MCreator Boss Discussion

Started by FreddyFoxGam3r on

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MCreator Boss Discussion


On this page you can dicuss the bosses from your mods.

I may play your mods if they are good.

My mod is called necroncraft. It is a cool boss hunt mod.

Here is a Boss list of all the bosses iv'e planned so far for my mod.


Warlord (Health 80) Hit you with a sword.

Construct Of The Undead (Health 235) A loser who sits in the air while his minions work for him.

Troll King (Health 350) Just a stronger version of the warlord.


Construct Of Fire (Health 370) Just another loser but he actually fights you this time.

Demonic 5 (5 Overall Bosses) Nothing special, just some bosses.


Enderking (Health 400) Teleports and prods you with his swprd.

Construct of the Mind (Health 465) messes with ur mind.


Dezurus (Health 480) Big lizard dude.

Forgot the Name of this One (Health 670) Big scorpian looking boi

Azuriosor (Health 780) King Monster.


Dreadful Twins (Health 10,000) Conjoined twins of evil.

Behemoth (Health 80,000) Two phase dragon boss

Visuladoesa (Hea;th 250,000) Final Boss, big eye monster with arms and 4 legs. HUGE. Most powerful MCreator boss (I think)

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Hallow huh? Did you get…
Sat, 03/14/2020 - 09:20

Hallow huh? Did you get inspiration from terraria? Other than that it sounds really fun and ill love to play it.

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Yay. In answer to the…
Sat, 03/14/2020 - 10:12

Yay. In answer to the question. No, I just thought of a name, isn't the hallow in terraria red, if so, the Hallow in my mod is red as well.

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oof, that breaks my terraria…
Sat, 03/21/2020 - 03:23

oof, that breaks my terraria heart.

Crimson: Red

Hallow : Blue/Pink (Rainbow Trees, Pixies,Unicorns etc)

Corruption: Purple

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O. Ok BTW what's ur…
Sat, 03/21/2020 - 06:52

O. Ok

BTW what's ur favourite terraria boss

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Vanilla Terraria: King Slime…
Sat, 03/21/2020 - 17:07

Vanilla Terraria: King Slime/ Plantera

Modded: My own boss, and Slime God/ Crabulon

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please release your mod bc…
Sun, 03/22/2020 - 07:20

please release your mod bc it sounds awesome

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Ok, May be a bit delay but I…
Sun, 03/22/2020 - 07:32

Ok, May be a bit delay but I mod quite fast.

Mostly Because my current mod is now glitchfest of bugs, 1 of them is the Construct of Fire occasionally summons about 1000 minions every 0.1 seconds. All the minions die instantly and the game crashes.

Mod will be out around June - August.

Sorry for delay.

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Also what's the most…
Sun, 03/22/2020 - 07:36

Also what's the most powerful Alloy Reforged Boss?

And what do you think is the strongest Mcreator Boss.

I think it is the Modified Golem that I make as A joke. Even if you hit ot with a 1,0000000 Damage Sword it doesn't make a dent.

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(The mod is not ready) I am…
Sat, 01/30/2021 - 16:46

(The mod is not ready) I am making a mod and in the first version I plan to add 4 bosses, the one I have so far is king illager, he has 400 hearts (800 health) because in the mod there are powerful weapons (ahem : katanas, they have little damage (the one with diamond 4) but they are like the pvp before the combat update, that is, you can spam them without cooldown) or other weapons (the mod adds classes and many things .-.), for me, a boss is not a good boss without multiple attacks, and I did it with multiple attacks:
1. summon evokador fangs (actually circles that work as a warning and a few ticks then turn into fangs) in an X shape
2. Summons evokator fangs in the form of +
3. invoke a circle of these (it is quite extensive, the further away, the more holes to avoid it)
4. summons 3 vexes
5. Summons three red circles, they randomly become: witch, pillager or vindicator
6. Once below 50% health, he has a small chance to summon fangs in a small circle around him when hit
I have a lot of work to put on that mod, so I work daily even a little

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Wow, i like that. I think it…
Sat, 01/30/2021 - 17:30

Wow, i like that.

I think it could easily beat the first bosses from SAB.

When will the first version come out?

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I don't have an established…
Sun, 01/31/2021 - 17:18

I don't have an established date, although it lacks a lot, since I really want to make it big, and not only are they bosses, I'm about to finish the first beta, but it will be private for a small circle of friends, there will be 4 betas, one for each boss and functions in the mod, I have means set that they are each beta:
1. the biggest probably, the mod base, includes materials, classes, king illager and an invasion plus a biome
2. second boss and aggregate of the money mechanics and npc traders
3. third boss and addition of the bestiary for the mod, which is used to know the probability of dropping behavior or part of the lore of the mod (the entrances are unlocked once the mob is killed or in case the npc have bought something from them) and added a second invasion
4. last boss and upgrade to the bestiary, new varied weapons of shooting stars, which fall during the night after defeating the first bossThe last changes to the bestiary (added vanilla entries) will be the most infernal, because there are many mobs, but the bestiary will not be complete in the first version, since little by little I will release patches for this one, with improvements, bug fixes and others small things, since the versions are big
I have a lot of work, although I think the longest will be the bestiary and the money mechanics, although after taking a lot of work it becomes easier
PS: what is SAB? I do not know
PD2: sorry for my bad English, I use google translator

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It should be noted that it…
Sun, 01/31/2021 - 17:21

It should be noted that it is my "first" mod (I did others, but nothing important or worth uploading, just experiments) but I'm giving it a lot of love

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Sounds Cool Good Luck!
Sun, 01/31/2021 - 17:41

Sounds Cool

Good Luck!

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I started a mod called "The…
Sun, 06/19/2022 - 06:18

I started a mod called "The Strongest" and it aims to add like 30+ new bosses to the game, as well as a few dimensions, ores, etc. And I think it has the strongest bosses ever. There's omnipotent bosses that have billions, quintillions, undecillions of hp (Yeah I figured out how to add basically as much health as I want using variables) and there's five main bosses, known as the omnipotent bosses. They're the strongest 5 bosses in the game. All of these bosses are completely invincible to any attack except the custom weapons in my mod that seal in power, or deal crazy damage and stuff. Here's all of them:

The world ender (8589934588 HP) is the weakest omnipotent boss, and it can't be killed unless you use one of the special infinity weapons, or you just despawn it, or /kill. This boss is the second biggest boss in the game, being bigger than the size of Stephenson 2-18 (The biggest star in the known universe). Oh yeah, and this boss is also a tank-type, so it has more hp than some of the other omnipotent bosses, but it's still the weakest one. Its final move destroys an entire dimension, but in return, the World Ender dies.

The ancient guardian (4001024HP) is the second weakest omnipotent boss, and basically it's a giant-sized guardian. As in giant sized, I literally mean 1 billion times the size of a guardian. It can casually destroy dimensions, deal tons of damage, shoot gigantic blue fireballs, cause storms that destroy biomes, deal millions of damage to nearby mobs with kill aura, and it's ridiculously strong. /kill won't work on it, as well as any instant kill method, not even despawning can defeat this boss, and it can only be killed with one of the infinity weapons (They're like the omnipotent slayer weapons) But still, the SECOND WEAKEST omnipotent boss in my mod.

The wither god (40001024HP) is just a stronger version of the ancient guardian, and is hundreds of times bigger than wither storm or any mob you know. It has three forms, Giant, supergiant and god. It tests the player's strength by holding back, but as you defeat the Giant wither, it'll use a bit more power and turn into the supergiant wither, and if you defeat that, then it'll go all-out with God mode, or the Wither God.

The Omnipotent god (100000000000000000000000010737422331 HP) is the second strongest omnipotent boss in my game, having 5 forms. The first four forms only have 1024 hp, or the limit of vanilla minecraft, but as soon as its fifth form comes out, all of a sudden it's insane. It's invincible just like every other omnipotent boss, unless you use one of the strongest infinity weapons. It has a core/heart that you have to destroy before you can even start attacking the Omnipotent God. The core has 100 undecillion hp, but after you destroy that, it's pretty easy to win, because the omnipotent god without the heart only has like 10 billion hp or so. It can also casually destroy dimensions.


The Transcendent God (Infinite HP) is the strongest omnipotent boss in the mod, and maybe the strongest in all of modded minecraft. All its stats are infinity, making it pretty much unbeatable. It has two forms: Soul and god. Starting out as the transcendent soul, it has googolplex hp and can already beat every other omnipotent boss all together, and is immune to every weapon and damage type EXCEPT the millia sword (10^3003 damage), boundless blade (Googol damage) and the omniversal blade (1 Undecillion damage). Although I say it can be hurt by these, they don't deal enough damage to actually kill the transcendent soul. So let's say you spent googolplex years or so hitting the transcendent god with the millia sword, then you can finally defeat it... Only for it to transform... Into the Transcendent God. At this point, nothing can beat it, the kill aura erases all mobs around it from existence, it can even kill all omnipotent bosses in less than a second at this point, and it's the size of our universe. Yeah. It literally has milky-way sized galaxies inside of it, and it's the biggest boss in my mod, and probably all of modded minecraft. The witherstorm, witherzilla, titans, godzilla, even a galaxy is like an atom compared to this boss. As well as that, all its stats are just "infinity" and it can't be despawned, hurt, killed, no matter what you do. If you spawn this dude in, just say goodbye to your world, there's nothing you can do about it.


But yeah, these are the five omnipotent bosses of my mod. Of course, there are much weaker bosses in my mod that you can actually fight without extremely overpowered weapons, like the Sea King or Sky dragon, or ultra blaze. These are only the strongest bosses in my mod, and there are much funner boss fights and much weaker bosses.