Massive Biomes

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Hello! Here is my mod about biomes! It's called Massive Biomes!

This mod add new biomes, with the natural blocks of minecraft. You have neutral biomes, helpful biomes and bad biomes.

Is the first MCreator mod with snow biomes! Check this tutorial to learn How to make cold biomes!

New biomes:

  • Tall swampland: a rare swampland with large trees. This biome has all the mobs and is an important source of pumpkins. You can cut the vines with shears and place them at the long of the trees (for obtain the pumpkins).
  • Underwater Plains: An experimental biome. Still I don't test it.
  • Spinal: Supposed to be an spinal with cacti on all the map, but the cacti can grow on grass.
  • Frozen Spinal: A snowy version of Spinal.
  • Cold desert: A cold version of the common desert.
  • Frozenland: A snow version of the common forest.
  • Deadland: One of the worst biomes. There're only clay, Pigzombies and Creepers.
  • The Nether of surface: This and the Deadland are the worst biomes. If you found this biome, avoid it. Here spawn Ghasts and Blazes. If you spawn here, your bad luck is HUGE. Also is an important source of glowstone (you can replace torchs for glowstone).
  • Farmerland: The best biome to spawn. Agriculture and passive mobs filling the entire map! 
  • Secret mob :O

Please recommend me more biomes! And if you wish, share this and the Locked Chest mod to support me! :D It isn't hard!

Some Screenshots:


Snow spinal:

Farmer land:

Tall swampland:


The bad Nether of Surface:

Minecraft mod files
[1.6.4]Massive Biomes Uploaded on: 07/23/2015 - 18:09   File size: 287.79 KB