I can't test run.

Started by ALAND on

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I can't test run.

I can't test run for some reason... I'm using MCreator 1.7.3 on windows 10 32 bit, and the test run feature does not work.. so far I've added 20 features to my mod and it's not anything extreme, same thing happened to a friend of mine and he lost all of his work.. I really want to develop a great mod but if this happens all the time then I'm afraid that I cannot continue..

This is what I get: I click on the test run button, the gear icon next to it goes green for 3 seconds and it goes back to normal, the launcher does not run and when I go to the console all I get is this:


Executing gradle command: runClient
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.407]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Pylo\MCreator173>cd forge
C:\Pylo\MCreator173\forge>SET "JAVA_HOME=C:\Pylo\MCreator173\jdk32\"
C:\Pylo\MCreator173\forge>SET JAVA_EXE=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe
C:\Pylo\MCreator173\forge>SET PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\;%PATH%
C:\Pylo\MCreator173\forge>gradlew -Dorg.gradle.jvmargs="-Xms1324m -Xmx1324m" runClient
To honour the JVM settings for this build a new JVM will be forked. Please consider using the daemon: http://gradle.org/docs/2.0/userguide/gradle_daemon.html.
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Unable to start the daemon process.
This problem might be caused by incorrect configuration of the daemon.
For example, an unrecognized jvm option is used.
Please refer to the user guide chapter on the daemon at http://gradle.org/docs/2.0/userguide/gradle_daemon.html
Please read below process output to find out more:
Task completed with return code 0 in 1836 milliseconds
------------Could not reserve enough space for 1355776KB object heap
Error occurred during initialization of VM
* Try:

Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.

a final help and fix to this problem would be appreciated!