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Topic category: User side tutorials
I have this pre-made procedure that, using the entity's head yaw and pitch, lets it move in the direction it's facing. You can use this for all sorts of stuff, like a jump attack or a backdash, just adjust the numbers to your liking using the 'math' blocks.
How do you import this procedure?
Nevermind got it. Take out the ptpl file from the zip and go to File > Preferences > Procedure templates > Add procedure templates > add the ptpl file
Thank you so much!!!!!!
Thanks! I can't wait to analyze it and figure out how it works...
And improve Minecraft's combat system like I'm supposed to do I guess.
Problem: the link doesn't work.
Solution: contact this person and get a new one.
Link does not work? Thanks if you can fix
Perhaps the link is outdated or you could use a screenshot
I can't access it either. :( I really need it 2.
If you still have the procedure, maybe a screenshot would work best
could you re-upload the procedure please? or at least post a screenshot? i would really appreciate it.
I also need the procedure or a screenshot
I also researched this!
This is what I did, it's just a move on the X and Z axes:
wait-the sin function accept radians?not degrees?