Auraumcraft - Elemental Exploration

Started by Octave_ on

Topic category: Mod showcase and discussion

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Auraumcraft - Elemental Exploration
Sun, 09/12/2021 - 09:45 (edited)



Auraumcraft is the culmination of my years of experimentation and system design in MCreator. It is a mod heavily focused on exploration and combat, and hopefully I can reflect that well in the coming months. Keep in mind that as of now, everything is in the final stages of ideation. I do, however, possess a clear vision for this project, which I plan to lay out in the next few sections. This post is to receive feedback for the core systems that will underpin the entire mod, and I plan to take them very seriously.


As the title suggests, Auraumcraft will consist of various elements - 8 to be exact. Each of these elements has it's particular strengths in and out of combat, and I have attempted to define them in terms of aggressive, defensive, supportive, and all-rounder. I think now would be a good time to say that there will be a lot of interaction between players in the combat system, and I hope that the multiplayer aspect of this mod will be a great asset. Now, to introduce the elements:

feugaum icon     Fuegaum

       The element of fire.
       An aggressive element that focuses on creating and channeling fire to set mobs alight.
       Specialty : Smelting

theraum icon     Theraum

       The element of earth.
       A defensive element that focuses on forming constructs out of earth to hold
       their own ground.
                   Specialty : Mining

sensaum icon     Sensaum

       The element of nature.
       A supportive element that focuses on healing allies and dealing damage over time to mobs.
       Specialty : Farming

zephaum icon     Zephaum

       The element of wind.
       An all-rounder element that focuses on crowd control, movement, and team buffs.
       Specialty : Exploration

glacaum icon     Glacaum

       The element of ice.
       A defensive element that focuses on restricting the movement of mobs.
       Specialty : Fishing

hydraum icon     Hydraum

       The element of water.
       A supportive element that focuses on healing and buffing other players.
       Specialty : Brewing

galvaum icon     Galvaum

       The element of thunder.
       An aggressive element that focuses on utilising lightning for damage and movement.
       Specialty : Combat

auraum icon     Auraum

       The primordial element.
       This element is reserved for bosses and end game content.
       Specialty : ???



When you first spawn into the world, you will undergo elemental alignment. This is a simple process in which you select which element to start your journey with. Throughout your play through, you will come across statues representing a certain element. Interacting with such statues will set your elemental alignment to that of the statue. Each element has two abilities and five passive talents that they can acquire. More on the acquisition of abilities will occur later.


feugaum icon     Fuegaum



  flash fire icon  Flash Fire

       Releases a burst of flames in front of the Player.
       10s CD | Instant

  flash fire icon  Flash Fire +

       Flames are released in an AOE around the Player. Increased damage.
       10s CD | Instant

  immolation icon  Immolation

       All damage dealt by the Player sets targets on fire for a short duration.
       25s CD | 8s Duration

  immolation icon  Immolation +

       Targets will also explode. This will not damage terrain.
       25s CD | 8s Duration

[!] Grace of Silver

When smelting ores, there is a chance to double the output.

[!] Searing Touch

Blocks mines by your fist are auto-smelted.

[!] Heart Ablaze

Permanently immune to fire and lava damage.

[!] Radiance

Damage dealt by your abilities is doubled while it is daytime.

[!] Seeking Fire

Dealing damage will cause the Player's target to be revealed and take more damage for a short duration.
10s CD | 3s Duration


theraum icon     Theraum



  fissure icon  Fissure

       Creates a Theraum construct on a target area that launches targets up.
       15s CD | Instant

  fissure icon  Fissure +

       Creates four constructs centered around the Player.
       15s CD | Instant

  crumble icon  Crumble

       Resonates all nearby Theraum constructs, destroying them and launching mobs in an AOE towards you.
       30s CD | Instant

  crumble icon  Crumble +

       Mobs that are launched towards the Player are slowed and take increased damage for a short duration.
       30s CD | 3s Duration

[!] Miner's Greed

When mining a gemstone ore, you are guaranteed +1 item drop.

[!] Earthmover's Panache

Dirt and Stone blocks can be instantly mined by your fist. This will not drop any item.

[!] Titan's Soul

Permanently gain a small amount of resistance.

[!] Stoneweaver's Revenge

When you destroy Theraum constructs, they shatter, dealing damage to nearby mobs.

[!] Gaia's Will

Theraum constructs will periodically resonate, dealing damage to surrounding mobs.
5s CD | Instant


sensaum icon     Sensaum



  pulse icon  Pulse

       Places a Sensaum construct that periodically heals Players in an AOE.
       20s CD | Instant

  pulse icon  Pulse +

       Additionally applies a weak poison to mobs in the AOE.
       20s CD | 5s Duration

  smog icon  Smog

       Applies a strong poison to mobs in an AOE.
       30s CD | 10s Duration

  smog icon  Smog +

       Applies withering instead, as well as increasing the duration.
       30s CD | 15s Duration

[!] Bountiful Harvest

When harvesting crops, you are guaranteed +1 item drop.

[!] Bolster

The structure created by Pulse will additionally provide strength.

[!] Natural Servitude

Tameable animals can be tamed by right-clicking on them.

[!] Curse of the Wild

When the Sensaum structure is destroyed, it applies a strong withering to nearby mobs.

[!] Circle of Life

When a mob afflicted by poison or wither dies, it will spread the effect to other nearby mobs.


zephaum icon     Zephaum



  updraft icon  Updraft

       Launch nearby mobs into the air.
       15s CD | Instant

  updraft icon  Updraft +

       Also launches the Player into the air.
       15s CD | Instant

  refresh icon  Refresh

       Heals the Player and refreshes Updraft's cooldown.
       35s CD | Instant

  refresh icon  Refresh +

       The Player also dashes forward, pushing any nearby mobs away from them.
       35s CD | Instant

[!] Flow State

Permanently gain slowfall.

[!] Center of Pressure

Using an ability reduces the cooldown of the abilities of nearby Players.

[!] With the Wind

Permanently gain a small amount of speed boost.

[!] Press the Attack

Whenever you Refresh, nearby players receive healing and a small speed boost.

[!] Fervor

Dealing damage gives you a large amount of speed boost.


glacaum icon     Glacaum



  chilling aura icon  Chilling Aura

       Applies a slow and small damage over time to mobs in an AOE around the Player.
       15s CD | 3s Duration

  chilling aura icon  Chilling Aura +

       Increased duration, AOE range, and damage.
       15s CD | 5s Duration

  freezing aura icon  Flash Freeze

       Freeze all mobs in an AOE around the Player, preventing them from moving.
       30s CD | 5s Duration

  flash fire icon  Flash Freeze +

       Frozen mobs take more damage while frozen.
       30s CD | 5s Duration

[!] Tools of the Trade

When fishing, you are guaranteed +1 item drop.

[!] Permafrost

When Chilling Aura is cast, Dirt and Stone blocks under the Player are converted to frosted ice. You gain a speed boost while on ice blocks.

[!] Glacial Touch

When you damage a mob, they are slowed for a short duration.

[!] Impaling Ice

When a mob is damaged while frozen, they take massive damage and become unfrozen.

[!] Heart of the South

If you are to die, you will be encased in ice, preventing your death and will rapidly heal over a short duration.
30min CD | 3s Duration


hydraum icon     Hydraum



  ripple icon  Ripple

       Grants healing to nearby Players in an AOE.
       25s CD | Instant

  ripple icon  Ripple +

       Also grants other Players a boost of strength for a short duration.
       25s CD | 5s Duration

  tidal surge icon  Tidal Surge

       Pushes back mobs that are in front of the Player.
       30s CD | Instant

  tidal surge icon  Tidal Surge +

       Pushes the player backwards and grants them slowfall for a short duration.
       30s CD | Instant

[!] Resourcefulness

When brewing, you have a chance to not consume reagents.

[!] Rainchaser

Gain a speed boost while in the rain.

[!] Waverider

Gain speed boost, water breathing, and haste while in water.

[!] Reflection

When you cast Ripple while looking at another player, you teleport to their location.

[!] Heart of the Conduit

You share any effects you possess with other Players in an AOE.


galvaum icon     Galvaum



  stormcaller icon  Stormcaller

       Summon lightning at the target location, dealing large damage to mobs in an AOE.
       20s CD | Instant

  stormcaller icon  Stormcaller +

       You will teleport to the target location after the lightning has struck.
       20s CD | Instant

  chain lightning icon  Chain Lightning

       Damage you deal will bounce between enemies for a short duration.
       30s CD | 3s Duration

  chain lightning icon  Chain Lightning +

       Decreased cooldown and increased duration.
       25s CD | 5s Duration

[!] Stormchaser

When you are near a lightning strike, you gain strength for a short duration.

[!] Brewing Thunder

After lightning strikes, it leaves behind a static cloud that damages mobs inside of it.

[!] Shocking Prowess

Permanently gain a small amount of strength

[!] Static Remnant

When you move, you leave behind a static cloud that damages mobs inside of it.

[!] Eye of the Storm

Chain lightning bounces infinitely until all mobs in an AOE are killed.


Ability Progression

After you have undergone elemental alignment for the first time, you will gain your first ability. The ability you gain is based on the element you have chosen, and will be the first ability that is listed for each given element above. Ability progression is strongly tied to world progression, where each time your world level increases, every player from there on out will gain one more additional ability. Since the world level can reach 8, you will eventually gain 8 additional abilities, which consists of 1 new ability, 2 upgrades to existing abilities, and 5 passive talents. If you change your elemental alignment in a higher world level, or a new player joins the world, the progress will be carried through.

The order in which you gain abilities is as follows:

World Level Ability Gained
0 Basic Ability
1 Passive Talent 1
2 Basic Ability Upgrade
3 Passive Talent 2
4 Ultimate Ability
5 Passive Talent 3
6 Ultimate Ability Upgrade
7 Passive Talent 4
8 Passive Talent 5

World Progression

A goal of mine for this mod is to make the world more dynamic, changing as you play through the game. I plan to do this through multiple avenues, however the major one will be having the Player defeat bosses. There will be 8 major bosses in the mod, each representative of a particular element. I plan to make the bosses in a way which allows the Player to fight them in any order they please (with the exception being the boss of the Auraum element). Defeating one of these major bosses will increase the world level by 1, and allow for more difficult mobs of their element to spawn. I am also looking into having different materials such as metal ores spawning (Terraria-style), however that one is not guaranteed.

When the world level increases, the health and damage of *all* mobs will scale with it. This will mean each boss will get progressively harder, and encourages the Player to explore for better Artifacts. In addition to this, weapons that you find around your world in chests will potentially have a higher rarity and better stats.


These are unique items that offer some utility and generally possess better stats than other weapons you will encounter. Each will have a special ability that has a rather significant effect, from summoning black holes, to granting life steal. The power level of the stats and effects that you obtain from an Artifact will depend on your current world level at the time you pick them up.

New Weapon Types

Currently, I am open to adding new weapon types to the game. I have designed one in particular, named Impetus. These are catalogues of magic that are able to activate an effect based on the item cooldown system. They can be crafted as well as found in chests and can also be a type of Artifact.

I will leave this editing session here - however I will outline the things that I still plan to add/elaborate on:

  • Item rarities
  • Mob rarities
  • Stat bonuses
  • New smelting system
  • New brewing system
  • Crafting changes
  • Armour set bonuses
  • General changes

There will be more to look forward to in the coming days, so stay tuned!

Edited by Octave_ on Sun, 09/12/2021 - 09:45
Last seen on 10:52, 15. Jul 2024
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Thank you! I'm really…
Wed, 09/08/2021 - 12:21

Thank you! I'm really excited to see all of it come together. As a side question - would there be a more appropriate topic category to put a thread of constant updates? Mod Design Feedback seems to be used for one-off design choices like sprites, models, stories, etc. Whereas this is and entire mod that I plan to be working on and provide updates on.

Last seen on 10:52, 15. Jul 2024
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Alright thanks, I've…
Fri, 09/10/2021 - 10:26

Alright thanks, I've migrated the forum to that location, would it be possible to close this one?

I believe this topic was…
Mon, 09/20/2021 - 06:19

I believe this topic was moved to correct location anyway ^^
But I have to say, very original idea and I love it so much. I can imagine this mod being another "classic" to use alongside Origins/Origins:Classes someday.

Last seen on 14:01, 13. Apr 2022
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If u r planning on working…
Thu, 01/06/2022 - 14:18

If u r planning on working on that mod i would love to help you! I love doing models and textures!

my discord: Avila#7729
my portfolio: ArtStation - pedravila