[TUTORIAL] - How to make your crop mods compatible with Serene Seasons Mod without custom code - [SUPER EASY!!!]

Started by MatheusVieira on

Topic category: User side tutorials

Active 23 hours ago
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[TUTORIAL] - How to make your crop mods compatible with Serene Seasons Mod without custom code - [SUPER EASY!!!]

Are you a Serene Seasons lover like me? do you want crops from your mcreator mods work with Serene's cropfertility? if so, this is the tutorial for you.

This tutorial is also useful even if you don't use serene seasons because it makes the bone meal work automatically with your plants, so you don't need to make another procedure for that.

1- create your seed item, blocks for crop stages and stuff like you normally would (but no procedures yet), I'm going to make a growable pasture with 2 stages as an exemple

2- create an INDEPENDENT procedure and set the event trigger to "bone meal is used", and set it to wait some time (time enough so Serene Seasons can cancel the bonemeal event like it does to everything) and then make the crop switch to the next stage after the time waited. (this is the one named "CropGrowth" from the last  picture)

3- create a procedure for the growable block trigger "update tick" and the only thing it needs to have is "apply bonemeal action at", like this... you can set some time before the "apply bone meal action at" if you want it to take more time to grow (if you have a lot of plants that takes the same time to grow, you can make all of them share this procedure)

4- do it for all your growing stages (except for the last one)

***this is what your growable blocks trigger section should look like... DO NOT ADD THE PROCEDURE FROM STEP 2 TO IT, if you do, the compatibility won't work:


As you can see, it's winter on my world and the only blocks that grew were the ones inside the greenhouse, the ones outside it didn't grew because serene seasons has canceled their growth.

Active 1 day ago
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Thanks for this. I never…
Tue, 05/25/2021 - 19:35

Thanks for this. I never realized this was a thing and instead made monstrously large bonemeal procedures by hand.

Active 23 hours ago
Joined Oct 2015

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I'm glad you like it... it…
Tue, 06/01/2021 - 15:58

I'm glad you like it... it is updated and soon I will post the changes I've made in this same thread