Entiry creation: "Names mustn't repeat"

Started by woodcreatures on

Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)

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Entiry creation: "Names mustn't repeat"

Hello guys,

I need a quick information

I see on Mcreator entity page is shown “Names mustn't repeat.”


So when you create your new Entity then you must use a unique name but my question is: this refers to the mod you are working on only or what ? I mean inside my workspace I must not have same name repeated twice and that is pretty easy. But my doubt is, does it apply also to other mods ?

For example in my mod I call an entity Cyclop and then another person in another mod calls his Entity Cyclop. The it happens I use both my mod and his mod together, this will crash game or what ?


Please clarify


Thank you

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i don't think it will,…
Thu, 05/06/2021 - 09:22

i don't think it will, because the entities will both have different namespaces but i havent tried it

That only applies to your…
Thu, 05/06/2021 - 09:42

That only applies to your mod as namespaces split elements. But if you use same names and namespace as another mod, that will not work

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What is "namespace" exactly …
Thu, 05/06/2021 - 15:09

What is "namespace" exactly ? Is it the name I give to my Mcreator element ? For example I create a new entity so I click "+" and then it asks me for a name. The name I input here is the namespace ? So in case my namespace is Cyclop and my mob name (the one shown ingame) is Cyclop as well, when another mod uses same namespace and name than mine than both mods together will crash ?

I got it right or am I wrong ?


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In simple terms, a namespace…
Thu, 05/06/2021 - 15:20

In simple terms, a namespace is the name of a mod. And the names of the elements are inside the namespace, that is, in your fashion. If you write Cyclops, it will be YOURMOD.Cyclops.

Standard Minecraft has the Minecraft namespace. Its elements(for example, a cow) are located in its Minecraft.Cow

These are explanations for the average user. It should be clear