Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
I guess you could say this is not what this forum is meant for, because i am not asking for help.
But, i have created some models that you can use for your mod! such as:
bear, fox, enderman, cat, wolf, big wolf, and skeleton!
You could consider them all incomplete, because the bear cannot get on its hind legs, the cats and wolfs cannot sit, the fox doesnt have any special animations, and the enderman and skeletons cannot wear anything, or hold anything, or have an attack animation. but unfortunately, i do not know how to make this happen. If i make anymore models, i will post them here as a google drive link.
bear, fox, enderman, cat, wolf. big wolf, and skeleton:
Hey, i was wondering if there is a better place for me to put this?
there is an issue with the enderman model. I dont know much about java but after looking into it I think there may have been an issue since you declare right arm left arm but also rightarm_1 but do not have a left leg. but later in the code you refrence left leg. was rightarm_1 supposed to be leftleg? I couldnt fix it after trying for a bit so im still not entirely sure why it wont compile in mcreator. any updates on this would be great @9678Dash.
nevermind, I was able to fix it. idk why it wasnt working earlier but i changed rightarm_1 to leftleg everywhere that it occured and it is fixed. enderman now works perfectly! just for anyone else who may find this here is the entirety of the working enderman file.
package net.minecraft.src;
import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBase;
import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelRenderer;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
* ModelEnderman - Either Mojang or a mod author
* Created using Tabula 7.0.0
public class ModelEnderman extends ModelBase {
public ModelRenderer rightarm;
public ModelRenderer rightleg;
public ModelRenderer torso;
public ModelRenderer leftarm;
public ModelRenderer leftleg;
public ModelRenderer head;
public ModelRenderer mask;
public ModelEnderman() {
this.textureWidth = 64;
this.textureHeight = 32;
this.leftarm = new ModelRenderer(this, 56, 0);
this.leftarm.mirror = true;
this.leftarm.setRotationPoint(5.0F, -12.0F, 0.0F);
this.leftarm.addBox(-1.0F, -2.0F, -1.0F, 2, 30, 2, 0.0F);
this.rightleg = new ModelRenderer(this, 56, 0);
this.rightleg.setRotationPoint(-2.0F, -5.0F, 0.0F);
this.rightleg.addBox(-1.0F, 0.0F, -1.0F, 2, 30, 2, 0.0F);
this.torso = new ModelRenderer(this, 32, 16);
this.torso.setRotationPoint(0.0F, -14.0F, -0.0F);
this.torso.addBox(-4.0F, 0.0F, -2.0F, 8, 12, 4, 0.0F);
this.head = new ModelRenderer(this, 0, 16);
this.head.setRotationPoint(0.0F, -13.0F, -0.0F);
this.head.addBox(-4.0F, -8.0F, -4.0F, 8, 8, 8, -0.5F);
this.mask = new ModelRenderer(this, 0, 0);
this.mask.setRotationPoint(0.0F, 0.0F, -0.0F);
this.mask.addBox(-4.0F, -8.0F, -4.0F, 8, 8, 8, 0.0F);
this.rightarm = new ModelRenderer(this, 56, 0);
this.rightarm.setRotationPoint(-5.0F, -12.0F, 0.0F);
this.rightarm.addBox(-1.0F, -2.0F, -1.0F, 2, 30, 2, 0.0F);
this.leftleg = new ModelRenderer(this, 56, 0);
this.leftleg.mirror = true;
this.leftleg.setRotationPoint(2.0F, -5.0F, 0.0F);
this.leftleg.addBox(-1.0F, 0.0F, -1.0F, 2, 30, 2, 0.0F);
public void render(Entity entity, float f, float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4, float f5) {
* This is a helper function from Tabula to set the rotation of model parts
public void setRotateAngle(ModelRenderer modelRenderer, float x, float y, float z) {
modelRenderer.rotateAngleX = x;
modelRenderer.rotateAngleY = y;
modelRenderer.rotateAngleZ = z;
public void setRotationAngles(float f, float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4, float f5, Entity entity)
super.setRotationAngles(f, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, entity);
this.head.rotateAngleY = f3 / (180F / (float)Math.PI);
this.head.rotateAngleX = f4 / (180F / (float)Math.PI);
this.leftarm.rotateAngleX = MathHelper.cos(f * 1.0F) * -1.0F * f1;
this.rightarm.rotateAngleX = MathHelper.cos(f * 1.0F) * 1.0F * f1;
this.leftleg.rotateAngleX = MathHelper.cos(f * 0.6662F + (float)Math.PI) * 2.0F * f1 * 0.5F;
this.rightleg.rotateAngleX = MathHelper.cos(f * 0.6662F) * 2.0F * f1 * 0.5F;
Sorry that i didnt see this yet, but thank you for fixing it!
Nice ! +1
amazing thanks for this it saved me soooo much trouble there's still more I need but this will doo any way thanks again
Thanks :)
but i've tried some of the models and the bear works but the enderman doesnt mcreator tells me it couldnt compile properly, I changed the model to a default one and it worked fine. Any suggestions?
Just read what LeagueOfShadows said, so redact my previous coomment.
How do you apply that code to your mod?
By that i mean where do i put it?
Nvm i worked that out aswell, idk how to delete a comment though srry
@9678Dash where did you get these? (so that I can find them myself)
Sorry for the late reply, I don't check mcreator often anymore. But I got the base models from Tabula, and edited them to make them easier to work with. If you need any help with Tabula then my discord id is 9678Dash#2535. I would say to just message me here, but i don't get notifications from here.
can you make steve .java?