Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator
Some Ideas for next MCreator Versions or MCreator 2:
* = For example
1. Folders in the Workspace for better organisation
2. Check Mark for Invisible Blocks
3. Ability to make Special Information in Blocks/Items colored using &4,&5 whatsoever before the text
4. Resizable Mobs (normally set to 1/100%)
5.New Block [Destroy Neighboring Block at Side (Front/Back/Top/Bottom/Left/Right) within (X) seconds)] in Procedure Editor
6. Ability to make a Procedure occur when any Side of a Block (Front/Back/Top/Bottom/Left/Right) is Rightclicked
7. Ability to make multiple Crafting or Furnace Recipes in a single Recipe Mod Element
8. Chestlike Slots in GUI Editor (a Slot where you can put Stuff in and out like a chest)
9. Custom Achievement Tab Editor (similar to GUI Editor)
10. Glasslike Transparency (you only see the Side of the Block you are in Front of and the other Sides get invisible, like Vanilla Glass)
11. Ability to make custom GUI Animations for Items/Tools and such (like with bows when shooting)
11.1 New Group "Animation" In Resources Tab in Workspace, where every "Frame" of an Animation (*Bow) is listed
11.2 New Block [Draw Sprite: (*bow_animation_frame_1)] in Procedure Editor
11.3 New Event "Animation End" in Item/Tool Editor
12 New Event "When Item dropped" In Item Editor
13. Ability to make Boomerangs (making it easier without Code)
14. Local Variables (Variables that are only used for one specific Block)
15. Ability to make ranged Items shoot multiple arrows in different directions
16. Ability to make ranged Items switch between multiple arrow types
17. Ability to make Books (*Book Editor)
18. Ability to make connected chests with or without changing the gui/amount of Slots you can put Items in
19. If a Block is destroyed using a specific Tool it drops a custom gem (currently possible with procedures but it would be quicker)
20. Ability to make Shields
21. New Blocks in Procedures that allow to Play Music if for example Player hits an invisible Block
Hope you like the Ideas and please tell your opinions about this
Many of these are already in plan, but many of them are already possible too (just going from top down 1 and 3 for example).
You already can make bombs.
Ok, but how can I make bombs without code I want it if you drop the bomb item it kinda "stucks" in Position and faces towards the Player (like holograms) and explodes in 3 seconds or so
How can I make invisible Blocks and for the loglike Rotation I tried every Rotation mode still not possible it kinda works with
D/U/N/S/W/E Rotation from Block face but its swapped when I place the block at a wall it Looks up and when I place it on the Ground it Looks west/east North/south How can I fix this?
Just swap the textures accordingly or if using custom model rotate the model to compensate for this.
To make invisible blocks use transparent png picture as texture, set light opacity to 0 and set its transparency mode.
Ok thanks
Blocks animation would be an idea^^