Simple Ore Generators

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In development
MIT License
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Adds 4 tiers of ore generators. each tier has it's own list of ores it can generate. Each generator can push items to an above storage.

You can add any ore you want from any mod by simply giving it the tag listed under each generator tier.

Tier 1:

Generate time: 5 seconds

Ores: Coal, Copper, Iron

Common Drops Tag: tier_1_ores

Rare Drops Tag: tier_1oresrare

Tier 2:

Generate time: 2.5 seconds

Ores: Coal, Copper, Iron, Lapis, Gold

Tag: tier_2_ores

Rare Drops Tag: tier_2oresrare

Tier 3:

Generate time: 1 seconds

Ores: Lapis: Gold: Nether Quartz, Iron, Redstone Dust

Tag: tier_3_ores

Rare Drops Tag: tier_3oresrare

Tier 4:

Generate time: 1 seconds

Ores: Diamond, Gold, Nether Quartz, Netherite Scrap

Tag: tier_4_ores

Rare Drops Tag: tier_4oresrare

Extra info for modpack devs

You can add more ore's to each generator by simply using the tag under each tier. [simple_ore_generators:tier_1_ores]

KubeJS code to add on server_scripts

ServerEvents.tags('item', event => {
	event.add('simple_ore_generators:tier_1_ores', 'minecraft:diamond')
Minecraft mod files
SimpleOreGenerators 1.19.2-1.1.4.jar - Fix to full chests crash Uploaded on: 07/16/2023 - 16:24   File size: 736.89 KB

# Version 1.1.4

* Bug Fixes
    * Fixed issue with inputting into chests
    * fixed Creative Tab Showing wrong name

* Known Imcompatibilites 
    * Can't output to Sophisticated Storage