
MCreator 2025.1

Upcoming release

  • [Bugfix, NF 1.21.4] Using the "follow item in hand" AI task crashed the game
  • [Bugfix] Custom GUI background was darker than vanilla GUI background
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

EAP 2025.1.08615

  • Minor UX improvements and vectorized some more icons
  • Unified sorting of dropdowns and list selectors across the UI to follow ordering in the workspace tab
  • Added new workspace panel keyboard shortcuts for easier mod element manipulation
  • Added support for making resource packs for mods and loading mods into the resource pack maker
  • Added sentiment parameter to the attribute mod element
  • Added automation inventory slot place/take procedure conditions
  • Added new tag type: structure tags
  • Added new tag type: game event tags
  • Added new potion effect mod element procedure triggers: on entity death, on entity hurt
  • Added new potion effect mod element parameters: effect particle, sound effect when added
  • Added new worldgen feature block: place at a list of given coordinates
  • [NF 1.21.4] Added an option to schedule block tick after placing it in a simple block feature
  • [Bugfix] Placement offset of NBT-based worldgen features did not rotate with structure rotation and mirror
  • [Bugfix] NBT-based features placed ghost blocks when placed from procedures, saplings, or using commands
  • [Bugfix, NF 1.21.4] Big workspaces that built in previous versions failed to build on 1.21.4 in some cases
  • [Bugfix, NF 1.21.4] Block/item from registry name procedure blocks caused build errors
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

EAP 2025.1.05718

  • Updated bundled Java to version OpenJDK 21.0.5
  • Updated NeoForge for 1.21.1 to 21.1.92
  • Added user code block to access transformer files
  • Added option to edit ordering of certain entry lists in the software
  • Added some new tags to the add common tags tool
  • Improved performance and reliability of Gradle project loading
  • Added support for multiline procedure-based tooltips in custom GUIs
  • Added a context menu item to the Blockly editor to clean up unused blocks
  • Added option to make both opaque and translucent particle types have emissive light rendering
  • Greatly improved procedure mod element generated code clarity and performance
  • Added Minecraft resource pack generator for 1.21.4
  • Added base support for NeoForge 1.21.4
  • Added Minecraft data pack generator base for 1.21.4
  • [A 1.21.x] Added new Minecraft blocks, items, and entities to data lists
  • [DP 1.21.4] Added support for: functions, damage types, loot tables, tags, structures, advancements, advancement triggers, recipes, enchantments, dimensions, biomes, worldgen features
  • [NF 1.21.4] Added support for: custom code, functions, damage types, loot tables, tags, structures, sounds, advancements, advancement triggers, recipes, enchantments, villager trades, biomes, paintings, game rules, attributes, potion items, villager professions, variables, global triggers, commands, worldgen features, key bindings, creative tabs, armor, JSON models, Java models, OBJ models, item extensions, dimensions, particles, overlays, GUIs, projectiles, living entities, AI tasks, Java animations, tools, potion effects, blocks, fluids, plants, procedures, items
  • [NF 1.21.4] Custom projectile Java models now support basic animations
  • [Bugfix, A 1.21.x] Custom blocks did not load correctly in some cases
  • [Bugfix, A 1.21.x] Custom blocks did not appear in the creative mode item selector
  • [Bugfix] On 4K screens, MCreator window size was not correct for list elements in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Old mods.toml and files were not removed when switching to the NeoForge generator
  • [Bugfix] Sprite GUI mod element component with equal width and height could glitch the UI editor
  • [Bugfix] Filter in resource pack editor file browser stopped working in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Projectiles with non-default bounding box size did not collide correctly in some cases
  • [Bugfix] It was possible to import armor textures with an empty name
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

MCreator 2024.4


  • [Bugfix] Custom animations did not apply correctly to the built-in biped model
  • [Bugfix] In some cases, the test Minecraft client failed to start with the port already in use error
  • [Bugfix] Some GUI procedure triggers passed screen instead of player coordinates to x and y dependencies
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements


  • [Bugfix] Mod element usage finder did not work correctly in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Improved debugger and performance monitor startup reliability
  • [Bugfix] Texture override in the resource pack editor did not work in some cases of animated textures
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

EAP 2024.4.50117

  • Added new workspace type: resource pack
  • Added vanilla resource pack editor tool that makes it possible to override resource files from the mod
  • Added easy-to-use placement generator utility to the feature mod element editor
  • Added CPU and memory consumption charts to the Gradle console for mod performance monitoring
  • Certain preferences such as project browser state and element sorting are now stored per-workspace
  • Added an option to reference mod elements from third-party mods in tags
  • Order of custom creative tabs can now be configured
  • Added support for a new plant type: sapling
  • Added an option to make custom plants waterloggable
  • Added option for custom blocks to implement vanilla block state properties
  • Added new dimension mod element parameters: fixed time, coordinate scale, infiniburn blocks tag, sea level, generate ore veins, generate aquifers, horizontal/vertical noise size, use the default/custom effects, has clouds, cloud height, sky type, does sun height affect fog, ambient light, piglin safe, has raids, monster spawn (block) light limit
  • Potion effects can now specify attribute modifiers that are applied to the entity while the potion is active
  • Split custom biome fog and air color into separate parameters
  • Added new entity procedure blocks: is the entity currently aggressive
  • Added new world procedure blocks: for each entity with optional exclusions between two points, get a specific (block/sky) light level
  • [DP 1.21.1] Added support for running test Minecraft client with data pack loaded in all worlds
  • [Bugfix, NF 1.21.1] Using slot dependency on certain GUI procedure triggers caused build errors
  • [Bugfix] Adding custom entity animations has overridden existing model-specific animations
  • [Bugfix] Setting itemstack variables did not work correctly in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Java plugin events could trigger after the action they were listening to happened in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

EAP 2024.4.45618

  • Some minor UI and UX improvements
  • Added a button to lock custom GUI and overlay components from moving in the WYSIWYG editor
  • Added an option to import custom Java model animations
  • Added new procedure local variable type: action result
  • Added new damage source procedure blocks: return damage source, call procedure and get damage source return value, custom damage source dependency
  • Added new fluid parameters: has fog, fog color, fog start and end distance, submerged overlay texture
  • Added an option to specify animations for custom entities that are conditionally executed by procedures
  • Added an option to specify walking animations for custom entities that are optionally conditional
  • Added image sprite GUI component type for GUI and overlay mod element types
  • Loot table mod element editor now shows suggestions for overriding custom block and entity loot tables
  • Item and block special info entries are now translatable
  • Item and block special info based on string procedures now support multi-line strings
  • Added an option to specify infinite effect duration for potion item mod element
  • Added new text procedure block: new line
  • [Bugfix] It was possible to define more block state property combinations than what Minecraft can handle
  • [Bugfix] Index of string procedure block caused build errors in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Index of string and string length procedure blocks specified wrong numeric return type
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

MCreator 2024.3


  • [Bugfix, NF 1.21.1] Place feature procedure block crashed the game when custom features were used
  • [Bugfix] Projectiles with big bounding boxes did not collide with entities correctly
  • [Bugfix] Custom food items were always edible even if this parameter was not enabled
  • [Bugfix] It was possible to define multiple block state properties with the same name
  • [Bugfix] Block OBJ models did not apply transparency type parameter correctly
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements


  • [Bugfix, A 1.21.x] Block texture selection did not work
  • [Bugfix, 1.20.1] Vegetation patch feature did not work
  • [Bugfix] Selecting custom sounds in procedure blocks was not possible
  • [Bugfix] Custom loot tables failed game validation in some cases
  • [Bugfix] It was possible to select blocks without item representation in item selectors in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Custom item use animations did not work in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Texture selector dropdown search did not work correctly
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

EAP 2024.3.39215

  • Further improved Gradle build performance
  • Added attribute mod element
  • Custom blocks can now define custom integer, enum, and logic block state properties
  • The projectile mod element can now specify a custom hitbox size
  • Added procedure block to get potion item as lingering potion projectile or splash potion projectile
  • Added new worldgen features: simple disk, disk (with disk rules), underwater magma, block column (with column layers), root system, weighted random selector, vegetation patch, waterlogged vegetation patch
  • [Bugfix, NF 1.21.1] Importing certain Java models caused build errors
  • [Bugfix] Due to some bugs in validation, it was possible to do duplicate entries or entries with whitespace in some cases
  • [Bugfix] RAM and CPU consumption could rise if the software was continuously used for prolonged periods in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Gradle error parsing did not work on computers with non-English system locale
  • [Bugfix] Blocks with collision box and random model offset enabled could crash the game in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Certain characters in workspace settings fields could cause the game to crash
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

EAP 2024.3.37517

  • Clicking the delete key in the GUI/overlay editor now deletes the selected component
  • Added right-click context menu to the recent workspaces list on the workspace selector
  • Added random rotation and mirror option to the place NBT structure procedure block
  • Added option to put custom blocks and items into operator items creative tab
  • Added option to disable ranged item ammo requirement
  • Added an option to reference existing features in the feature mod element
  • Added several wing swing Java model animation templates
  • Added new parameters to the potion effect mod element to specify what items can cure it
  • Added new text procedure blocks: index of string in a string, does text match regex, replace all matches of regex
  • Added new item procedure blocks: get the potion as an item
  • Added new entity procedure blocks: push entity with velocity, get a result of the command executed by the entity
  • Added entity attribute procedure blocks: get attribute base value, set attribute base value, get attribute value, does entity have the attribute
  • Added new world procedure blocks: get a result of the command executed at the location
  • Added new global procedure triggers: player left clicks in air, player right clicks with empty hand
  • [Bugfix, NF 1.21.1] Music disc mod element could crash the game in some cases
  • [Bugfix, 1.21.1] The stonecutting recipe result count parameter did not work
  • [Bugfix] Data list selectors showed machine entry names instead of readable names in some cases
  • [Bugfix] When editing GUI and overlay mod elements, certain changes were saved even if the save button was not pressed
  • [Bugfix] Custom GUI buttons with disabled visibility still emitted sound when clicked
  • [Bugfix] The Progress dialog window was flickering in some cases on macOS
  • [Bugfix] Gradle console search functionality did not work correctly in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

EAP 2024.3.34715

  • Updated bundled Java to version OpenJDK 21.0.4
  • Improved Gradle tooling API integration
  • Added parameter to the flood fill tool in the image editor to fill the color globally and not only the adjacent pixels
  • Added searchable data list selector support to the procedure global trigger selector
  • Added support for enchantment tags
  • Updated NeoForge for 1.20.6 to 20.6.119
  • Added base support for NeoForge 1.21.1
  • Added Minecraft data pack generator for 1.21.1
  • Updated Minecraft Bedrock Edition add-on generator to version 1.21.x
  • [DP 1.21.1] Added support for: functions, tags, recipes, damage types, dimensions, structures, biomes, loot tables, advancements, enchantments, features
  • [NF 1.21.1] Added support for: procedure base, custom code, functions, sounds, variables, global procedure triggers, tags, key bindings, commands, creative tabs, JSON models, Java models, OBJ models, armor, potion items, GUIs, potion effects, villager professions, villager trades, particles, game rules, overlays, recipes, paintings, music discs, item extensions, projectiles, items, tools, living entities, AI tasks, fluids, damage types, plants, dimensions, structures, blocks, procedures, biomes, loot tables, advancements, enchantments, features
  • [NF 1.21.1] Significantly increased speed of workspace setup and build times
  • Added a procedure block to check if the world has a chunk at given coordinates
  • [Bugfix] Certain wildcard blocks and items did not work
  • [Bugfix] "For each slot in entity inventory" procedure block caused build errors in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Certain parts of the UI could cause the software to crash on macOS 14.4+ in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Certain UI parts could be rendered incorrectly on HighDPI screens on Windows
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

MCreator 2024.2


  • [Bugfix, NF 1.20.6] Advancements using the "biome entered" trigger were all granted when the world was first time loaded
  • [Bugfix, NF 1.20.6] Advancements using the "item damaged" trigger were not granted correctly in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Mod element actions such as delete/edit could operate on the wrong element when filters were active
  • [Bugfix] It was not possible to run the client after running the debugger in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements


  • [Bugfix, NF 1.20.6] Block broken global procedure trigger was not triggered in all cases
  • [Bugfix, NF 1.20.6] Block broken global procedure trigger cancellation did not cancel breaking but dropping
  • [Bugfix, NF 1.20.6] Setting tool durability to 0 did not disable item damage
  • [Bugfix, NF 1.20.6] Loot table silk touch parameters did not work correctly
  • [Bugfix] Vanilla texture references were not loaded properly in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Structures converted to NBT features using too big offsets crashed the game if not manually corrected
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements


  • [Bugfix] Textures ending with multiple repetitions of .png did not work correctly in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Tag namespace "mod" was not converted to mod ID in cases such as biome tag references
  • [Bugfix] Custom user code block contents were cleared when regenerating the code of the whole workspace
  • [Bugfix] Custom dimension effects such as dense fog did not work in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Text contents of text fields got reset when the game window was resized
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

EAP 2024.2.27311

  • Improved Gradle setup and build performance for NeoForge workspaces
  • Improved the way the potion effect category is specified
  • Added workspace-specific color palettes support to the image editor
  • Custom mod elements can now specify multiple creative tabs they belong to
  • Added an option for custom mod elements to reference vanilla block and item textures
  • Added an option for custom structures to specify a custom start height range
  • Added new worldgen features: spring
  • Added new worldgen feature predicates: is fluid at the location of type
  • Added base support for NeoForge 1.20.6
  • Added Minecraft data pack generator for 1.20.6
  • [DP 1.20.6] Added support for: damage types, functions, structures, recipes, loot tables, biomes, dimensions, advancements
  • [NF 1.20.6] Added support for: sounds, variables, 3D models, armor, biomes, custom code, damage types, dimensions, functions, game rules, GUIs, items, key bindings, loot tables, music discs, paintings, recipes, structures, tabs, villager professions, villager trades, item extensions, potions items, commands, particles, potion effects, enchantments, overlays, projectiles, features, blocks, fluids, tools, living entities, procedures, AI tasks, plants, advancements
  • [1.20.6] Added support for "encapsulate" terrain adaptation type for custom structures
  • [Bugfix] Help tips were not visible on some smaller popup dialogs
  • [Bugfix] When deleting a mod element, its files were not correctly removed in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Global procedure trigger "player left clicks on block" did not fire in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Placing item frames on certain custom blocks with block base was not possible
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

EAP 2024.2.24713

  • Updated bundled Java to version OpenJDK 21.0.3
  • Updated NeoForge for 1.20.4 to 20.4.234
  • Updated Minecraft Forge for 1.20.1 to 47.3.0
  • Made some minor UI improvements across the interface
  • Significantly improved performance of Blockly editor
  • Improved performance of code generator in some cases
  • Improved mod element and folder dragging in the workspace panel
  • Added a new user code block at the bottom of mods.toml file
  • Added support for passing custom values to dependencies when calling another procedure from a procedure
  • Custom tool mod elements are now automatically tagged with appropriate tags
  • Global procedure trigger "on entity tick update" is now cancellable
  • Custom living entities can now specify raider as their behavior type, making them spawn in raids
  • Added armor item glow parameter with optional logic procedure input
  • Added support to specify dynamic custom particle scale using a number procedure
  • Added a parameter that allows one to disable the hurt overlay on a custom living entity model layers
  • Added an option for custom items with a ranged attack to charge projectile power based on item use duration
  • Added an option to skip custom feature mod element placement
  • Added an option to specify blockstate properties when specifying blocks for custom features
  • Added new team procedure blocks: check team death message visibility, check team nametag visibility, set team death message visibility, set team nametag visibility
  • Added procedure blocks to place a feature and to check if the placement was successful
  • Added new advancement triggers: if the player is hurt by an entity of type
  • [Bugfix] Deleting a custom Java model did not delete all of its files in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Vanilla recipe overrides did not work correctly in some cases
  • [Bugfix, NF 1.20.4] Opening another GUI from the currently open GUI moved the mouse cursor to the center of the screen
  • [Bugfix, NF 1.20.4] Disabling slot interaction for automation for a block disabled said slot in the GUI as well
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

MCreator 2024.1


  • [Bugfix] Custom biomes in overworld or nether slowed down world gen progressively every time a save was opened
  • [Bugfix, NF 1.20.4] Certain inventory/slot management procedure blocks caused build errors in rare cases
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements


  • Plugins can now omit patch number on the supported versions list if the plugin targets full release and its patches
  • [Bugfix, NF 1.20.4] The "Get a copy of item from slot of itemstack" procedure block always returned empty itemstack
  • [Bugfix, NF 1.20.4] Custom living entity inventory slots did not work correctly and were linked to a wrong inventory
  • [Bugfix] World, biome, and feature generation did not work or froze in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Custom block harvest level and tool type settings did not work well with certain non-MCreator mods
  • [Bugfix] Custom item melee attack did not deal damage to the itemstack correctly
  • [Bugfix] Ranged item use animation was shown even if no ammo was available
  • [Bugfix] Ranged item use animation was shown even if the additional use condition procedure was false
  • [Bugfix] The "Get team of entity" procedure block did not work properly for players
  • [Bugfix] Progress dialog flickered in some cases on Linux
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements


  • [Bugfix, NF 1.20.4] Pressing the E key when a text field in custom GUI is focused closes it
  • [Bugfix] Tag namespace "mod" was not converted to mod ID in cases such as recipes
  • [Bugfix] Certain startup notifications could appear behind the splash screen
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements


  • Updated NeoForge for 1.20.4 to 20.4.223
  • Some minor UI improvements
  • [Bugfix] Loop flow control procedure block could be used within the wait procedure block
  • [Bugfix] Jump to class declaration ctrl+click tool did not work when clicking on class names in imports
  • [Bugfix] "When ranged item used" procedure trigger provided incorrect itemstack dependency
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

EAP 2024.1.14712

  • Updated NeoForge for 1.20.4 to 20.4.216
  • Added support for native file chooser on macOS
  • Refreshed UI with a new look and feel and new theme plugin features
  • Improved HiDPI and macOS Retina screen support
  • Improved UX, usability, and accessibility of many UI components across the software
  • Added type strings to more procedure blocks for better accessibility
  • Added an option to change the target folder when creating or duplicating a mod element
  • Added support for Java Debug Interface with thread view, breakpoints, and stack frames view
  • Added a system to put breakpoints in the code editor and run code execution in steps
  • Added a system to debug procedure assemblies using debug markers
  • Added support for jigsaw pools to the structure mod element
  • Improved generated code for block and plant drops logic to use vanilla loot tables
  • Added custom dimension portal igniter item rarity parameter
  • Added tree features: azalea tree, cherry tree, mangrove tree
  • Added tree feature decorators: attached to leaves decorator
  • Added tree root placers: mangrove roots
  • [Bugfix, DP 1.20.4] Advancement and particle mappings lists were missing
  • [Bugfix, NF 1.20.4] Block tick procedure trigger was not called if block was configured to tick randomly
  • [Bugfix, NF 1.20.4] Custom plants do not generate in the world unless generation is defined with a feature mod element
  • [Bugfix, NF 1.20.4] Custom living entities do not spawn in biomes specified to spawn in the living entity spawning settings
  • [Bugfix] Certain procedure blocks did not work correctly with the additional placement condition of the feature mod element
  • [Bugfix] Custom biome mod element trees did not rotate vines and fruits properly
  • [Bugfix] Mod element generated code viewer would not update the code in real-time in some cases
  • [Bugfix] "Player uses hoe" global trigger crashed the game when non-player entities used the hoe
  • [Bugfix] Importing of animated GIF files in animation maker imported only the first frame or frames merged in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Saving procedure that is called by other procedures could freeze the interface in some recursive-call cases
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

EAP 2024.1.10712

  • Updated bundled Java to version OpenJDK 17.0.10
  • Added custom user code blocks system that persists custom code in workspace files between code regenerations
  • Added a new workspace tab for improved managing of Minecraft tags
  • Added a new system for generating tags automatically when mod elements need them
  • Significantly improved the performance of the code generation system
  • MCreator now detects if a workspace and/or generator requires features or plugins that are not present/installed or failed to load and warns the user when opening the workspace
  • Minecraft Java Edition data pack generators now support feature mod element
  • Added support for handling ZIP files created on Windows on some non-English locales
  • Build errors dialog now takes significantly less time to parse build errors and become visible in large workspaces
  • The code editor for mod files now opens much faster in large workspaces
  • Added support for requiring multiple triggers for the advancement to be granted
  • Added base support for NeoForge 1.20.4
  • Added Minecraft data pack generator for 1.20.4
  • [NF 1.20.4] Added support for: custom code, key binding, sounds, variables, damage types, functions, potion items, commands, paintings, tags, structures, recipes, enchantments, GUIs, loot tables, particles, potion effects, game rules, music discs, creative tabs, JSON models, Java models, OBJ models, armor, villager trades, biomes, dimensions, advancements, features, item extensions, items, projectiles, villager professions, global triggers, blocks, tools, fluids, overlays, plants, living entities, procedures, AI tasks
  • [DP 1.20.4] Added support for: damage types, functions, structures, recipes, loot tables, biomes, dimensions, advancements, features
  • [Bugfix] Some slot manipulation procedure blocks altered value of the original item stack passed when they shouldn't
  • [Bugfix] Wait procedure block executed twice if present in a procedure triggered from both the server-side and client-side
  • [Bugfix] Some tool and armor values were incorrect relative to the iron material pack in pack maker tools
  • [Bugfix] Running test server could fail with file access errors in some cases
  • [Bugfix] In some cases, items that were not enabled were shown in the tab element order editor
  • [Bugfix] Projectile mod element could not be properly used in entity tags
  • [Bugfix] Attack damage value could be offset in some cases for item and tool mod elements
  • [Bugfix] Changes to the workspace settings do not apply to the mod files until the workspace is re-opened
  • [Bugfix] Server-side only mod workspace setting did not work
  • [Bugfix] Opening mod element editor that contains Blockly editor crashed MCreator on macOS 11
  • [Bugfix] Living entity model layers were not affected by surrounding lighting
  • [Bugfix] Tag entries with the same name as the registry name of the tag were not present in the generated tag JSON code
  • [Bugfix] Using world or itemstack dependency in the block special info text provider procedure caused build errors
  • [Bugfix] Using ranged item built-in item model caused models and textures of item properties not to work
  • [Bugfix] Shoot arrow projectile procedure block could get broken if vanilla arrows were used
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

MCreator 2023.4


  • [Bugfix, A 1.20.x] Item and tool glow parameters did not work correctly
  • [Bugfix] Unsupported fields in the mod element editor have in some cases hidden some fields that should be visible
  • [Bugfix] Tag mod element could reference itself directly or via wildcard items causing game crashes
  • [Bugfix] Certain mod elements in workspaces from previous MCreator versions could not be edited
  • [Bugfix] Entities were not spawning inside the NBT feature type
  • [Bugfix] Workspace settings window close button did not work
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements


  • [Bugfix] Global workspace Java files were not correctly imported in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Java plugins could not use the mapping system in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Reference finding system did not work with Java plugins in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements


  • [Bugfix] Custom living entity model layers did not properly show the entity hurt texture overlay
  • [Bugfix] Custom dimension fog, lightning, and air color parameters did not work
  • [Bugfix] Dimensions with overworld world gen had caves below water level completely flooded with water in some cases
  • [Bugfix] In some rare cases some mod elements were not properly updated for the new workspace format
  • [Bugfix] It was not possible to move the workspace file browser split line in some cases
  • [Bugfix] The "when ranged item used" procedure trigger did not provide all dependencies in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

EAP 2023.4.49117

  • Updated bundled Java to version OpenJDK 17.0.9
  • UI experience is now much more responsive with large workspaces
  • Improved mod element editor page scrolling experience on smaller screens
  • More complex mod element editors now open faster
  • Added wiki links in the help tips of more mod element editor types
  • Added new image editor features: layer merging, added square selection tool, copy/cut/paste support for layers and selections, support for pasting from external clipboard, added new pasted layers, tools now only operate on the selection
  • Added support for an optional smithing recipe template slot input
  • Added a button to replace a texture in the resources tab with a different texture file
  • Added new music disc mod element parameter: item rarity
  • Crafting grid in custom recipe mod element now supports block dragging and deletion with middle-click
  • Generated JSON for crafting recipes now only defines the key once per ingredient type
  • Improved dialog that shows mod elements that cause build errors
  • Added new mod element type: damage type
  • Added new tag type: damage type
  • Added a procedure block to check if the current damage source type is tagged in a certain damage type tag
  • Living entity mod element can now define additional model layers that can have a different model, texture, glow, and optional display conditions
  • Added support for synced and stored data for custom living entities of type: logic, integer, string
  • Added procedures to set and get entity synced data of type: logic, integer, string
  • Added new living entity parameters that can have fixed or procedure-specified values: model scale, bounding box scale
  • The structure mod element can now define any block or list of blocks that are excluded when generating the structure
  • Improved internal mod element reference-finding system
  • Added a system to visually display in a list by what other mod elements a mod element, texture, model, sound, structure, variable, or localization key is being used
  • A warning dialog is now shown when deleting a mod element that is still used by other mod elements
  • Improved the layout of the advancement mod element editor
  • Added search functionality to more dropdowns in mod element editors and improved it
  • Added new entity procedure blocks: is entity left/right-handed, get item entity is using, get number of ticks the entity is using an item for
  • Added new item procedure blocks: is the item on cooldown for a given entity, get the remaining item cooldown percentage
  • Added new scoreboard procedure blocks: add the entity to the team, create/delete team, get the team of entity, is friendly fire enabled for a team, remove the entity from a team, enable/disable friendly fire for a team
  • [Bugfix, A 1.20.x] Some mod element editor inputs were disabled but should be not
  • [Bugfix, A 1.20.x] Ore generation did not work and caused errors to be logged when loading a world
  • [Bugfix] Fixed some cases where MCreator would hang or freeze on macOS
  • [Bugfix] Some key bindings did not work properly with the command key on macOS
  • [Bugfix] Generated code preview did not update properly in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Ground or underground blocks of certain vanilla biomes did not generate in custom dimensions
  • [Bugfix] The ranged item projectile item was not properly converted for the projectile mod element in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Dependencies of a procedure being called by another procedure were not correctly recursively updated
  • [Bugfix] One could create multiple recipe mod elements with the same registry name, overriding one another
  • [Bugfix] Larger workspaces could break in rare cases if one edited mod elements too fast after opening
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

EAP 2023.4.44716

  • Improved macOS DMG with an installer with license and applications link
  • Restructured procedure blocks into sub-categories for some toolbox categories
  • Improved procedure search bar results display to show the sub-categories structure
  • When exporting mod for distribution, a file name based on the modid and version number is suggested
  • Added new living entity parameters with optional logic procedure input: can breathe underwater, is pushed by fluids
  • Redesigned structure mod element to be a true structure (see release notes)
  • Custom structures can now be located using the locate command
  • Added support to create a key binding without a default trigger key specified
  • Added new tool mod element type: shields
  • Split ranged item to projectile and item mod elements
  • Custom item mod element can now define ranged action with either custom or vanilla projectiles
  • Added support for specifying anchor points of GUI components in custom overlays
  • Added support for tags in breedable items parameter of custom living entities
  • Added support for custom multiplayer or singleplayer only commands, and for client-side commands
  • Added new armor parameter to make it neutral to piglins
  • Added support for tree features: fancy oak, (mega) pine, (mega) spruce
  • Added new tree feature decorator: replace nearby ground
  • Added new damage procedures toolbox category
  • Added new damage-related procedures: damage source of type with cause (direct or indirect), damage source entity (direct or indirect) accessors, getters for damage type parameters
  • Added new entity data procedures: can the entity be attacked, is the entity underwater, get frozen percentage of the entity
  • [Bugfix, FG 1.20.1] Custom music disc special information parameter did not work
  • [Bugfix] Keyboard shortcuts did not display key icons properly on macOS
  • [Bugfix] MCreator menu entry was shown twice on the native macOS menu bar
  • [Bugfix] Certain procedure templates did not work
  • [Bugfix] GUI components in custom GUIs could be misaligned or offset ingame in some cases compared to the editor
  • [Bugfix] It was not possible to use air blocks in loot table entries
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

EAP 2023.4.39517

  • Updated bundled Java to version OpenJDK 17.0.8
  • Updated Minecraft Forge for 1.20.1 to recommended build 47.2.0
  • Updated Minecraft Forge for 1.19.4 to recommended build 45.2.0
  • Added tag type indication with text and color to the tag selectors
  • Tag selectors now list all custom tags as suggestions in the dropdown
  • Improved item glow parameter and condition selector
  • Added item glow procedural condition support to music disc mod element
  • Added Blockly block brightness and saturation settings to help users with color deficiency
  • Improved texts of some procedure blocks to improve UI accessibility
  • Special information parameters of item-like mod elements can now be provided with a text return value procedure
  • Tag mod element of type block, item, entity, or biome can now reference other tags to be part of the new tag
  • Improved general compile and runtime performance of block ore and plant features (see release notes)
  • Living entity model shaking and transparency conditions now accept fixed values
  • Added new AI tasks: find and move towards the air, climb on top of powder snow, follow the boat, try and find water
  • Added support for undecorated custom GUI buttons
  • Added immediate source entity dependency to some living entity procedure triggers
  • Added support to cancel damage caused to a custom entity with procedure return value
  • Added new entity procedures: get entity UUID, set entity invisibility
  • Replaced structure dropdowns in Blockly editor with selector dialogs
  • Added new feature block: feature from NBT structure definition
  • Added basic tree feature support to the feature mod element
  • Added support for tree decorators and root placers for tree feature
  • Added biome tags support to block ores feature and plant feature biome restrictions parameter
  • Added biome tags support to the structure and feature mod element biome restrictions parameter
  • Added biome tags support to the entity spawn biomes parameter
  • Added a new string list field and applied it to the mod dependencies parameters in the workspace settings
  • [Bugfix] Some entry lists in the UI did not scroll properly when enough content was added
  • [Bugfix] Some entry lists did not update the data when mod elements were added or removed
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

MCreator 2023.3


  • [Bugfix, FG 1.20.1] In some cases tools with decimal efficiency values caused build errors
  • [Bugfix] GUI bound to block did not close if the block was removed by third-party action
  • [Bugfix] Moving items with bound GUI open around player inventory allowed item duplication
  • [Bugfix] GUI bound to entity did not close if the entity was killed
  • [Bugfix] Item inventory was not synchronized properly with the client in some rare cases
  • [Bugfix] Setting the height of the tooltip GUI element was not possible
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements


  • [Bugfix] Referencing player name in custom death messages was no longer possible
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

EAP 2023.3.34614

  • Added plugin support for NeoForge and QuiltMC modding APIs
  • Blockly editor is now non-transparent by default to greatly improve performance on some computers
  • Improved plant mod element editor UI
  • Improved armor mod element editor UI
  • Added special information parameter for custom dimension portal igniter
  • Added new global procedure triggers: entity blocks with shield, entity uses totem
  • Added new procedure blocks: damage source from dependencies, damage source type
  • Deal damage procedure block now has an input for damage source that can also come from dependencies
  • Is damage source equal to procedure block now takes input instead of direct dependency
  • [Bugfix, FG 1.20.1] Some block bases did not work properly
  • [Bugfix, FG 1.20.1] Custom GUI and overlay labels had unwanted shadow underneath them
  • [Bugfix] On stopped using item trigger did not work with non-food items
  • [Bugfix] Doors related AI tasks did not work in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

EAP 2023.3.33711

  • Improved handling of broken and damaged workspaces so certain broken mod elements don't break the whole workspace
  • Added an image asset view to allow viewing and saving assets stored in JAR files
  • Software now tries to hint Gradle to stop running daemons when it is closed
  • Improved data list selectors of some procedure blocks
  • Added new feature mod element feature types: none, random patch, random feature from a list
  • Added a new inline placed feature block that allows defining additional placement definitions per feature
  • Added base support for Minecraft Forge 1.20.1
  • [FG 1.20.1] Added support for: workspace base, custom code, creative tabs, recipes, tags, functions, biomes, dimensions, loot tables, advancements, music discs, key bindings, sounds, global variables, paintings, game rules, item extensions, enchantments, commands, potion effects, villager professions, villager trades, items, potion items, dimensions, armor, fluids, particles, plants, tools, blocks, GUIs, ranged items, features, overlays, living entities, AI tasks, procedures
  • [DP 1.20.1] Added support for: workspace base, recipes, tags, functions, biomes, dimensions, loot tables, advancements
  • Added Minecraft data pack generator for 1.20.1
  • [Bugfix, A 1.20.x] Swim randomly AI task did not work properly
  • [Bugfix] Particle mod element expiry condition did not work with procedures using world dependency
  • [Bugfix] Text inputs in custom GUI mod element rendered above custom tooltips
  • [Bugfix] Importing of files did not work in some rare cases
  • [Bugfix] Follow entity AI task caused build errors in some cases
  • [Bugfix] GUI slot management procedures did not work properly on client-side
  • [Bugfix] One could import and make textures for texture types that may not be supported by some generators
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

EAP 2023.3.26610

  • Updated bundled Java to version OpenJDK 17.0.7
  • Added Minecraft add-on generator for 1.20.x
  • Reduced macOS DMG image size by 40%
  • Repair items for custom armor and tools can now use tags and wildcard items
  • Blocks affected by special tools can now use block tags and wildcard blocks
  • Replacement blocks for custom block ore generation can now also be specified as tags or wildcard blocks
  • Compatible items list for custom enchantments can now use tags and wildcard items
  • Added an option to switch item textures and models based on the item properties
  • Added an option to define new item properties for custom items
  • Added slot id dependency to slot procedure triggers
  • Added support for tooltips in custom GUI mod elements
  • Added blockstate providers: weighted list of blockstate providers, randomized integer property of blockstate
  • Improved feature mod element templates sorting
  • Added damage source dependency to some procedure triggers
  • Added a new procedure block to check if a damage source is of a certain type
  • [Bugfix] Running a test server could sometimes cause consecutive client or server runs to fail
  • [Bugfix] DMG installation disk did not open on macOS 11
  • [Bugfix] In some rare creative tab setups workspaces failed to build
  • [Bugfix] Map colors list was missing podzol
  • [Bugfix] NBT viewer hung the application when big NBT structures were opened
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

MCreator 2023.2


  • [Bugfix] Using certain UI languages caused the Blockly editor to stop working
  • [Bugfix] Custom dimension portal igniter procedure template was not working properly
  • [Bugfix] MCreator is not starting on macOS 11 and 12
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements


  • Updated Minecraft Forge for 1.19.4 to recommended build 45.1.0
  • [Bugfix] Disabled dimension igniter was still present in some places in the code and in item selectors
  • [Bugfix] Loot table and villager profession editor could have uneven component spacing in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

EAP 2023.2.22518

  • Added native support for Apple silicon (aarch64)
  • Improved minimum and maximum value validation across mod element editors
  • Improved living entity mod element editor UI
  • Added new entity parameter: step height
  • Added many new simplified Chinese help tip translations
  • Added many new traditional Chinese help tip translations
  • Added option to disable default dimension portal trigger to allow for custom igniter items
  • Added random gem and dye texture generator to the image maker
  • Added new feature integer providers: weighted list of int providers
  • Added new feature height providers: uniform height distribution, weighted list of height providers
  • Added new player procedure blocks: get spawn location
  • Added new entity procedure blocks: get entity step height, set entity step height
  • Added new entity AI tasks: do a melee attack with a specified range
  • [Bugfix] Custom living entities with biped or silverfish models were positioned strangely when riding another entity
  • [Bugfix] Using custom block as the villager profession block crashed the game
  • [Bugfix] Opening class from the exception trace did sometimes not work in the Console tab
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

EAP 2023.2.20712

  • EAP releases now have a different icon to distinguish between stable releases and snapshots more easily
  • Some minor UI improvements and usability changes
  • Added new UI notifications system for updates, plugin loading problems, and similar use cases
  • Improved workspace selector window
  • Added many new simplified Chinese help tip translations
  • Added many new traditional Chinese help tip translations
  • Added a button to generate a block bounding box from a JSON model
  • Added random block texture generator to the image maker
  • Added compact substring procedure block to the procedure editor
  • Added villager profession mod element
  • Added new feature mod element feature types: geode, ore, scattered ore, single block ore
  • Added rule test blocks to the feature mod element used by the ore features
  • Added new world data procedure blocks: is village at the location, is raid happening at the location
  • Added entity procedure blocks: make entity look at location
  • [Bugfix] Several logic procedure blocks caused build errors with certain procedure setups
  • [Bugfix] Undo and redo did not work properly for certain Blockly actions
  • [Bugfix] Armor chestplate is now called properly instead of word body in the UI fields
  • [Bugfix] Localization keys that are not used by a certain mod element are no longer generated if not needed
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

EAP 2023.2.17118

  • Added support for Java 9+ SDK source code browsing
  • Added side indicators to more procedure blocks
  • Added base support for Minecraft Forge 1.19.4
  • Improved recipes mod element editor UI to hide fields not applying to the current recipe type
  • Improved biome mod element editor UI to better match how biomes are defined in Minecraft
  • [FG 1.19.4] Added support for mod elements: tags, functions, music discs, custom elements, sounds, creative tabs, commands, overlays, potion effects, potion items, villager trades, enchantments, structures, armor, item extensions, key bindings, particles, paintings, loot tables, game rules, GUIs, global triggers, tools, features, blocks, fluids, dimensions, plants, advancements, advancement triggers, living entities, AI tasks, biomes, items, recipes, ranged items, procedures
  • [DP 1.19.4] Added support for mod elements: tags, functions, loot tables, biomes, dimensions
  • [Bugfix] Get entity submerged height procedure block could cause build errors or did not function properly in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Custom block, plant, or biome sounds could cause multiplayer connection problems
  • [Bugfix] Add potion procedure blocks sometimes caused the potion effect never to expire
  • [Bugfix] Player enters/leaves dimension advancement triggers were not triggered for custom dimensions when traveling through their portals
  • [Bugfix] Biome generation parameters were disabled for data pack generators
  • [Bugfix] MCreator Link procedure triggers caused build errors
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

MCreator 2023.1


  • [Bugfix] Forge 1.19.2 workspaces ported from earlier versions with fluid generation crash the game
  • [Bugfix] Repeating fields and inputs were not validated properly if they were empty
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements


  • [Bugfix] Interface could completely freeze/hang in some cases on macOS
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements


  • Improved splash screen rendering
  • Added a new procedure block to create entity instances to be used with rendered entity models in GUIs
  • Added some feature mod element feature and placement templates
  • [Bugfix] For each item in the loot table procedure blocks did not work in combination with some procedure blocks
  • [Bugfix] Some procedure blocks added entity dependency when they shouldn't
  • [Bugfix] Requires correct tool for drops block parameter was not properly restricting the tool type
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

EAP 2023.1.08712

  • Improved workspace selector window with some new features
  • Split player procedures into player management and player data procedure categories
  • Added image buttons to the custom GUI mod element
  • Added rendered entity models to the custom GUI mod element
  • Added a dialog that informs the users of a plugin load failure and the reason for it
  • Added call loot table procedure blocks with world, location, and entity contexts
  • Added a parameter with an optional procedure to make custom living entity bounding box solid
  • Added entity procedure blocks: attempt to make entity find a path and move to a location, stop navigation, set attack target
  • Added block list and block tag feature blocks
  • Added feature conditions: if any of the conditions are met, if all of the conditions are met, is block in block list or tag
  • Added feature placements: offset on xz and y, heightmap relative threshold, carving mask placement
  • Added feature types: seagrass, bamboo, delta, replace block, column, random patch
  • Added a new player procedure: has specific GUI open
  • [Bugfix] Duplicating mod element deleted original mod element files and caused build errors
  • [Bugfix] GUI textures with the registry name of the GUI mod element could be unexpectedly deleted in some cases
  • [Bugfix] When using Chinese Simplified or Chinese Traditional language, certain procedure categories failed to load
  • [Bugfix] Certain incompatible plugins could cause the software to stop loading on the splash screen
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

EAP 2023.1.04717

  • Updated Blockly to v9.2.0
  • Added Chinese help tips for most of the UI elements
  • Pressing the delete key on the workspace panel lists deletes the selected elements
  • Pressing enter key on the workspace panel lists edits the selected elements
  • Added custom entity spawn eggs and custom dimension portal blocks to the block/item selector
  • Added an option to define bone meal conditions and action procedures for custom blocks and plants
  • Added support for custom armor item JSON and OBJ models
  • Added entity procedure blocks: get the first passenger
  • Added itemstack procedure blocks: get max stack size, is stackable, is damaged, is damageable
  • Added new item procedure blocks: get item harvest level
  • Added feature types: huge fungus, forest rock, underwater coral tree, underwater coral claw, and underwater coral mushroom
  • Added feature conditional placements: is block solid, inside world bounds, is block with sturdy face, is air, is air or water, is block replaceable, would block survive on position, condition negation
  • Added new feature placements: repeated N times, repeated N times on every layer, (repeated) noise-based count
  • Added feature height placements: with trapezoid distribution, biased to bottom height, very biased to bottom height
  • Added new feature integer providers: constant, random integer, biased random integer, random integer with normal distribution, clamp integer
  • Added mod compatibility procedures: is mod loaded, convert registry name to item, convert registry name to block
  • Added scan blocks up or down until condition is met feature placement block
  • Improved code generator system internals
  • [Bugfix, A 1.19.x] Loot tables editor did not work properly
  • [Bugfix] Custom item damage vs mob/animal parameter did not work
  • [Bugfix] Some animated textures could break the block/item selector
  • [Bugfix] Java model coverage was not shown properly in certain cases for plugin generators in the generator selector
  • [Bugfix] In some cases, certain mod files were not deleted by the generator when they should be
  • [Bugfix] Some other minor fixes and improvements

Changelog (older versions)