and some goggles that when you press a key, they give you night vision, put a green filter over your screen like the creeper in spectator mode (when you click to spectate creepers, endermans or spiders, minecraft puts different filters over your screen), but highlighting players/entities with red.


So I have 2 ideas of how to do this.

1st idea is using an overlay and behind the overlay display a shader like the creeper one, that as said earlier highlights everything in green except players, who are highlighted in red. But I have no idea of how to make a shader, and I have no idea of how to display it with procedures under the sniper overlay.


2nd Idea is to somehow display the creeper already existing shader, or putting a transparent green filter on my overlay texture, and somehow making an effect similar to glowing, that makes player glow in red or some other color, but that only the player that is holding the item can see. Again, no idea of how tf to do this


can anyone help?

And believe me, I tried myself, but there was no luck as I'm pretty new to MCreator

Have a nice day!