Placing block on entity death isn't working

Published by Nosferatu8 on
Works as designed
Issue description

I have a problem that when i made a procedure in a ranged item "When bullet hits living entity" i need to place a block on y+2 and spawn some particles IF the procedure checking for X item in the player offhand.
The same procedure working with "When bullet hits block" so i think i wasn't made a mistake. Can you guys fix this in 1.8.4?


Issue comments

I can't see the picture.

And this is how it works. If you check for the offhand item, it will check for the offhand of the entity it hits. If it is not a player entity, this will not work, unless the entity has X item in the offhand.

I started using

Is current entity (sub)type of EntityPlayerMP = Item in entity's offhand X
Is current entity (sub)type of EntityPlayer = Item in entity's offhand X

I just want to know that the MP will check for players in multiplayer tho? Isn't it going to mixing like using both player entity at the same time? Or just use MP?

Just use EntityPlayer, this will check for all player types. But I don't think this check will help as the provided entity is still not the shooter but the entity that was hit.