Need help with tick update

Published by MMG on
Issue description

So. Before some time I had problem with my dimension and multiple biomes within. Klemen you know what I am talking about. We decided to make new ticket, but I was lazy. Today I was working on idea I had some time and. Can someone explain me how tick update works? I was working on solar generator that will every tick produce energy (procedure works I tried) I made it to be activated on tick update. I set tick rate of the block to 20. But nothing hapened. Random tick works but normal one doesnt. What the hack I am doing wrong? Can someone explain?

Issue comments

Author Submitted by MMG on Sat, 09/28/2019 - 19:53 Permalink

Oh I am sorry. I dont know how. But it works now. I will try that issue with biomes in dimensions again to see if it works too

Author Submitted by MMG on Sat, 09/28/2019 - 20:00 Permalink

No the bug with diimension biomes is still there