"Group" setting for recipes

Issue description

I wasn't sure if it fell under "Recipe Book Compatibility", so I made it a different ticket.
This setting would let the user change the "group" field of recipes. Currently it's always the same as the mod id, which causes them to be cramped in the same tab.

Issue comments

It's 2020.4, and I'm not seeing this feature added.. Would you like to clarify exactly where this was added?

Or maybe you misunderstood his request. When in survival mode crafting menu, there are tabs that help sort certain recipes, mostly ranging from blocks, weapons, crafting items, redstone-related things, and so forth.

What he was requesting was a way to add additional tabs to that specific area, to allow for easier sorting/finding of modded crafting recipes, as currently they all get glommed into a single slot within a category, making it impossible to find a specific recipe since right clicking a multi-recipe slot can only show about 12-15 recipes at a time, even in fullscreen, with no way to scroll down to see more.