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Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
Ok. im making a mod of the Dragon Balls Series, i wish that in the next update they will be a death system, this is how it work, when u die, spawn in a other dimension, called the other world, in this dimension, u are supposed to spawn at structure where a man is waiting for u, and if u right click on him, it will ask if u want to go to hell or heaven. so i want to know how do u do, to span the structure at 0 100 0. and make that when the player enter the dimension, he spawn at the structure.
There is a "place at x y z: {custom structure}" procedure block.
ok but how do i make player spawn at this area
(Place at x: [0], y: [100], z: [0]: {custom structure})
You can use commands to set spawn point
it is "/spawnpoint PLAYERNAME 0 100 0" I believe. (keep the PLAYERNAME, that is how Minecraft detects what player you want it to do)
when you create the dimension element, on the page where you define the triggers make a procedure for "When player enters dimension". in the procedure you can use "move provided entity to x,y,z"
Active 2 hours ago
Joined Mar 2020
User points: 528
(Place at x: [0], y: [100],…
Fri, 06/12/2020 - 20:42
(Place at x: [0], y: [100], z: [0]: {custom structure})
You can use commands to set spawn point
it is "/spawnpoint PLAYERNAME 0 100 0" I believe. (keep the PLAYERNAME, that is how Minecraft detects what player you want it to do)
if you use
it will execute
1. Why do you keep copying my entire profile things
2. That sets the worlds spawn, he/she does not want that
thanks but its he ;)
Thx for the tutorial