Minecraft: Journey's End
Inspired by: Terraria's last update (Terraria: Journey's End)
Platform used: MCreator (duh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
Let me know about bugs in the comments!
Version 1.0: The Journey's Beginning
First version! More will come in the future!
+Poison! Doesn't spawn yet!
+Thick ice! Very slippery!
+Rubies and ruby ore! Shiny!
+Melting rubies! Plays weird music?!
+2 new music discs! Circuitbreaker and Sleepy!
+Shadows! Spawn in the new Void dimension and will attack you!
+Baby ghasts! Passive and can be ridden!
+Void dimension! The third new dimension! This is where you can find chrome! The portal is built with gold and ignited with a dry baby ghast tear!
+Chrome dust and ore! You can find this in the Void! The dust can be used to craft music discs with a dye, emerald, or cactus!
+Baby ghast tears! Can be dried and used to ignite the voice portal which is made of gold blocks!
+Ore trackers! Use this very expensive item to get any ore in the game with just the click of a button in a GUI! (including ores I added and excluding any other modded ores)
+Iron ladders! They don't require a supporting block behind them!
Version 2.0: The Mob Update
+Soul apples! When eaten, they allow you to fly!
+Potions of flying! They also allow you to fly!
+3 new quartz hut structures for the new void dimension! One with a flower pot that has a wither rose in it! Another with an unfinished wither! The final (and rarest) with a blue apple in an item frame!
+Ducks! They spawn in rivers and swamps! They drop raw duck! They are bred with bread!
+Raw Duck! Raw version of the duck food, but gives you hunger and nausea.
+Cooked Duck! Cooked version of the duck food, can be fed to dogs!
+Roses! They are old! The texture was updated a bit! A new flower!
+Chrome blocks! They are made of 9 chrome dust in a crafting table and can be used as a beacon base! No further usage yet!
+Poison spawns as the liquid in the void dimension! Be careful, this stuff is hard to see! Items even dissolve in it now!
+Chrome ore now generates in groups of 8 in 2x2 blocks! But in air! Not buried in ground!
*Fixed the bug where shadows wouldn't attack you!
*Fixed the void generation!
*Fixed chrome ore generating VERY often!
Version 3.0: The Ore Update
+Ruby Stuff! Armor, etc.
+Ruby Blocks! Used to power beacons!
+Barnacle Blocks! Found in the new Barnacle Beaches!
+3 new ores! Amethyst, Copper, and Nether Diamond!
+Diamond Shards! Used to craft diamonds and dropped from Nether Diamond Ore!
+Clubs! New weapon that can be made of bones, wood, or stone! Pretty powerful!
+Barnacle Beaches! Sand covered by Barnacles!
+Spears! Crafted with Amethyst!
+Redstone Spikes! Crafted with Copper and used to kill mobs! Great for making automatic mob farms! Doesn't kill items or the player!
+Ice Cubes! Used to make Icy Water Bottles!
+Icy Water Bottles! Used to heal hunger!
+Wither Bones! No usage at the moment and will have a block variant soon! Can be crafted with 1 Bone and 1 Chrome Dust!
+Undead Miners! Drops useful items! Iron Pickaxes, Miner Helmets, etc.
+Miner Helmets! Let you see in the dark when you wear them!
+Ruby swords! Most powerful sword!
+Enderdance Music Disc! Groovy new song!
-Unfortunately the most iconic mob of this mod had to leave... the gradle said that there was something wrong with it and when I tried recreating it, it would still say something was wrong with it.
*Updated forge version to 1.15.2 from 1.14.4!
*Fixed bugs!
Minecraft 1.4: Journey's end
Now with queen slime and empress of light