Extra new features to add in mcreator

Started by herobrine43 on

Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator

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Extra new features to add in mcreator

Well, this is in my idea that maybe sounds good for you what if you add and drawing tablet as a feature so that you can use mcreator not only to draw but also move the  Procedures as like blender and unity and as photoshop to make in drag and drop plus that it also helps to drawings and model on the software as like blender so you can do it and have to use only Nvidia if put this because you can make paint much better then simple mouse if don't get me i can make a video of this how difficult looks like to difficult block or items as also use for modeling just thinking about it how much easier it looks like want soon or later all drawing software will be used as drawing tablet.


Plus you can make block or items in HD look like and it will show more in animations on it and you can make block pixels by 512 and high-quality images to make if have this feature in mcreator just think about the options you can make.

First, use punctuation…
Mon, 07/13/2020 - 14:17

First, use punctuation

procedures are webkit and soon will be ported to chromium, will not be possible to use blender shading procedures

Drawing on models is NOT possible, Mcreator as a software itself will not need to implement these features, as they will be time-wasting for a mod maker to add. go to cubik or blockbench.

HD textured are possible, you can create a texture generator if you want

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yeah mean like that not that…
Mon, 07/13/2020 - 19:49

yeah mean like that not that use blender but in models like you say over cubik or blockbench and only that you with the drawing tablet make smooth line textured and the server use already 256 and look at the software on blockbench you make models on 512 HD textured to make however if use the drawing tablet you can make much better in line put you make string like in the procedures it will connecting on not one line of the procedures  but in multi-use  like real game software without code and same way in the game maker studio 2