entity loses his ability to walk after attempt to find path

Started by Darknessay on

Topic category: Help with MCreator software

Joined Nov 2019

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entity loses his ability to walk after attempt to find path

I made a mob that has several changing phases, such as: wander, attack, sleep, threat, escape, etc.
So, when a creature enters the escape phase, every second it is given the order to run to a random (not quite) point.
And this phase is triggered when a creature is hit or when there is a player within a radius of 8.
For some reason, sometimes a creature, entering the escape phase, begins to simply move very short distances, almost without moving, and after that he does not walk, even in the wandering phase, where he is also given the order to look for a path to a random point, but much less often.

If need screenshots of procedures, just say what you need, because my entity's tick procedure is too long to attach it(different phases are just different NBT nimber)