S0 anyways, I was making a apple wrapped by aluminum foil. It is crafted by aluminum foil and 8 apples(If that's important)(And it's a item, not a food)
I set the max item duration to like 8.
and I bound this procedure to when item right clicked:
set player hunger to: get player hunger+3;
deal 1 damage to provided item;
play sound: entity.player.burp at x,y,z pitch 1, volume 0;
But in game, I can eat the foil-wrapped apeples, but It won't do damage to it's durability. Can sumbudy help?
This is the same issue as with this bug: https://mcreator.net/tracker/issue/50841 MCreator makes itemstack copy and does operations on the copy and this way original is not affected.
We will fix this in 1.9.1.