Topic category: Troubleshooting, bugs, and solutions
There's a weird thing going on. In single-player it works PERFECLY fine, but, on server it works fine only for one player (this player is always the same). Here we can see, that other players do, they try to change this PLAYER_PERSISTANT text global varible and it not changes. But the other player can.
Idk what's the problem, but it seems that other players varibale is always empty, beacause when you try to use something, that possible for certain string in this varibale it shows you this error:
28 [Server thread/FATAL]: Error executing task on Server
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag.getDouble(String)" because "nbt" is null
How to fix it? It's supposed to be diffrent for every player, but somehow it's always empty even if you set it to exact text.
It seems it's issue between client and server because if you change it specificlly, it won't show you that you have the right string name, but other people whos abilities triggred by those strings are working around that people, so it seems string doesn't change itself in CLIENT but does on server side or smth
Fixed it! It seems that global triggers (sent chat, dropped item etc) doesnt work properly with global variables!! Be carefull!
Did you end up not using those triggers to fix it?