The Craft of Cthulhu 1.11.2

Published by LordGael22 on
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We are on the year 1944 , the oberbefehlshaber (chief-commender) have lost the contact with an part of the SS paranormal division and with the Wermacht troop who are with the SS paranomal division . The last transimission of the wermacht here is:  "SS.DISCOVERD.SOME.ARTEFACT.CTHULHU.DON'T.COME. "

So the oberbefehlshaber have order to you to discover what was appened to the SS.paranomal division and why they don't want the commandement know what they have discovered.But he have warned you too , the Wermacht probably attack you , they have order to ...



Wermacht soldier :

Aggressif , ranged attack and if they are colide of you they attack with hand .

SSwaffen :

Aggressif , ranged attack .

Wermacht zombie :

Aggresif , hand attack , attack SSwaffen and Wermacht soliders.

Weird soldier :

An wermacht soldier who turned into a cthulhu monster , hand attack , fast run , attack SSwaffen and Wermacht soldiers.

Insane waffenSS:

The waffen officiert who discovered the Cthulhu idol and open the portal , turn for unkown reason into an horrible monster , fast run , 100 healt point , 50 attack damage , mini-boss , attack SSwaffen and Wermachts solider .


Weapons :

Mp40 ; German submachinegun , fast fire , /!\ if you fire too much the weapon don't stop to shoot so double click for stop it /!\ .

Mp40 ammo ; ammo for the Mp40.

Luger; Geman pistol , deal knckback to the enemy .

Luger ammo ; ammor for the Luger .

Grenade ; launch for a big boom !

Items ;

Cthulhu idol ; the loot of an insane waffenSS , the key of the portal.


concrete ; MAKE ME A BUNKER NOW !

reinforced concrete ; to be not exploded by an grenade .

concrete (rune) ; portalframe.

Unholy bloc ; Right click for summon the Insane waffenSS boss.


Structures ; 

Bunker ; here stay the Insane waffenSS boss , very rare structure


Dimension ;

R'lyeh city (WIP)




Some idea for the next versions (WIP) :


bike, for run fast

flamer , to purge the monster !

flameaxe , to cut all these monsters !

commandement order (to control an Wermacht allied groop )

and some other things ...



Thanks for the download the alpha of the mod ! And good game ! ^^




Minecraft mod files
the_craft_of_cthulhu_wwii.alphaversion.jar Uploaded on: 06/26/2017 - 11:02   File size: 213.3 KB

Please fix the description's mistakes and add more screenshots. Sounds interesting, but don't know if worth downloading due to no screenshots.